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Raytheon Vacuum Tubes
June 1945 Radio-Craft

June 1945 Radio-Craft

June 1945 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Pan Am Boeing 377 Stratocruiser Clipper Seven Seas - RF CafeMost aviation enthusiasts upon hearing the name Pan American "Clipper" thinks of the large four-engined amphibious airliner. There were other models of the Clipper, however, including the Douglas DC-4, the Lockheed L-049 Constellation, and the Boeing 377 Stratocruiser. The latter (Boeing 377) appear to be the early concept model depicted in this 1945 Raytheon vacuum tubes promotion in Radio-Craft magazine. Raytheon was a major supplier of electronic components, equipment, and systems for the military and government throughout World War II. Manufacturers came to trust and rely on the big-name companies for high quality and dependable components. By the time this advertisement appeared, Germany had recently signed an unconditional surrender, and Japan was only a few months away from total defeat. Sadly, many of the familiar names from the era have either been acquired by foreign firms (and usually renamed) or have gone out of business due to poor management decisions (usually from failing to keep up with changing times).

Raytheon Tubes Ad

Raytheon Vacuum Tubes, June 1945 Radio-Craft - RF CafeRaytheon Tubes Chosen for Pan American's Postwar "Clipper"!

Feast your eyes on this mighty, 100-passenger airliner! When peace comes, a giant fleet of its sister ships will girdle the globe for Pan American World Airways. And in each of them will be the best electronic devices to come out of the war, equipped with famous Raytheon high-fidelity tubes!

Raytheon tubes have been used for years by Pan American, and it is because of their proven performance, fine reception and complete dependability that they were selected to play such a vital role in this great company's future operations. The assignment is but one of hundreds of postwar applications for which Raytheon tubes have been specified by America's radio and electronic industries.

When tubes are more readily available for civilian use, Raytheon will offer radio service dealers the finest tubes in its history ... tubes combining long prewar experience with out-standing wartime development. And that's not all. They'll be backed by a Raytheon merchandising program that will be the most beneficial ever offered you. Keep your eye on Raytheon ... for greater postwar profits!

Increased turnover and profits ... easier stock control ... better tubes at lower inventory cost ... these are benefits which you may enjoy as a result of the Raytheon standardized tube program, which is part of our continued planning for the future.

Raytheon Manufacturing Company

Radio Receiving Division

Newton, Mass. • Los Angeles • New York • Chicago • Atlanta

Listen to "Meet Your Navy" Every Saturday Night Entire Blue Network Coast-to-Coast 181 Stations

All Four Divisions Have Been Awarded Army-Navy "E" with Stars

Raytheon High Fidelity

Electronic and Radio Tubes

Devoted to Research and the Manufacture of Tubes for the New Era of Electronics



Posted November 11, 2021

PCB Directory (Manufacturers)
Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe