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Chemical Institute of New York Advertisement
June 1930 Radio-Craft

June 1930 Radio-Craft

June 1930 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

At first I was going to comment that using a wizard in an astrologer's robe to promote chemistry (alchemy, in particular) as an example of a career option does not seem like a good choice for appealing to serious prospects. However, given the weirdness of a good portion of the population, it might be as effective today as it evidently was nearly a century ago when the Chemical Institute of New York ran this ad in Radio-Craft magazine. Dr. T. O'Conor Sloane, reputed head of the Institute, published such tomes as The Standard Electrical Dictionary, How to Become a Successful Electrician, Arithmetic of Electricity, Electricity Simplified, Electric Toy Making for Amateurs, Fortunes in Formulas, and numerous others. BTW, I learned from the ad that the word "adept" is a noun as well as an adjective. Per Merriam-Webster: "a highly skilled or well-trained person." As a noun, the accent is on the first syllable; as an adjective it is on the second. Accordingly, an a'·dept is a·dept' at a particular skill.

Chemical Institute of New York Advertisement

Chemical Institute of New York Ad, June 1930 Radio-Craft - RF CafeChemistry Offers You a Fortune

If You Want a Job with a Future, Get into Chemistry

Chemistry is one of the most ancient and honorable callings known to man. During the Middle Ages its adepts were the advisors of kings. Then it was called a black art and its followers were believed to have supernatural powers.

The chemist of today with his modernized knowledge has secrets a thousandfold more potent at his command. He is the brains behind hundreds of rich industries, which could not exist without his skill. Yet the field of Applied Chemistry has spread so widely that it is difficult to get enough good men to fill the available posts. A chemical expert is always sure of a good income, a respected and confidential position and a guaranteed future. He may also make himself a fortune, as hundreds of chemists have done before him. Did you ever hear of C. M. Hall? He was an American chemist who at the age of twenty-one discovered how to extract aluminum from clay. It was known that this could be done. It remained for someone to experiment and do it. There are innumerable other chemical problems today waiting to be solved. Mr. Hall died a few years ago leaving an estate of many millions of dollars.

T. O'Connor Sloane, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., LL.D.

We Can Teach You at Home

In order to become a chemical expert you must have the proper training under experienced teachers. Our faculty knows just how to mold you into a skillful laboratory worker. The head of our staff is Dr. T. O'Conor Sloane, scientist, engineer and author of wide repute. He has had more than fifty years of teaching experience. Our course fits you for an immediate position in a chemical laboratory, and you do not have to give up what you are doing now to learn it. During evenings and weekends you can work at home on the fascinating experiments and ,the delightfully simple but comprehensive lessons. A personal tutor is always ready to help you over difficulties and to answer all your questions. Most important of all - the teaching you receive is practical. You can actually use this knowledge to make money, as thousands have done before you.

Special Added Equipment

At no extra charge every student is given a complete cabinet of chemicals and apparatus for his own use. The illustration gives some idea of what it contains. There are over fifty distinct chemical reagents in the set. But in addition there is something which we have never offered before. The chemical expert needs sharp eyes. For much of his work no human eyes are keen enough. Every modern scientist resorts to the microscope, which is one of the most valuable instruments in home or laboratory.

We Are Now Sending to Each New Student

Absolutely Without Charge

This Valuable Microscope

It is a beautiful instrument of fine German make and extremely sensitive. Any person not a student of our course may procure one through us at $25.00, which is somewhat less than the usual price, but to those who enroll the microscope will be given absolutely without charge. With it you will receive a special lesson on its construction and use. The microscope is not loaned to you. It becomes your permanent possession along with all the other equipment and the lessons.

Tuition Price Reduced

No advance in tuition price is occasioned by this newest addition to the apparatus we supply. In fact we have even reduced the fee, so that this splendid course and equipment are within the means of every individual who is interested in following Chemistry, whether as a career or merely as a hobby. Fee can be paid on easy monthly terms. The one price covers everything. There are no extras to buy.

Mail the Coupon Today for Free Book

We give to every student, without additional charge, this chemical equipment, including fifty-two pieces of laboratory apparatus and supplies, and fifty-two different chemicals and reagents. These comprise the apparatus and chemicals used for the experimental work of the course, The fitted heavy wooden box serves not only as a case for the outfit but also as a useful laboratory accessory for performing countless experiments.

Diploma Awarded When You Graduate

Upon graduation every student is awarded our Diploma In Chemistry, certifying that he has successfully completed his studies. Your name on this certificate will be a source of pride to you all your life, as well as an aid in obtaining a position.

Chemical Institute of New York, Inc.

16-18 East 30th Street     New York, N. Y.



Posted November 13, 2023
(updated from original post on 7/13/2016)

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