August 1949 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Anyone who used to watch
television in the days when reception quality at any given time depended on whether
your neighbor parked in certain spot in the driveway, or put up a big metal utility
shed or even a large above-ground swimming pool, or if the air was exceptionally
humid or a hammering downpour of rain or a blizzard was occurring, knows the lengths
to which people would go to obtain a good picture. All sorts of tricks were used
by those not familiar with engineered type solutions as shown in this 1949 issue
of Radio-Electronics magazine. Whereas author Allan Lytel instructs
on how to properly tune transmission lines for optimal reception (including constructing
shorting stubs and tuning them with a razor blade), we uneducated (at the time)
rubes resorted to adding lengths of crumpled tin foil to rabbit ears, rolling the
TV (if on a stand) around the room, repositioning the 300-ohm twin lead cable from
the roof-mounted antenna, and even standing or sitting in certain places in the
room to affect the best picture. Yes, many of us did that, including yours truly.
We didn't know why it often worked, but it did. The same goes for radio reception.
To this day I have the AC power cord of my 1980s
Electric roll-down-display clock radio hiked up onto a map pin in the wall to
get good reception.
Improve Your Television Picture

When you adjust the rear-panel controls, have someone hold a
mirror so you can see how adjustments are affecting the picture. Large mirror is
By Allan Lytel
Without knowing a thing about radio, you can better your reception. A "how-to-do-it"
for non-technical TV set owners
If you drive a car, you probably feel fully capable of telling when the gas tank
is empty, of filling your tires with air to the right pressure, and of putting antifreeze
in the radiator when winter comes along - even though you're no mechanic. Despite
the fact that you may not know a resistor from an inductor, there are certain improvements
you can make on your television installation, too.
But wait a minute! Put down that screwdriver and that pair of pliers. It's definitely
not a good idea to go barging into the set's innards - that's work for your professional
television service technician. There are dangerous high voltages inside that back
cover. There are also delicate adjustments, disturbing anyone of which might put
your set out of commission. But there are plenty of improvements you can make without
taking the back cover off the set.
Your first area of operation might very well be your roof if you have an outdoor
antenna. Your regular radio has probably been doing very well with a built-in antenna;
but your television set is much more critical for two good reasons.
First, the very short waves used for television transmission won't travel around
corners - they travel in straight lines, though they will bounce off flat surfaces.
That means that for best reception the antenna should be placed where radiation
from the transmitter can reach it directly, without obstructions or detours.
Second, a little noise on your radio doesn't bother the ear much; but on television
the noise (interference or static) makes little spots, lines, "rain" and "snow,"
dance all over the screen, and - as you may know from experience -eyes won't stand
much of that without complaining.
If you have put up your own antenna, the first thing to do is find out whether
it is in the right place. Moving the antenna a few feet in any direction can make
all the difference in the world. So try moving it around, with a friend watching
the TV screen to tell you when the picture is best. You may have to turn down the
Contrast control if you get much of an improvement.
If the installation is a professional one or if the antenna might damage someone
or something if it falls down, better not move it. Probably your service technician
has installed it right.

Fig. 1 - Antenna is broadside to the station.

Fig. 2 - Dual-path reception can cause ghosts.

If your picture is this bad, better get to work! The arrows show
the genuine and ghost images.
Whether or not you relocate the antenna, you may be able to improve reception
by turning it a bit. Usually you'll do best by having it broadside to the station,
as illustrated in Fig. 1. But that not always being true, try other positions as
Eliminating ghosts
There's nothing mysterious about television ghosts. If you get them, it's because
your antenna is picking up two signals from the same-station. Take a look at Fig.
2. The transmitting antenna squirts out energy in all directions. The energy your
antenna picks up should be that going along path A - the shortest and most direct
But suppose some of the energy going in another direction (path B) hits a building,
as the drawing shows. It bounces off the building just as light rays reflect from
a mirror. (Angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection.) The reflected energy
also reaches your antenna. But because it has traveled over a longer total distance
than the direct ray of path A, it arrives a little later. Thus, you have two signals
from the same station!
The picture on your screen is "painted" by a spot of light that moves across
and up and down the screen very fast. At each point on the screen it varies in brightness
to give the right shading to that part of the picture. And the amount of brightness
at each instant is dictated by the signal it receives at that instant from the station.
Now, let us say that the signal of path A tells the spot to make your screen
black in the center of the picture of a man's vest. Then the signal of path B comes
along a fraction of a second later with the same command. By that time the spot
of light has moved over into the whiteness of a light-colored wall. But the path-B
signal tells the spot to go black - and it does. Result: you see two dark areas
(two vests) where there should have been only one! The second vest, to the right
of the first, is the ghost.
The problem is to eliminate the signal of path B. If your antenna is of a very
directional type - that is, it rejects all energy not approaching it directly -
you'll probably have little trouble. If you do get ghosts, try revolving the antenna
while a friend watches the screen. You'll very likely be able to find one position
at which ghosts will be at a minimum for all or most stations. If there is no such
position, you'll probably have to get a more directional antenna.
There's no way to predict in advance whether you'll have ghosts; they are not
caused by the set itself. They are entirely an antenna problem - therefore experiment
until you're satisfied.
Better results downstairs
After you've finished with the antenna itself, pay attention to the wire or line
connecting it to the set.
The connecting line, usually made of two parallel wires embedded in a tough,
flexible plastic, is known as ribbon line or Twin-Lead or some similar name. It
is usually about 3/8 inch wide, and technicians generally call it "300-ohm" line
because of its electrical characteristics. If that's what your installation has,
it's time to go to work.
Take the tinfoil from a package of cigarettes, tear off about half, and wrap
it around the ribbon line a few inches away from your receiver. Keep it in place
with a paper clip. The photo will give you the idea.
Slide the foil slowly along the line and away [rom. the set, watching the screen.
You should have your most difficult-to-receive-station tuned in, with the Contrast
control turned down until you can barely see the picture. You will notice that with
the tinfoil at a certain spot, the picture gets worse, and that at another spot
it brightens up. Leave the tinfoil at the place at which the picture improved. Check
all the other stations to make sure you didn't make them worse. If all is well,
you've scored a point!
If reception still isn't good on your worst
channel, take the tinfoil off. At your radio store buy 3 or 4 feet of 300-ohm ribbon
line. Make sure you have an old razor blade handy.
Strip the plastic away from the first couple of inches of your piece of line,
and fasten each wire to one of the antenna posts of the receiver. You'll need a
screwdriver because the antenna posts are usually screw terminals, to which the
line from the antenna is already attached. When you tighten up the two screws again,
you should have both the original antenna line and the end of the new piece of the
line in place. Fig. 3 illustrates the scheme. Be sure to get one bared wire from
each of the two lines securely under the head of each screw.
Now, starting at the free end of the new section of line, hold the razor blade
across the plastic ribbon and dig it in until the metal contacts both wires. Watch
the screen. The picture may improve or get worse. Try this razor-blade. trick at
intervals of an inch or so all the way up to the antenna terminals. You will find
at least one point where the contact will improve the picture, Cut the line at that
point, bare the wires, and twist them together to make the improvement permanent.

This photo shows the strip of tinfoil wrapped around the line
and held in place with a clip.

Fig. 3 - Add piece of line and test with blade.

Fig. 4 - A switch selects desired tuning line.
While this will probably improve only one station, it isn't very likely to make
others worse; therefore you will have gained something again. If two stations are
bad, go through the procedure separately for each one, and then use a switching
arrangement like that shown in Fig. 4. You can buy the double-pole, double-throw
knife switch at a hardware or ten-cent store. When you want to watch programs on
station A, throw the switch to contact the line adjusted for that station; ditto
for station B. When watching stations needing no improvement, leave the switch entirely
open. You can screw the base of the switch to the back of the receiver cabinet.
There's one more thing to check in the antenna department. Notice how the ribbon
line comes down from the roof. Is it securely anchored all the way so it can't whip
about in the wind? If not, move it yourself and see whether there's any effect on
the picture. If there is, anchor the line firmly at intervals along the way if possible,
and at least at top and bottom. Don't use nails or screws; your radio service shop
has special insulators.
Adjusting controls
You don't have to be an engineer to adjust a television set's controls correctly,
but a few tips will help. You use the front-panel controls more often than those
on the rear, and you've probably tamed them so they'll perform as scheduled.
The little, knobless controls on the rear, though, have probably affected you
in one of two ways if you're a more or less average set owner. Either you've left
them strictly alone or you've become so curious that you twiddled them all and then
were unable to do anything but call your repairman. Of the two, the first reaction
is the safest, but there's no reason why you can't go around back and adjust at
least some of the controls to get a better picture. As your set "breaks in" and
the tubes and parts age, some of the adjustments need changing; you can often do
it yourself, without bothering the service technician.
But please read on before you touch anything! One wrong move, and the picture
may be standing on its ear. Go slowly!
Item No. 1 is to get a good-sized mirror if you have one. A hand mirror will
do if you can't find a bigger one. After moving the set out so you can get behind
it, prop the mirror on a chair in front of the screen. If you can't do that, get
someone to hold the mirror for you, as the personable young lady is doing in the
If there isn't much light behind the set, use a flashlight to read the control
markings. Usually these are stamped in the metal of the chassis and are hard to
read; be sure that the control you are adjusting is the one you want.
First adjust the Focus control. (It may be either on the rear or the front of
your set.) There are just three ways to do it right. Take your choice.
If there is a test pattern on (any channel will do, but choose the one that normally
gives you the best picture) tune it in and fix the front-panel controls as usual.
Now, watching the image carefully in the mirror, slowly rotate the Focus control
until the black lines near the apex of the bottom vertical wedge are clearest and
most sharply defined. Fig. 5 is a photo of a perfect test pattern and the arrow
shows you the area to be watched. Make the adjustment very precise - so that your
eye can separate the black lines to a point as near the center as possible. This
is quite a critical adjustment.
Another good way is to try and find a channel with FM or similar interference.
Try the channels not used by stations in your location. Turn the Contrast control
up and watch for a "tweed" (as in men's suits) pattern. If you can find one, adjust
the Focus control until every detail of the tweed pattern is crystal-clear. The
optimum adjustment can be found very quickly.
If there aren't any test patterns and you can't find tweeds, tune in a program.
Adjust the Focus control until you can see individual horizontal lines of light
across the screen. You'll have to look closely on most sets, and you may have trouble
seeing the lines at all on 7-inch and smaller tubes. Using a test pattern is by
far the best method of the three mentioned.
There are two more controls you can adjust if your set has a 7-inch tube or smaller,
These are Vertical Centering and Horizontal Centering. If the picture is too far
over to one side of the mask or too high or low, these controls will move it to
the right place. Adjustment is very easy - just watch the image and twirl the control
Once again a warning: The other controls on the rear of the set interact; that
is, adjusting one affects the functions of another. One twist of a shaft and you're
likely to spend the rest of the evening trying to get a good picture.
Light filters and enlargers

Fig. 5 - Watch outlined area when focusing.
There have been rumors that watching television is bad for the eyes. If your
receiver works well and you treat it right, the rumors are - just rumors. For instance,
don't locate the set where direct light can fall either on it or on your eyes. If
it's under a window or there's a lamp beside it, your eyes will have to withstand
quite a change of illumination when you look away from the picture to the comparatively
bright sunlight or lamp.
If light falls on the screen, the glass will reflect it, along with the light
from the picture itself. Effectively that reduces the contrast - "washes out" the
picture. So, for best television viewing, keep the room dark except for a little
light that doesn't shine on your face or on the screen.
Keeping the room entirely dark is hard on the eyes, too. When you look away from
the screen, your eyes have to adjust from reasonably bright light (the picture)
to utter darkness, a change that's too sharp, according to medical men, to be healthy.
Picture-tube filters are sold to "increase contrast" - you've probably seen the
ads. Some of them are simply tinted, transparent plastic. The light from the picture
itself passes through the filter once and is dimmed to some extent. But any external
light reflected from the screen passes through the filter twice - once on its way
to the screen and once from the screen to your eye. As you can see, the reflected
light is cut down twice as much as that from the picture. As a result, daylight
or room lights falling on the screen don't tend to wash out the picture so much.
Polaroid filters are a little different. They are tinted, too, and act like the
others; but in addition, they have the same properties of cutting down reflected
glare as do the Polaroid glasses you may have used while driving a car. Apparently
reflected light is polarized much more than direct light; the polarized filter removes
most of the polarized reflections.
Some viewers like filters and some don't - it's a matter of individual preference.
They undoubtedly do prevent eyestrain to some extent by removing the glare from
overly bright screens, but you can do the same thing by turning down the Brightness
If your set has a 20-inch viewing tube like the Du Mont on this month's cover,
you probably aren't worrying about getting a bigger picture. But if you have a smaller
one, you may want an enlarging lens. Available in many sizes and styles, most of
them are either solid or liquid-filled plastic. Unfortunately, you can't get too
far off toward the side without getting picture distortion with a lens; but since
a bigger picture will allow you to sit farther away from the screen, you can usually
get more or less directly in front of the set all the people who want to watch.
There's an important limitation to the size of your picture. Remember that a
television picture is not a solid "photograph" but an optical illusion. It's made
up of 485 horizontal lines of light from top to bottom of the picture. If the tube
is small, the lines must be crammed in; they are so close together you can hardly
see them. With even a very large picture - the number of lines remains the same;
the lines are now far enough apart to be seen. Whatever the size of your screen,
you have to get far enough away from it so that the lines blend together and the
eye is fooled into thinking it sees a solid picture. Therefore, with a big screen,
be sure your room is large enough to allow you to get back from the set a sufficient
distance. The distance will vary according to the condition of your eyes and your
preferences. Watch a picture of the size you want at your dealer's store to get
the information you need.
You may have heard that American television stations transmit with a definition
of 525 lines. What happened to the difference between 525 and the 485 we mentioned
above? The answer is that the time that might be occupied by the missing 40 lines
is taken up with "sync pulses". These are electronic instructions which tell the
receiver what to do to keep the moving light spot in step with that at the transmitter.
Without them - no image!
Out in the Country
Television stations usually have a maximum useful range of about 40 miles because
of the technical characteristics of the wavelengths on which they transmit. Sometimes
they'll reach farther, sometimes not the full 40 miles. But if you live more than
25 to 30 miles from a station, you're likely to have a little trouble getting a
perfect picture, one without "snow" effect.
The best way to proceed if an ordinary installation doesn't get the results you
want is to use a special antenna, one that's very directional. These antennas not
only suppress static arriving from directions other than that in which the antenna
is pointed, but also provide a gain - they receive energy and send it to your receiver
much more efficiently than the simpler antennas.
If you're still not satisfied, try raising the antenna as high as possible. Some
owners in outlying districts have even used telephone poles (bought their own, not
climbed up existing ones) or tall metal towers. This matter of reception in fringe
areas, as these locations are called, requires considerable study and is best handled
by a professional technician.
If you are located where the signal is weak, but still strong enough to give
you some picture, a booster will often help. These are little amplifiers containing
one or two vacuum tubes, that any set owner can install himself. Connected between
the antenna line and the receiver, they increase the strength of the signal before
it reaches the receiver. Even where some stations come in well, there may be others
which perform badly; a booster may help with the bad ones and can be switched off
when you are watching a strong station.
Improving your television set pays off in better pictures and more satisfying
But remember this always: your television receiver is a delicate instrument,
and it's immensely complex. Leave its insides strictly alone; if something goes
wrong that hasn't been wrong before, call your television service technician!
Posted June 16, 2022