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Official Radio Service Men's Association, Inc.
April 1932 Radio-Craft

April 1932 Radio-Craft

April 1932 Radio-Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

As the advertisement for membership in the Official Radio Service Men's Association says, structured organizations for people of like mind and interests have long been the hallmark of an advanced society where there is a need for directed socialization and the 'strength in numbers' benefit. I suppose most people reading this piece belong to at least one such association like the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA), Association of Old Crows (AOC), Electronics Technicians Association (ETA), etc. Having significant representation in government in the form of lobbyists is essential these days in order to obtain and retain fair treatment and consideration of your professional, hobby, and personal interests. If you don't defend your territory, somebody else WILL take it. I liken the predators to Sentinels in the Matrix movie series that are incessantly and tirelessly seeking out to subdue and destroy the Human Resistance.

Official Radio Service Men's Association, Inc.

Official Radio Service Men's Association, Inc., April 1932 Radio-Craft - RF CafeOfficial Letterhead of the O.R.S.M.A.

By Fred Boehm*

Ever since the inception of human existence, there has been recognized a need for association in one form or another. This is manifested in our present-day civilization by the existence of armies, navies, trade unions, clubs, fraternities, etc. Every profession has its association and, because of them, a consolidation of individual facts is possible. Taken by. itself, a fact usually does not have much meaning, but when verified and added to other related facts, a much more comprehensive knowledge of the subject may be obtained than would otherwise be possible.

The radio profession, as well as others of a technical nature, may be roughly subdivided into three categories; the scientific, the engineering, and the service fields. The first two are beyond the scope of this discussion, but it is the third that we are especially interested in.

Official stickers of the O.R.S.M.A.

Radio Service Men have attempted to unite many times. They have failed in the past because of lack of sufficient support, lack of finances, or lack of proper organization methods. The need for an association of qualified Service Men is apparent. This need is being pushed into the foreground not only by men who have the foresight to recognize the necessity of such an association, but also by that class of "quacks" who, by their consistent fraudulent operations, make the demand for a recognized organization of trained men all the more imperative.

The O.R.S.M.A.

With the above facts in mind, an organization called the Official Radio Service Men's Association was formed in the fall of 1930 and incorporated under the laws of the State of New York in November of' the same year. During the period intervening between that time and the present, 15,000 men have responded to its call. It is the hope of the organization that 100,000 men will eventually be enrolled. It should be emphasized that the O.R.S.M.A. is strictly a non-profit association, it being maintained at considerable expense by a group of influential men who comprehend the advantages to be secured by such an organization. There is no "initiation" or entrance fee; a Service Man who wishes to join is not financially obligated in any manner, shape or form. It is maintained for the benefit of the service field as a whole and not as a means of gaining a livelihood.

How to Become a Member

When a Service Man desires to become a member (one of the requirements is that he must be a Service Man) he applies to the offices of the Association. His name is immediately placed on file and a printed examination is forwarded to him. The applicant is on his honor to take the examination himself. It has been the experience of the Association that when a man is placed on his honor, the examination will be executed properly. If an applicant fails, he may take the examination again after three months. The papers are prepared and are graded with the cooperation of a group of nationally-known organizations which are: The Crosley Radio Corporation; Grigsby-Grunow Company; Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co.; Colin B. Kennedy Corp.; RCA-Victor Company, Inc.; Stewart-Warner Corp.; RCA Institutes, Inc.; East-Bay Radio Institute; Radio Training Association of America; School of Engineering of Milwaukee; Radio College of Canada; Radio Division, Coyne Electrical School.

After the applicant has the examination, he receives card which, a may be seen, bears the photograph of the member and the seal of the Association in order to avoid forgery.

Service Record-card which also may be secured.

Membership card issued to members of the Association.


There are many members who correspond a great deal, and therefore, are in need of distinctive stationery, For the benefit of these men, letterheads and envelopes have been prepared. The cost of such stationery is very low and is intended to meet the pocketbooks of Service Men, not bankers. Stickers, as illustrated, and a lapel pin may also be obtained. These are supplied to members at cost, since the organization does not operate at a profit.


Members of the O.R.S.M.A., through the cooperation of its sponsors, Radio-Craft and Gernsback Publications, Inc., have the privilege of consulting with the Information Bureaus of these organizations regarding any technical questions which may arise during the course of servicing receivers. With the affiliation that the sponsors have with radio-receiver manufacturers, cooperation between the Service Man and the manufacturer is effected to a far greater extent than would be possible if an individual contacted the manufacturer alone.

In view of the care that is exercised in enrolling members, manufacturers, dealers, and service organizations seek the Employment Bureau of the O.R.S.M.A. for men who are qualified to fill positions with their firms. These are readily supplied from the Association's list of members who have made high grades in the examination.

Service Men who are interested in their profession and who are desirous of knowing more about this "live-wire" organization should communicate with the headquarters 98 Park Place, N. Y. C.

An O.R.S.M.A. envelope.

*Executive Secretary, The Official Radio Service Men's Association.



Posted July 18, 2023
(updated from original post on 7/24/2015)

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