July 1941 Radio-Craft
of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Craft,
published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
Here is the first of a two-part
article on frequency modulation (FM). FM was a very
welcome option for entertainment radio listeners who had grown weary of static mixed
in with their music and syndicated adventure, drama, and comic programs like
The Green Hornet,
Lights Out, and
The Life
of Riley, respectively. Amplitude modulation (AM)
is susceptible to all sorts of interference from car ignition systems, arcing in
electric motors, light switches being turned on and off, lightning, and a host of
other sources. A commercial radio with good noise and adjacent channel rejection
was relatively expensive. Permanent magnet speakers did not become a standard feature
for first few decades of radio (see my
1941 vintage Crosley radio speaker for an example), so
the speaker coils themselves ended up carrying a lot of the same static biases that
the sound signals contained. Combine far-away transmitters because of wide spacing
between broadcasting facilities with poor receiver sensitivity and the opportunities
for interference was large. FM solved most of the problem both because it inherently
was immune to amplitude modulation from noise and because by the time it entered
the commercial market, component and circuit design had advanced considerably from
the early AM days. As author Raymond Guy puts it, "Frequency Modulation is
a weapon against noise, a sword if you please, with advantages which can be calculated
accurately and simply." See also
Part 2.
An Engineer Analyzes the How and Why of Frequency Modulation -
Part 1
By special permission of the Association of Technicians, Radio-Craft here
presents an article on F.M., from the A.T.E. Journal, which covers the engineering
aspects of Frequency Modulation more completely than any previously published in
Radio-Craft, and does it in a thoroughly understandable manner. Part I, presented
here, generalizes on the topic and discusses the results of measurements made on
the transmissions of N.B.C. Station W2XWG.
Part I
Raymond F. Guy
Radio Facilities Engineer, N.B.C.

Fig. 1 - "W2XWG's field intensity pattern in micro-volts/meter (irrespective
of the type of modulation). These measurements represent a power of 1,000 W., a
transmitting antenna height of 1,300 ft., a receiving antenna height of 30 ft. and
an operating frequency of 42.6 megacycles."
There is widespread belief that many present-day developments are fundamentally
new within the last few years.
On the contrary, the bases of many so-called new developments date back a great
number of years. It is true, however, that only recently has it been possible to
utilize to fuller advantage the possibilities of many of the ideas passed down to
us by early investigators of the Radio Art. New instrumentalities have made it possible
to explore these fundamental ideas to much greater extent. Transmission and reception
at ultra-short wavelengths, or ultra-high frequencies, is one such outstanding example.
The use of the ultra-high frequencies for sound broadcasting offers technical
advantages, not only to the broadcaster but to the public, which is much more important.
The technical advantages consist of (a) escaping the 10-kc. channel limitation,
(b) getting away from static. and (c) eliminating all except spasmodic long-distance
We've known this for years, have experimentally operated low-power U.H.F. stations
since Way Back, and have enjoyed the experience of receiving Clean Stuff from our
little ultra-high frequency transmitters when QRN, with devastating wallops washed
out our temporarily muscle-bound 60 kw. steamrollers. Five years ago the F.C.C.
had applications for, or had licensed over 100 ultra-high frequency transmitting
plants and it seemed that a trend was developing toward ultra-high frequency broadcasting,
but this trend was not sustained. Interest has been revived in recent months through
the promotion of F.M. on the ultra-high frequencies.
What Does F.M. Offer?
Frequency Modulation is a weapon against noise, a sword if you please, with advantages
which can be calculated accurately and simply, as we shall see. But unreasonable
powers should not be attributed to it. The pen should not be mightier than the sword.
Your scribe bows low and humbly attempts, with these hesitant strokes, to bring
to you gentlemen of the A.T.E. Journal what the Lower Classes vulgarly call the
Lowdown. A snack of ins ide dope.
Let's get to the point. What advantages does F.M. really give over A.M.? Using
the frequency deviation approved for the industry by the F.C.C., F.M. Under the
Optimum Conditions gives (a) an advantage of 20 to 1 in background noise suppression,
(b) an advantage of at least 30 to 1 in rejection of shared-channel interference,
depending on the beat frequency, and (c) some advantage to the broadcaster in capital
expenditures and operating costs. There you have it.
F.M. In 1902!
One frequently meets laymen who have the mistaken idea that F .M. is a revolutionary
new invention. The justly proud father of your profoundly humble scribe bought him
his first lace velvet pants in 1902. Most of you were still unborn during that antediluvian
It was in that year that a gentleman named Ehret applied for a patent which was
issued in 1905 covering the basic method of F.M. for voice and code transmission
and reception!
Mr. Ehret proposed to shift the carrier frequency by means of a voice-actuated
condenser. He proposed an off-tuned circuit in the receiver for converting the frequency-modulated
waves into waves of varying amplitude.
With certain improvements these are the methods now used. For code signaling
he proposed to key the transmitter inductance or capacity to change the carrier
frequency. Before the No.1 war this method was very widely used for many years on
longwave transmitters. Remember how .discombobulated one could become by trying
to read the back wave when fatigued?
"Wide Swing" F.M.
Frequency Modulation research. has been carried on for over 30 years and, except
for 1918, 1920 and 1924, patents have been issued on F.M. methods and devices each
year for the last 25 years. They were granted mostly to a number of inventors in
the employ of organizations which spend large sums on research, such as G.E., Westinghouse,
A.T.&T. and RCA, and to a few individuals, particularly Major Edwin H. Armstrong
who has promoted use of the feature of "wide swing" in F.M.
Other features are important in F.M. such as limiting. Gentlemen named Wright
and Smith filed a patent application covering, it 15 years ago. Fourteen years ago,
and subsequently, patent applications were filed and granted to Westinghouse. A.T.&T.
and RCA on balanced, or "buck-to-buck" F.M. demodulators. The most commonly used
discriminator today was patented by S. Seeley of RCA. Frequency multiplication of
an F .M. wave to increase the frequency shift is covered in patents issued to Westinghouse,
and G.E., for which applications were filed in 1926 and subsequent years, High frequency
pre-emphasis and de-emphasis circuits were patented by S. Seeley and others of RCA.
Its introduction to the industry was due in considerable part to the efforts of
At the close of 1939 more than 250 patents had been granted on either Frequency
or Phase Modulation, of which more than 160 covered F.M. About 10 years ago R.C.A.C.
was trying F.M. on channels between our East and West Coasts. About 12 years ago
your scribe cooperated with Westinghouse in F.M. tests between New York and Pittsburgh.
So you can see F.M. isn't new.
Hi-Fi A.M.
There is a popular impression that by use of F.M. and "wide swing" the public
may only now enjoy high fidelity. The facts are that with ultra-high frequencies
the fidelity can be made as good as anyone wants it to be with either frequency
or amplitude modulation. Any improved fidelity is made possible by getting a way
from the 10-kc. channel allocations of the Standard Broadcasting Band and not by
using F.M.
Furthermore, to get "high fidelity" in A.M. or F.M. receivers the listener must
pay exactly the same high price for high-power, low-distortion audio amplifiers,
loudspeakers and acoustical systems. However, the time may come when High Fidelity
will receive the widespread recognition it merits. There is much more interest now
in low receiver prices which preclude high fidelity. This is unfortunate but incontestably
true regardless of any wishful or idealistic thinking to the contrary.
There is no lack of satisfactory fidelity in present-day transmitters because,
if for no other reason, the F.C.C. requires it. The loss of fidelity rests in the
home receivers. Medium-priced receivers satisfy the public demand and high fidelity
cannot be obtained in those models. The price paid for so-called high-fidelity amplifiers
and loudspeakers is in itself more than the cost of most receivers. Possibly 1 person
in 6 has a receiver of good fidelity. Many of these listeners normally operate with
the tone control adjusted for the lowest degree of fidelity possible with such receivers.
It appears that the public is not suffering any lack of fidelity because of the
present broadcasting system.
We in N.B.C., and others, have been providing transmission of excellent fidelity
for at least 15 years (network lines excepted) and will continue to do so. We believe
in it and endorse it. But we have no illusions about the public reaction toward
Noise Threshold
Frequency Modulation would under favorable conditions, but not all conditions,
reduce static about 20 to 1. But what static are we talking about? Static practically
doesn't exist on ultra-high frequency. Therefore. isn't its absence mainly due to
the shift to the ultra-high frequency band? It is.
Don't think that your humble servant is bearish on F.M. because that would be
incorrect. It is cold professional realism, not bearishness. An F.M. station will
provide noise-free service to a much greater distance than an A.M. station of equal
power because F.M. can suppress receiver hiss noise, auto ignition noise and other
ultra-high frequency disturbances about 20 to 1 if the carrier is stronger than
the noise and if the receivers have enough gain to make the limiters limit at low
field intensities. Some F .M. receivers begin to slack off at about 100 microvolts.
To obtain the full benefit of F.M. out to the "noise threshold" limit they should
hold up down to 10 micro-volts. This noise threshold is strictly an F.M. phenomena;
more on this later.
We are all confident that Television has a most brilliant future. We are not
entirely clear on the position that Ultra-High Frequency Sound Broadcasting will
have with respect to it. Those of us who have lived with television for many years
feel that sound is supplemental to sight but definitely second in importance. When
television hits its stride, sound broadcasting may assume the status of silent pictures.
Who knows? Nobody does. In any event, sound broadcasting will be with us for many
more years and we should give full opportunity to improved methods and devices.
F.M. is one of them. N.B.C. has one F.M. station and will build more. F.M. is being
given its chance to prove itself.
The N.B.C. has for many years viewed realistically the advantages of the ultra-high
frequencies and has been confident that the industry would, in time, do likewise.
Five years ago Mr. Hanson and your profoundly humble scribe wrote a long report
on the subject forecasting the growth of ultra-high frequency Sound Broadcasting
by 6-month intervals and hitting very close. Frequency Modulation had such promising
theoretical advantages that we undertook a full-scale field test to determine the
extent to which they could he realized in practice.
$30,000 Worth of Tests
As a result we completed, last year, at a cost of over $30,000, the most thorough
field test of F.M. ever undertaken and we have the information we sought.
It was obtained, not by laboratory work, which had been done before by others,
including R.C.A.C., nor merely by operating an F.M. station, but by building special
transmitters, receivers, measuring instruments, etc., and then painstakingly making
thousands of measurements at distant points over many months and under a variety
of conditions.
A special 1,000-watt transmitter was ordered from the R.C.A.M. Company. It had
facilities for both A.M. and any degree of F.M. deviation or "swing" desired, with
remote control facilities for instantaneously switching to either system. Since
the F.M. deviation varies directly with the audio input level, remote controlled
pads could be and were used to select the deviation desired.
W2XWG was installed in the Empire State Building. Special authority was obtained
from the F.C.C. to use amplitude modulation as well as F.M. on 42.6 mc. for the
term of the project. The television video antenna, having a pass band extending
from 30 to 60 megacycles, was used for most of the W2XWG transmissions although
a special folded dipole was used when the video antenna was transmitting "pictures."
W2XWG was equipped with means for continuous variation of power between 1/10
watt and 1,000 watts, and a vacuum-tube voltmeter for accurately measuring the power.
The modulation conditions selected were A.M./F.M. 15 (deviation of 15 kc. or
total swing of 30 kc.), and F.M. 75 (deviation of 75 kc. or total swing of 150 kc.).
Tone modulation was used for most measurements. For measuring distortion, or noise
levels with modulation present, the tone output of the receivers was cleaned up
by passing it through filters and then impressed upon RCA noise and distortion meters.
Four special receivers were built by the R.C.A.M. Company for this project. Each
was equipped for instantaneous selection or A.M./F.M. 15 or F.M. 75. Two complete
I.F. systems were built-in, one 150 kc. wide and one 30 kc. wide, each having 6
stages, with both A.M. and F.M. detectors. All receivers contained meters, controls,
de-emphasis circuits with keys, 8-kc. cutoff filters with keys, separate high-quality
amplifiers and speakers, cathode-ray oscillographs, etc. Each receiver had sufficient
R.F. gain to give full output with limiting at input levels much lower than required,
theoretically doing so with only 1/10·microvolt input. These receivers were made
as good as receivers can be built in order that our conclusions on F.M, would not
be clouded by apparatus shortcomings. Sacrificing good receiver design to price
will not permit the full gain of F.M., as reported herein, to be realized.
Field Intensity
Measurements and Electrical Transcriptions made under a variety of conditions
at the following locations:
Collingswood, N.J .............................. 85 Miles
Hollis, L.I. ........................................ 12 Miles
Floral Park, L.I. ................................. 15 Miles
Port Jefferson, L.I. ............................ 50 Miles
Commack, L.I. ................................. 36 Miles
Riverhead, L.I. ................................. 70 Miles
Hampton Bays, L.I. ........................... 78 Miles
Bridgehampton, L.I. ........................... 89 Miles
Eastport, L.I. ..................................... 65 Miles
N.B.C. Laboratory ................................ 1 Miles
Bellmore, L.I. .................................... 23 Miles
All above stations are temporary, with the exception of the last two, which are
As a part of the project, a field intensity survey was made of the W2XWG transmissions.
The map is included herein for 1,000 watts, 1,300 feet antenna height, and 0.7 antenna
gain. It is Fig.1.
Most of the measurements were made at the Bellmore station. For the temporary
stations, 2 automobiles were equipped and used, one a Radio Facilities Group measuring
car, the other a borrowed R.C.A.C. truck full of recording gear. The receiving stations
represented a cross-section of rural and suburban Americana.
Let's next see what theoretical advantage F.M. has in noise suppression and how
it is obtained. Later we will see what we measured.
In. F.M. the deviation of the carrier frequency can be made as great as desired.
If it is 15 kc. and the audio bandwidth is 15 kc. the deviation ratio is 1, corresponding
to the deviation divided by the audio bandwidth. If the deviation is 30 kc. the
deviation ratio is 2, etc.
The advantages of F.M. over A.M. in noise suppression are contributed by 3 factors:
(1) The triangular noise spectrum of F.M.
(2) Wide swings, or large deviation ratios.
(3) The greater effect of de-emphasis in F.M. compared to A.M.
Let Us consider them In order.
Triangular Noise-Spectrum
An F.M. system with a deviation ratio of
1 has an advantage in signal-to-noise ratio of 1.73 or 4.75 db. for hiss or other
types of fluctuating noise.
Since the figure 1.73 applies to such noises as tube hiss, which is comparatively
steady in amplitude, we will consider this type of noise. It differs from impulse
noise such as is produced by automobile ignition systems.
Tube hiss consists of a great many closely overlapping impulses or peaks, There
are so many of them at all audio frequencies, we are concerned with, that the noise
has a steady characteristic. When combined with a steady carrier of fixed frequency,
the noise peaks beat with the carrier. The noise peaks also beat with each other.
When the carrier is considerably stronger than the noise peaks, beats between the
noise peaks become negligible in amplitude and the predominating noise is due to
the combination of carrier and noise peaks.
Since a combination of 2 carriers differing in frequency produces a similar phenomenon,
we will treat both cases at the same time. The effect is most easily shown and understood
by means of a simple vector diagram.
The strongest carrier vector continuously rotates through 360° and is indicated
on Fig. 2. The weaker carrier, or the "noise voltage," rotates around the carrier
vector at a frequency which is equal to the difference between the desired carrier
and undesired frequency.
It will be seen that amplitude modulation is produced. If the undesired frequency
is 50% as strong as the desired frequency, 50% amplitude modulation results. As
the undesired vector rotates around the desired vector, phase modulation also is
produced between the limits A and B. The faster the undesired vector rotates, or
the faster the rate of phase change becomes, the greater becomes the momentary change
in frequency and therefore, the greater the frequency modulation becomes, because
Frequency Modulation is a function of the first differential of phase modulation.
Therefore, the amplitude of the frequency modulation noise or beat note varies directly
with beat frequency. With both frequencies exactly the same there is no amplitude
modulation nor is there any frequency modulation.
Such being the case, the noise frequencies close to the carrier produce little
frequency modulation noise but as the noise components further from the carrier
combine with it they produce more frequency modulation. Therefore, the higher the
noise beat frequency the higher its amplitude. This results in a frequency modulation
noise spectrum in which the noise amplitude rises directly with its frequency. In
other words, it is a triangular spectrum.
In amplitude modulation there is no such effect as this. All noise components
combine with the carrier equally. Therefore in amplitude modulation there is a rectangular
noise spectrum. The ratio of noise voltages in F.M. and A.M. is therefore the ratio
between the square root of the squared ordinates of a triangle and a rectangle.
This ratio is 1.73 or 4.75 db.
Deviation Ratio
For an F.M. System the suppression of fluctuation
noise is directly proportional to the deviation ratio.
On Fig. 3 the A.M. noise spectrum corresponds to the total hatched area
below 15 kc. because the I.F. system would cut off there. The F.M. 75 receiver I.F.
system actually accepts noise out to 75 kc. and it has the usual F.M. triangular
characteristic. However, the receiver output and the ear responds only to noise
frequencies within the range of audibility, around 15 kc., and rejects everything
else. Therefore, the F.M. 75 noise we actually hear corresponds only to the small
cross-hatched triangle and and the rest is rejected.
The maximum height of this F.M. triangle, corresponding to voltage, is only 1/5th
of the height of the A.M. rectangle. Such being the case the F.M. 75 advantage is
5 to 1, or 14 db. Simple?
*See the first item under "Sound" in the June, '41, issue of Radio-Craft, pg.
715. - Editor
Posted March 1, 2023 (updated from original post
on 1/19/2015)