November 1937 Radio-Craft
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Craft,
published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
It was a fairly common practice in the early
days of radio to run full-page advertisements in trade magazine that looked like the front page of a
newspaper. This one by Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is a good example. The ad appeared in a
1937 edition of Radio-Craft, pitching primarily its new radio models with improved shortwave
reception and band extensions. Also promoted ACR-111 amateur radio receiver. Interestingly, there is
mention of what was the equivalent of an 800 toll-free number with a centralized call center for RCA
customers to call for service. Their call would then be routed to a local facility. I'm guessing the
call center was located in America and not in the Philippines or Bangladesh. BTW, why do we refer to
nationals of the Philippines as Filipinos and not Philippinos? <see explanation here>
RCA Radio News
RCA All the Way
RCA Radio News
Everything in Radio-Microphone to Loudspeaker
RCA Manufacturing Company, Inc. Camden, New Jersey
A Service of the Radio Corporation of America
To the consumer, RCA means high quality performance at low cost ... To the radio man, RCA means easier
selling, higher profits
A Short Wave Sensation
RCA Victor Overseas Dial Brings New Ease to Tuning of Short Wave Stations
Thousands Laud New Extra-Value Features of 1938 RCA Victor Radios
"Push A Button - There's Your Station" With Electric Tuning and Armchair Control
Now it's as easy to tune for short-wave stations as it is to tune for domestic ones! That's why short-wave
fans are acclaiming the new RCA Victor Overseas Dial.
This revolutionary tuning device carries names of foreign stations on dial scales. Each of the band
scales are 9 1/2" wide. Compare this with the usual 1/4" or narrower segments on most short-wave dials
and you will see for yourself that short-wave stations are spread 50 times wider apart on the Overseas
Dial. As a result, tuning for foreign stations is much easier than ever before. Large, easy-to-read
dials are one of the important features of all new RCA Victor radios. Another RCA Victor tuning sensation
in the new sets is Electric Tuning. Push a button - there's your station. That's all you have to do
to get anyone of your eight favorite stations. You can have Electric Tuning with Armchair Control -
an ingenious device which permits push-button tuning from across the room, another room, or any place
else that's convenient.
In all, the 1938 RCA Victor line provides 55 great features, including Sonic-Arc Magic Voice, Magic
Brain, Magic Eye, RCA Metal Tubes. Ask your local RCA Victor dealer to tell you about all the features.
Buy your radio the wise way - on proof. There are 39 new models with prices to suit you. All RCA Victor
radios are available on C. I. T. easy payment terms.
RCA Victor Model 813K featuring new Overseas Dial and Electric Tuning, 13 tubes, new Sonic-Arc Magic
Voice, Magic Brain, Magic Eye, RCA Metal Tubes. Covers standard broadcast band and 49, 31, 25 and 19
meter bands of international entertainment. Armchair Control available at slight extra cost. Yours for
$15 down.
Amateurs Get Instrument They've Always Wanted - At Low Price
New, 16-tube communication receiver provides plus performance at low price.
Its performance shouts "custom-built" - yet you can afford its price! That's the ACR-111, RCA's new
communication receiver. This exceptional instrument has every desirable feature for communication service.
Meets every requirement of modern high frequency communication - takes the most trying conditions in
its stride.
The ACR-111 provides exceptional sensitivity, limited only by the tube noises common to all signal-input
tube circuits. An efficient antenna coupling system is provided to permit the use of receiver's inherent
Selectivity is the maximum consistent with requirements of communication service. Unusual frequency
stability and reliability have been achieved by careful electrical circuit design and the use of rugged
circuit components.
Among its outstanding features are the constant-percentage electrical band-spread system, noise suppressor,
2 r. f. and i. f. stages.
Cabinet, or rack mounting, models for only $189.50 at the factory. Free descriptive folder available
without cost, from your supplier.
Note These Features:
16 Tubes (14 All-Metal, 2 Glass) ... 540-32,000 kcs. Continuous ... 2 Tuned R-F Stages, 2 I-F Stages,
... Constant-Percentage Electrical Band-Spread ... Noise Suppressor ... Noise Limiter ... Quartz Crystal
I-F Filter ... Electron-Ray Tuning Tube and Signal-Strength Indicator ... 3 Magnetite Core I-F Transformers
... Delayed and Amplified A.V.C. ... Unique Stand-by Pilot Light ... All Controls on Front Panel ...
Separate Dust-proof 8-inch Dynamic Speaker ... Band Change by Self-cleaning Switch ... Handsome, Rugged
Metal Cabinet ... Individual Dial for Each Range ... Dial Calibrated in Megacycles ... Separate Calibration-Spread
Dial ... High Signal-to-Noise and Image Ratio ... Large Tuning Knobs with Crank Handles.
Free Central Phone Number Plan Uncovers RCA Check-Up Prospects
RCA Pays All Costs of Most Spectacular Check-Up Promotion Ever Offered Radio Service Dealers
RCA has introduced a new way of making the famous Check-Up Plan produce extra profits for radio service
dealers! Thousands have profitably hooked up to the Check-Up through a central telephone number!
This spectacular promotion again proves that wise dealers make money when they handle RCA Tubes.
For RCA is always behind them - helping them sell with consumer promotions. Here's how this latest promotion
worked: All RCA Tube Check-Up advertising in newspapers featured a central telephone number - having
no connection with either distributor or dealer. People desiring an RCA Check-Up called this number
and an operator relayed the call to the consumer's nearest qualified RCA Tube dealer. Prospects no longer
wondered where to call, whom to see when they needed a radio Check-Up. One number, easy to remember
did the trick.
Put new life in your Old Radio!
RCA's 10-Point Check-Up will make it Live Again! Costs only $1.50
Call (Phone) 0000 now!
For your nearest Authorized RCA Service Engineer. He recommends RCA Radio Tubes
Attention-getting, hard-selling, 4-inch ads like the one above appeared on the radio page of newspapers
three times a week. These Check-Up convincers produced amazing results - bringing radio service dealers
job after job.
RCA also provided free sales helps, including post-cards, check-up tags, direct mail letters, and
many others - all of which helped create new business and many profitable sales.
Everyone with a radio set over a year old is a prospect for the RCA 10-Point Radio Check-Up. Not
only does the Check-Up give you a worthwhile service profit margin but it also makes prospects pay for
being discovered - for it reveals to you the people who need new radios, electric irons, refrigerators
and the varied other electrical appliances you carry. See any RCA or Cunningham tube distributor for
further details.