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New Generator Hurls Life-Size Lightning
September 1949 Popular Science

September 1949 Popular Science

September 1949 Popular Science Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Science, published 1872-2021. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Nikola Tesla is usually credited with popularizing experimentation with extremely high voltage. We've all seen the photos of his gigantic generators discharging across a laboratory, including the iconic picture of Tesla sitting calmly beneath an array of deadly bolts of artificial lightning, while looking at a book. That was a heck of a reading lamp. These photos of a test laboratory for lightning research appeared in a 1949 issue of Popular Science magazine. Mr. Tesla would have loved it. Interestingly, Tesla's name is never mentioned in the article. Maybe that's because it is a General Electric facility, a company founded by Thomas Edison, who was a fierce competitor of Tesla back at the turn of the last century. If this story had been about lightning research in a Westinghouse lab, Tesla's name definitely would have been included. See "The War of the Currents." Much has been learned about nature of lightning and ways to mitigate the effects of it. The new battlefront for high voltage tolerance is in electronics, where modern semiconductor devices contain junctions that can barely withstand a dozen volts - never mind thousands. That is the science of electrostatic discharge (ESD).

New Generator Hurls Life-Size Lightning

New Generator Hurls Life-Size Lightning, September 1949 Popular Science - RF Cafe

This is it - real lightning! Fifty-foot bolt of 15,000,000 volts, mightiest ever produced by man, matches natural ones of above-average power. Its thunderclap sounds like big gun.

By Alden P. Armagnac

Engineers wield man-made thunderbolts in awe-inspiring tests of electric devices.

PS photos on location by W. W. Morris, pages 130, 131, 132, 135.

If lightning struck within a few feet of you, and you were lucky enough to stay alive, what would it look and sound like?

Standing behind protective wire grating in a hangar like building at Pittsfield, Mass., you can safely learn the answers. You see a narrow streak of yellow-white light so brilliant that its branching pattern impresses itself on the retina of your eye - and is still visible, with your eyes shut, for some little time. Simultaneously you hear a crash like a big gun firing, but, surprisingly, not too loud for unprotected eardrums to stand.

Thin copper wire strung in zigzag pattern - RF Cafe

Thin copper wire, strung in zigzag pattern, vanishes in shower of molten sparks as man-made lighting from generator hits it. Sparks fell this far before camera's shutter closed.

Generator yields 33,000- ampere flow of current - RF Cafe

For split second, new generator yields 33,000- ampere flow of current - an amount that would need a solid copper conductor of at least the thickness above to carry it continuously.

Man-made thunderbolt hit block of wood, - RF Cafe

When man-made thunderbolt hit block of wood, this fragment was hurled 50 feet. It struck a rack of resistors with such force that one was embedded in it as shown.

Arc of lightning generator flashes over string of 30 insulators - RF Cafe

Arc of lightning generator flashes over string of 30 insulators to measure setup's insulating effectiveness. (Twenty-four are most used commercially.) Generator builds up voltage until current leaps between top and bottom of string, producing the brilliant display shown above.

Bolt strikes transformers without putting out lights burning - RF Cafe

Bolt strikes transformers without putting out lights burning in model, as lightning arresters bypass stroke harmlessly to ground. In similar test of transformers without arresters, lightning blows fuses and lights go out. Generator's control booth is seen in background.

Magnetic effects of huge current crumpled coil and flattened copper tubing - RF Cafe

This once was a circular tuning coil in radio station WSM, Nashville, Tenn. Then lightning hit it. Magnetic effects of huge current crumpled coil and flattened copper tubing, as seen. Laboratory rests with copper tubing yielded similar effects at 75,000 to 118,000 amperes.

Lightning has hit many planes without harm to passengers or serious damage to craft - RF Cafe

Lightning has hit many planes without harm to passengers or serious damage to craft. All-metal construction conducts stroke without dangerous sparks. DC-4 transport had only this small hole burned in pitot tube, where lightning hit it, as souvenir of experience.

Artificial-lightning tests on sample gasoline tanks - RF Cafe

Artificial-lightning tests on sample gasoline tanks, of 0.051-in. aluminum alloy, indicated that high-voltage spark would be fire hazard if it struck tank directly. Bolts of high-powered man-made lightning punctured sample tanks and ignited their inflammable contents.

In this building, General Electric engineers have just placed in operation the mightiest artificial-lightning generator ever built. For the first time it enables them to duplicate the "business end" - the part that strikes buildings, trees, and power lines - of natural lightning bolts up to well-above-average power and destructiveness.  

Their new "life-size lightning" machine hurls an awe-inspiring thunderbolt of 15,000,000 volts for a record distance of 50 feet through the air. For the few millionths of a second that the giant spark lasts, the generator delivers a 33,000-ampere flow of current. It would take a conductor of solid copper at least seven inches in diameter to carry so many amperes continuously.

Compared with the largest previous artificial-lightning generator, the one whose 30-foot arc of 10,000,000 volts thrilled New York World's Fair visitors a decade ago, the new one unleashes half again the voltage and nearly twice as many amperes. Momentarily its power exceeds that of all the hydroelectric power stations in the United States combined!

Operator touches off lightning bolt - RF Cafe

Operator touches off lightning bolt by pressing this button, after 30-second build-up of charge on condensers and sounding of warning horn. Eyes to oscillograph, he can see wave shape of discharge. Protective wire grating shields his control booth from runaway flash.

Grounded lightning rod protects buildings themselves - RF Cafe

Model of city buildings, lit by power from transformers on pole behind it, shows how modern lightning arresters prevent power failure during electrical storm. Above, engineers are installing arresters on transformers. Grounded lightning rod protects buildings themselves.

Artificial lightning bombarded metal sphere - RF Cafe

Artificial lightning, bombarding metal sphere exhibited by Julius H. Hagenguth, GE engineer, perforated it like sieve. Measuring current and time required to burn holes like those of sphere in photo at upper right yielded useful data on characteristics of natural lightning.

Lightning strokes burned 150 holes in ornamental nickel-plated copper sphere - RF Cafe

Lightning strokes burned 150 holes in ornamental nickel-plated copper sphere atop 878-foot Tennessee radio tower - then prankishly knocked it to earth, revealing their handiwork.

Spectacular pyrotechnics occur when experimenters "short-circuit" the generator with a thin strand of copper wire and touch a button that releases the lightning bolt. Wham! The wire disappears in a puff of smoke and a fiery shower of molten sparks. That's presumably what happens, engineers suggest, to a radio aerial struck by lightning.

With the new generator, they tried a stunt they have performed with smaller ones - splitting a block of wood into kindling with artificial lightning. This time, a piece of the wood hurtled 50 feet through the air and crashed into a resistor rack, with such force that a resistor was found deeply embedded in it. Repeat performances were forthwith tabooed as too dangerous to spectators and equipment.

In more scientific tests, engineers use the new generator to find out what happens when natural lightning hits transformers, insulators, lightning arresters, and transmission lines.

An arc from the generator flames over a string of insulators, suspended high in the air, to measure their insulating effectiveness. And to study what happens to a power line hit by lightning, one of the generator's twin sections rolls bodily outdoors on a rail car, to bombard a 1 1/2-mile-long experimental transmission line with a flash that has been seen and heard two miles away.

Moved outdoors, one of generator's twin sections hits transmission line with 25-foot bolt of 7,500,000 volts. Flash has been seen and heard two miles away. Portable section of generator rides rail car along track through high door in laboratory wall, seen open in picture.

Inside view of towering section of generator shows metal spheres that act as switches. A fly alighting on one of them alters the geometrically perfect spherical shape on which their delicate adjustment depends, and plagues experimenters by causing a premature discharge.

The generator is built in two, 44-foot-tall sections, each made up of black columns ringed with silvery stainless steel. Operating independently, each section builds up 7,500,000 volts, and their combined power gives the generator's 15,000,000-volt total. The black stacks are banks of electrical condensers, storing electricity as do the cumulus clouds or "thunderheads" of electrical storms.

For a 30-second charging period, current at comparatively moderate voltage feeds the condensers, which are connected meanwhile "in parallel" - like appliances you plug into a house circuit. That is, all the condensers get the same charge - building voltage, independently of the others. Then a tricky switching arrangement reconnects the condensers "in series," so that the voltage of the charge stored on each is added together to yield a thunderbolt. Invention of this "Marx circuit" by E. Marx in 1925 led to the first artificial-lightning generator, of 1,000,000 volts and its successors of increasing power.

Even the present 15,000,000-volt machine is far from the theoretical limit of voltage attainable by such an "impulse generator," declares Julius H. Hagenguth, engineer in charge of the GE high-voltage laboratory. By increasing the number of condensers, a still more powerful one could be built. Practical limits are the cost of the machine itself, against advantages to be gained, and the size of the huge building required to house it. Increasing voltage calls for more and more clearance from walls, ceiling, and other apparatus to prevent stray bolts. For the 15,000,000-volt machine, this minimum clearance is 33 feet. "High-Voltage Hall," its great windowless test chamber, measures no less than 165 feet long, 95 feet wide, and 85 feet high.

Three 1,000,000-volt, 60-cycle transformers share this enormous room with the black-and-silver towers of the new generator. Applied to a spark gap, their own discharge aids studies of high-voltage action - and incidentally creates one of the most beautiful of all displays of electrical fireworks, illustrated below.

Electric fire of 1,000,000 volts, from three-phase 50-cycle transformers - RF CafeElectric fire of 1,000,000 volts, from three-phase 50-cycle transformers, gives spectacular display as it leaps nine-foot gaps between rotating "pinwheel" electrodes. These whirl of own accord as electricity escapes from their backward-turned points. Arc is carried 20 feet high by heated air currents and is colored red, yellow, and green by chemicals tipping the three electrodes. Sound effect of electrical fireworks resembles drone of airplane, punctuated every few seconds by a sharp crack as a new arc is struck between pair of electrodes.

Most impressive of the machines in adjacent rooms of the Pittsfield laboratory is a "high-current" impulse generator. It delivers the staggering current of 260,000 amperes with a respectable thunderclap of its own. While its artificial lightning lacks the voltage to leap great gaps, it will subject small test specimens to more than the record 200,000 amperes ever measured in a natural lightning stroke.

Virtually any of lightning's pranks, of which some are illustrated here, can now be matched by GE engineers with these machines. Using their findings to perfect economical and trouble-proof power-line equipment, they are constantly reducing the "electrical cost of living" for the ultimate consumer.



Posted March 14, 2024

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