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Hallicrafters Radio
July 1945 Radio-Craft

July 1945 Radio-Craft

July 1945 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Hallicrafters was a big name in radio from the 1930s through the 1960s, after which it was sold to Northrop Corporation, then soon thereafter permitted to die. As evidenced by their many pro military and pro America advertisements in the electronics magazines of the World War II era (many of them are reproduced here on RF Cafe, including this one from a 1945 issue of Radio-Craft), great pride was taken by employees in the production of communications equipment that could be easily deployed and operated in the field under adverse conditions. Professional and amateur radio operators came to know and respect the Hallicrafters name. Vintage Hallicrafters radio equipment is very popular amongst collectors both for archival purposes and for actual use. eBay always has many listings for Hallicrafters gear.

Hallicrafters Radio - New Directions

Hallicrafters Radio Steerable Beam, July 1945 Radio-Craft - RF Cafe

New directions in radio will be charted by Hallicrafters

The radio amateur has distinguished himself outstandingly in the service of his country in time of war. One of the most interesting and valuable contributions the ham has been able to make is in the ranks of the RID - Radio Intelligence Division of the Federal Communications Commission. RID polices the airways, tracks down illegal radio stations, traps enemy spies. About 70% of the big RID staff are licensed amateur radio operators. Above you see a sketch of a typical ham in employment of RID taking bearings on a radio signal. For dependable continuous reception, selectivity and stability on a great range of frequencies, the amateur who must be sure of results, picks Hallicrafters equipment. Hallicrafters sets have been developed in the great testing grounds of amateur radio. When the time comes Hallicrafters will be ready with a full line of HF, VHF, and UHF communications equipment, designed specifically for the exacting amateur - and for all others who need the best and the latest combined in the "radio man's radio."

This is the famous Model SX-28A communications receiver. 15 tubes including rectifier. Covers all frequencies from 550 kc to 42 Mc continuous in six bands including standard broadcast band.

Buy a War Bond Today!

Copyright 1945 The Hallicrafters Co.

The Hallicrafters Co., Manufacturers of Radio and Electronic Equipment • Chicago 16, U.S 16, U. S. A.



Posted June 29, 2021

Innovative Power Products (IPP) 90 deg Hybrid Couplers
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