June 1949 Popular Science
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early
electronics. See articles from
Science, published 1872-2021. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
In the aftermath of World
War II, the entire world had become suddenly aware of and interested in the
power of nuclear reactions. As with so many technical innovations, the
necessities of winning and ending a battle produced knowledge and means to
exploit the energy released in both nuclear fission (uranium and plutonium) and
nuclear fusion (hydrogen). The remaining issue was learning to safely contain
and control reactions so that electric power could be generated by it. The
world's first commercial nuclear power generation facility, Calder Hall Nuclear
Power Station, located at the Sellafield site in Cumbria, England, was
commissioned by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) on October
17, 1956 (7 years after this 1949 Popular Science magazine article). The
station's initial generation capacity was around 50 MW, utilizing a Magnox
reactor, a type of gas-cooled nuclear reactor that used natural uranium as fuel
and carbon dioxide as a coolant. The first commercial nuclear power facility in
the U.S. was the Shippingport Atomic Power Station, located in Shippingport,
Pennsylvania, on the Ohio River, was dedicated on December 2, 1957.
U.S. to Breed Own Atoms

Only three fissionable materials, or fuel for atomic power (symbolized
by eggs in picture above), have so far been discovered. And only one can be dug
from a mine. The other two must be manufactured in an atomic pile from naturally
occurring fertile atoms (balls).
New power plants to make more fuel than they burn.
By Volta Torrey
"Operation Bootstrap" is an attempt to build an atomic power plant that will
manufacture more fuel than it consumes. This would be like heating your home with
a furnace that turned water into oil so readily that you never had to buy oil, either
for the furnace or your car.
This sounds as crazy as eating your cake while baking it. But it is now theoretically
possible for a nation to multiply its supply of fuel while using it.
The Atomic Energy Commission has started Operation Bootstrap by ordering two
"breeders" built. They will be nuclear reactors that, if successful, will produce
1. More fuel for more atomic engines.
2. Heat convertible into electricity.
3. Isotopes as useful as radium.
These breeders will be test models, representing only two steps toward the development
of power plants capable of generating millions of kilowatts while manufacturing
fuel for ships, airplanes, and rockets. There is no more reason to doubt now that
such plants can be built than there was in 1940 to doubt that an atomic bomb could
be made. But questions about the best way to do it, the hazards and costs, cannot
be answered yet. These breeders will be built to end those misgivings.
Neutron Speeds Are Varied
Nuclear reactors are called fast, slow, or intermediate, according to the velocities
at which neutrons generally are used in them to split atoms. A slow neutron is one
that is only going about as fast as the fastest airplanes ever built; a fast neutron
is one that is traveling a million or so miles an hour. The piles that you have
seen pictured in Popular Science are slow reactors, "How to Run an Atomic Power
Plant," Feb. '48, p. 128; "U. S. Lights New Atomic Pile for Peace," April '49, p.
The first breeder tried will be an intermediate-speed reactor, and the second
one will be a fast reactor. Construction of the intermediate-speed device is scheduled
to begin this year. General Electric will build it near Schenectady, N. Y., for
the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. It is expected to cost $18,000,000, and completing
it will take about two years. It will be the first intermediate-speed reactor ever

Fertile atom can be changed into fissionable atom by neutron
(represented here by tiny car) of right speed. The neutron is absorbed by the atom's
nucleus. Fertile atom then undergoes radioactive changes - wheels indicate emission
of beta particles - and becomes fissionable.
To Breed at High Speed
Building the second, faster breeder may take at least a year longer. Designers
at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago have been working on plans for it
for about two years. A fast reactor that will not explode has been running for some
time at Los Alamos, but it is such a little thing, as reactors go, that it has been
called a watch-fob model of a future atomic engine. The big fast reactor that the
AEC now has ordered will probably be placed in the new reactor-testing station about
to be established in Idaho. It will be a source of both power and more fuel.
Physicists call nuclear fuel "fissionable" material and refer to the stuff from
which it can be made as "fertile" material. By fissionable material, they mean something
consisting of atoms that will not come apart naturally for a long time but that
can be broken by a slow neutron.
Only three kinds of atoms like this have been found. They are those of
Uranium 235 Plutonium 239 Uranium 233
These are the three known fissionable materials. Only one of them, Uranium 235,
can be dug out of a mine, and it is not only scarce but also difficult to separate
from other uranium. The other two nuclear fuels, Plutonium 239 and Uranium 233,
have to be manufactured from fertile material.
There are two fertile materials in the earth's crust. They are
Uranium 238 Thorium 232
Both are comparatively plentiful and less difficult to obtain than Uranium 235.
So, whether we want more bombs or more industrial power from atomic energy, we are
likely to find it worth while to make much of our nuclear fuel out of these fertile
materials. One kind of fissionable material, Plutonium 239, can be made out of Uranium
238; and another kind of nuclear fuel, Uranium 233, can be made out of Thorium 232.

The bomb acts extremely fast, but a fast reactor is not necessarily
explosive - any reactor that uses neutrons without slowing them is called fast.
In bomb, so many neutrons (tiny cars) are confined in so little space with so many
fissionable atoms (eggs) that explosion results.
You can step into your kitchen and see the difference between fissionable and
fertile atoms. Let some water splatter into the sink so that big drops cling to
the enamel. Then take a medicine dropper and let some droplets fall on a few of
those big drops. You will find that your droplets are more likely to break a big
drop that is long and narrow than one that is nearly round. In the lingo of physics,
the elongated drops are more fissionable than the round ones.
The nuclei of the three fissionable and two fertile materials' atoms resemble
those big drops of water. The fissionable atoms' nuclei seem to be more lopsided
and less nearly spherical than those of the fertile atoms. This difference in shape
explains - as well as any mathematical process that men have been able to devise
- why the fissionable atoms usually come apart but the other two usually do not
when hit by slow neutrons.
By glancing at the five atoms' names, you can see why they are believed to be
shaped differently. The numbers after the names show how many nuclear particles
- protons and neutrons - each of these five kinds of atoms contains. All five are
large numbers, but, as you may have noticed, the numbers after the fissionable materials'
names are odd numbers whereas those after the names of the fertile materials are
even numbers. Each of these five kinds of atoms has an even number of protons in
it, so the final number means that the fissionable nuclei contain odd numbers of
neutrons and the fertile materials' nuclei contain even numbers of neutrons.
Why the Shapes Differ
The protons see to it that the nucleus is less spherical when the number of neutrons
is odd than when it is even. As you've heard many times, no doubt, each proton has
a positive electrical charge. These charges make the protons tend to stay as far
apart from each other as they can. Some of them get farther apart from some of the
others when they are confined in a nucleus with an odd number of neutrons than they
can when they are locked in with an even number of neutrons.
To make a fertile atom elongated enough to become fissionable, all you have to
do is put another neutron into its nucleus. But how would you go about such a delicate
and difficult operation as putting another invisible and only indirectly detectable
particle such as a neutron into a nucleus that is satisfied with an even number
of neutrons?
Ten years ago two refugees from Germany, O. R. Frisch and Lise Meitner, guessed
that hitting an atom of uranium with a neutron would sometimes split it. At a meeting
in Washington, Enrico Fermi then guessed that more neutrons would pop out when a
uranium atom was split. And that gave scientists the idea of splitting some atoms
of uranium to obtain more neutrons to drive into other atoms of uranium that were
fertile but not fissionable. This was done, and nuclear fuel made out of fertile
material was used in the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki.
Splitting other atoms is still the only feasible way known of obtaining big batches
of free neutrons that can be added to the nuclei of fertile atoms. Suppose you were
to smash a pound of fissionable Uranium 235 atoms. You would obtain about one-sixth
of an ounce of free neutrons. Most of them would start out extremely fast. Some
would hit and break other atoms. Others would bump into sturdier nuclei and such
collisions would slow the neutrons down. Many would slip right into other nuclei
and stay there.

In a slow reactor, the fast neutrons (racing cars) are slowed
down by their collisions with the sturdy atoms of a "moderator" (balls). The slow
neutrons (trucks) are then used to split more atoms and thus maintain the chain
reaction. All controllable reactors built thus far, except for one at Los Alamos,
have been slow, using graphite or heavy water as the moderator.

In a breeder, one of neutrons released by each atom that is smashed
will be used to continue the chain reaction, as usual. But other neutrons will be
used to convert fertile atoms into fissionable atoms, as indicated below, where
two are diverted for breeding purposes while another goes on to continue reaction.
Two experimental breeder reactors are planned by AEC.
A free neutron's chances of slipping into a fertile atom's nucleus depend mainly
on its speed. The neutron may break the fertile atom, rather than slip in, but this
is not likely enough to happen to permit fertile materials to be used as fuel for
a chain reaction. The neutron also may recoil from the fertile atom, the way a rubber
ball bounces back from a wall. But if the neutron hits the fertile atom at a certain
speed, it is likely to be absorbed by the atom and become a part of its nucleus.
This speed is called the "resonance" speed. It is one at which the neutron can
get into step with the vibrations of the fertile atom's heart. Several different
speeds may be resonant, but the neutron must be moving at one of them to enter the
atom's nucleus. If the neutron is too fast or too slow, it will not get in. But
whenever a neutron hits a fertile atom at a speed that is resonant for that atom
it is absorbed by the fertile atom's nucleus.
Quite literally, the result is a dance of death. Absorption of a neutron by an
atom of Uranium 238 makes it an atom of Uranium 239. Before Uranium 239 is many
minutes old, it becomes Neptunium 239 and within a few days this decays into Plutonium
239, which is a fissionable material. Thorium meets a similar fate when it admits
a neutron to its heart. First it becomes Thorium 233, then Protoactinium 233, and
finally Uranium 233. This aging process in thorium, however, takes about ten times
as long as in uranium.
The names change while the fertile atoms are growing older and becoming fissionable
material because their radioactivity changes the number of protons in them, but
the final figures remain odd numbers. So, in each case, the result is the transformation
of an atom that previously could not be used as nuclear fuel into one that is elongated
enough to serve as fuel for either atomic bombs or atomic power plants.
Works Easier Than Expected
Two discoveries during the war surprised the scientists. They were surprised
to find how easy it was to establish a nuclear chain reaction, and how easy it was
to turn Uranium 238 into Plutonium 239.
Plutonium 239 was made in the big plants at Hanford from material that contained
both Uranium 235 and Uranium 238. The Hanford reactors transferred neutrons from
the odd-numbered fissionable atoms to the even-numbered fertile atoms. Thus they
made one kind of nuclear fuel out of another kind-and enabled the United States
to load its bombs with either one of two of the three known fissionable materials.
Saving the Neutrons
But the Hanford plants were not breeders because they did not produce any more
pounds of Plutonium 239 than they consumed of Uranium 235. The breeders are expected
to turn out greater quantities of fissionable material than are needed to keep them
running. And whereas the heat from the Hanford plants is lost, the heat from the
breeders is to be used to generate electricity.
If you neither lost nor wasted any neutrons, you would need only one neutron
per atom to split every atom in a pound of fissionable material. You then might
have at least twice as many neutrons to work with as you would need-assuming that
you were fantastically super-duper at the job - to split a second pound of atoms.
So you could use the extra neutrons to do something else. That's the big idea in
a nutshell.
Neutron Traffic Control
In both of the breeders to be built for Operation Bootstrap, some of the neutrons
freed when atoms are split will be used to split more atoms. Others will be employed
to elongate fertile atoms. This is to be done by controlling the neutron traffic
more efficiently than the builders of the Hanford piles tried to control it.
This neutron traffic problem, however, is much bigger and more complex than the
one posed by the cars in New York City's streets. It entails the control of far
more neutrons than any city has cars, going much faster, and headed every which
The makers of the bomb deliberately designed a reactor in which the worst possible
neutron congestion would occur in the least possible time and space. They did this
so well that their bombs splattered nuclear energy all over the countryside.
In other nuclear reactors, however, the neutron traffic has been firmly controlled.
This usually has been done both by slowing down the neutrons and by keeping them
from becoming too numerous. Their speed has been reduced by placing "moderators,"
which function like a maze of traffic circles, in their paths. The neutrons bounce
around amidst the atoms of these moderators until they lose much of their energy.
And the volume of the neutron traffic has been curtailed by inserting materials
that soak up neutrons as readily as a sponge absorbs water.

Three products from one reactor.

Plants like this - one of the original chemical - separation
buildings at the Hanford plutonium works - will be needed to get fissionable material
out after it is manufactured in the breeder.
Heat Will Make Power
In the breeders the number of neutrons will be kept small enough to avoid trouble,
but they will not be slowed down as much as in the first reactors built. And the
traffic problem is to be dealt with in a way that also may make it easy to utilize
the heat from the nuclear chain reaction to produce power.
When an atom is split, the things in it fly apart with tremendous velocity. They
hit other things. This turmoil yields what we call heat. The velocities of a smashed
atom's parts correspond to billions of degrees of heat, and this heat must be let
out to keep the whole apparatus in which such things happen from melting. The more
efficiently the heat can be removed, the more efficiently the neutrons in the reactor
can be employed. And if the heat can be taken out fast and safely, it can be turned
into electricity.
Liquid Metal to Cool Them
There are many ways of removing heat. At Hanford the Columbia River was used
and care was taken not to raise its temperature enough to bother the fish. In both
of the breeders now in the works, liquid metal will be used as a coolant.
A metal, bismuth, was considered while the Hanford plants were being built, but
water was chosen instead to save time. Since bismuth "freezes" at 520° F., it
would have to flow in at a higher temperature and come out even hotter to serve
as a coolant. Whatever the liquid used to cool these piles is-and considerable work
has been done on this aspect of the problem - it is likely to come out at temperatures
more suitable for the generation of power than that of the water now coming out
at Hanford.
Suppose that you had a gasoline engine that ran best when it was so hot that
you had to use a liquid metal instead of water to "cool" it. The hot liquid metal
coming out of the engine would have to be cooled before it went back in. What better
way would there be to reduce its temperature than to let it heat water? And why
shouldn't you use the steam from the water to do something else?
Temperatures of the sort you would be dealing with in that imaginary gasoline
engine are desired to breed nuclear fuel, and if they can be maintained and controlled
in the breeders, the way to use atomic energy to produce steam to produce electricity
may be found simultaneously.
Some Losses Are Certain
Anything used either in the coolant or the structure of the reactor is liable
to soak up some neutrons and thus prevent them from being used either to elongate
fertile atoms or to continue the chain reaction. Hence, some neutrons will continue
to be wasted, but the breeders have been designed to reduce the losses.
Both the intermediate-speed and the fast reactor may be less wasteful than those
built in wartime, but doubt as to which type will be the best breeder will persist
until both have been built and operated. And although both are likely to produce
useful amounts of electricity, the AEC will be surprised if those amounts are tremendous
in either case.
If nuclear reactors, their products, and their debris were as safe and easy to
handle as ordinary furnaces, coal, and ashes, atomic power might be available for
many purposes fairly soon. But the hazards are so great that the engineers and mechanics
cannot tinker much with nuclear reactors.
"Bugs" Are Expected
Soon after the breeders are started, they will become so thoroughly infected
with residual radioactivity that it will be extremely difficult to take them apart
and remodel or repair them. Very little maintenance work will be possible. And no
one know for sure how long even a successful reactor is likely to last.
"Bugs" are liable to be found in the first breeders - as they have been in other
inventions - and the designers may have to eliminate many of them before breeder-power
plants can compete with ordinary steam plants and hydroelectric dams. Troubles resulting
from corrosion and violent differences and changes in temperature have be-come so
acute since the war in some of the plants built during the war that the AEC has
had to do a lot of work to keep them running.
The extra dividend of radioactive isotopes - valuable for scientific research
- that will come out of the breeders along with nuclear fuel and power may prove
troublesome, too. These unstable materials will have to be separated from the fresh
nuclear fuel that is bred in the piles, by mechanisms and processes isolated from
human beings by heavy shielding.
A 30-Year Project
So, even though breeders are now scheduled to be running within three years,
the men who know most about the problem believe it will take from eight to ten years
to find out whether it will be economically wise to build enormous breeders as the
furnaces for electrical generating stations. Different procedures will be necessary
to breed nuclear fuel from Thorium 232 than those needed to breed it [rom Uranium
238. And to breed enough fissionable material to make it truly plentiful will take
many years.
The best guess now is that from 20 to 30 years will elapse before atomic power
replaces other sources of power extensively. Military necessities and security restrictions
may postpone even longer the day when people will be better served by atomic energy.
Operation Bootstrap, however, will reveal how skillfully the engineers now can
handle hordes of neutrons. Until 17 years ago, no one even knew that neutrons existed.
Already, they have been used in both slow and fast reactors. Pretty soon, you may
hear more about what can be done with them.