September 1963 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Capitol Radio Engineering
Institute (CREI) was a major player in the home study industry, having been established
in 1927 at the beginning of the rapidly growing field of electronics. As computers
came on the scene, CREI changed its name to Capitol Institute of Technology in order
to diversify its training. Now known as
Technology University, curriculums through doctorate level are offered for astronautics
and aeronautics, electronics, computers, robotics, software, cybersecurity, and
other high tech arenas. I like their motto: "It's 2023. Every job is a technology
job." In 1963 when this four-page spread appeared in Radio-Electronics
magazine, the world's superpowers (primarily the U.S. and U.S.S.R.) were deep into
the Space Race,
seeking to establish dominance and superiority in the realms of manned spaceflight
and satellite deployment. The effort really took off (pun intended) in the mid-to-late
1950s during the International
Geographical Year (IGY) efforts by a consortium of countries to learn as much
as possible about the Earth's upper atmosphere and outer space. As with aeronautics
and aircraft flight, the public was enthralled with the concepts of space flight
and technology.
The Capitol Radio Engineering Institute Home Study Program
Has the Space Age Outdated Your Knowledge
of Electronics?
Turn page for Answer CREI
What happens to transistors in the Van Allen Belt? How are vacuum tubes used
in space? Why can't regular lubricants be used on moving parts in a spacecraft?
To what extent has the space effort changed reliability standards?
The answers to these questions reflect the changes taking place with space applications
of electronics. For space electronics involves new and different uses of electronic
principles. Conventional systems and components are frequently outdated. Technical
breakthroughs come almost daily. Space electronics is as different from the electronics
you know as the superheterodyne receiver is from the crystal set.
What Does This Change Mean to You? It means specialized knowledge
of space electronics is essential for a career in this field. Nearly every major
electronics organization and a good many of the smaller companies have become part
of the space program. Guiding space vehicles, communicating with them through space
and processing the vital information they gather demands knowledge that did not
exist when you studied electronics. And this knowledge can't be acquired on the
job, unless you are one of the few men privileged to work for a key space engineer
or scientist.
Developments in space electronics are affecting almost every area of electronics.
For instance, the same techniques used in the space program are used in electronic
packaging to reduce computers and television sets to a much smaller size. So knowledge
of space electronics is an asset to a man in any field of electronics. No question
about it, for your career in electronics, you must supplement your present knowledge
and experience with considerable new knowledge of space electronics.
CREI Can Help You Protect Your Future
CREI now offers a new Home Study Program planned to help you protect your future
in electronics by updating your education to space age requirements. CREI's Program
in Space Electronics enables you to study at home, on your own schedule through
methods developed in CREI's 36 years of experience in technical education through
home study. Long and painstaking effort has been devoted to the preparation of this
program. CREI faculty members have visited 14 government and private technical organizations
in the space effort to determine exactly what knowledge of electronics they want
in men they employ. Engineers and scientists from some of these organizations have
been retained as consultants to supply the technical material that makes up the
Photographs Courtesy of National Aeronautics & Space Administration
CREI Announces a Unique Home Study Program in Space Electronic Engineering Technology
with your choice of these specialties
Space Data Systems Includes analog and digital computers, information theory,
data acquisition and processing.
Space Tracking Systems Includes
microelectronics, space propagation, masers, lasers, infrared techniques.
Spacecraft Guidance and Control Includes inertial navigation, space radar, star
tracker systems, tracking networks.
• The first educational program developed specifically to help electronics
men apply their experience to the space effort.
• Content of program developed to meet employment requirements as determined
by consulting government and private organizations in the space field.
• Text material prepared with the help of engineers and scientists holding
key positions in leading space-oriented organizations. (Names on request.) You study
exactly the material technical organizations in the space effort want their employees
to know.
You Are Eligible for This Program if You Work in Electronics and Have a High
School Education.
Free Book Gives Full Information. Tear Out and Mail Postcard or write CREI, Department
1409-A, 3224 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 10, D. C.
Capitol Radio Engineering Institute
Founded 1927 Accredited Member of the National Home Study Council
Dept. 1409-A, 3224 Sixteenth St., N. W. Washington 10, D. C.
Please send me FREE book describing CREI Home Study Programs including new Program
in Space Electronics. I am employed in electronics and have a high school education.
Name __________________________________________________ Age ______
Address, _________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________ Zone _______ State ________
Employed by ______________________________________________________
Type of present work _________________________________________________
Check: _ Home Study _ Residence School _ G.I. Bill
Now CREI Offers Specialized Education in Every Important Area of Electronics
Space Data Systems (New)
Space Trackign Systems (New)
Spacecraft Guidance and Control (New)
Aeronautical and Navigational
Automation and Industrial
Servomechanisms and Computers
Free book gives complete information on CREI Home Study Programs including new
porgrams in space electronics. Tear out and mail postpaid card for your copy today.
Posted October 3, 2023