April 1967 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
"A typical discharge of
lightning releases nearly 100 million volts along its path - through which as
much as 250,000 amps of current flows. Temperatures reach 30,000°C, roughly five
times the surface temperature of the sun. The stroke lasts only a few
milliseconds, so the average power is low-typically from 10 to 100 watts." Let's
see... 100 MV x 250 kA = 25,000 gigawatts (Doc Brown's
DeLorean only
needed 1.21 GW). Over 1 ms that's an energy of 25 gigajoules. I'm not sure where
the 10 to 100 watts of "average" power in the article comes from. The
National Weather
Service says, "A typical lightning flash is about 300 million volts and
about 30,000 amps." That's 9,000 gigawatts, enough for 7,438 time travel trips.
...but I digress. The April 1967 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine
had a cover announcement of "Lightning and UFO's." This is the article to which
it refers.
Lightning, Plasma and Balls of Fire
The common form of lightning is now believed to energize the type of "ball lightning"
that may explain reports of several kinds of visual phenomena, including many UFO's.
A review of natural electrical discharges in the skies.
By Allen B Smith
To most of us, lightning is something that comes naturally with summer thunderstorms,
and we usually don't worry about it. It's only when this powerful atmospheric electricity
oversteps the bounds of good manners that it becomes a matter for attention. It's
difficult to overlook the explosive shattering of a large tree near your house,
or a lightning-caused forest fire which ravages thousands of acres of valuable timber.
Worst of all is the stroke that snuffs out the lives of a family huddled away from
a driving rainstorm under the branches of an old oak.
Electronics technicians - like many other people - have long been aware of the
lethal power of lightning. We know that human carelessness leads to serious injury
and property damage caused by lightning. In the normal course of our work, we've
established safety procedures: Ground that antenna mast; use a lightning arrester
on that lead-in. We have developed a healthy respect for the power contained in
a storm cloud - and with good reason.
A typical discharge of lightning releases nearly 100 million volts along its
path - through which as much as 250,000 amps of current flows. Temperatures reach
30,000°C, roughly five times the surface temperature of the sun. The stroke
lasts only a few milliseconds, so the average power is low-typically from 10 to
100 watts. But its energy, as we all know, has astonishing effects. We also know
that this form of electricity is the least predictable. About all we can do is wait
for it to strike.
Early Discoveries
The apparently random and capricious behavior of lightning accounts in part for
the belief in fire gods and other mystical beings among men of earlier civilization.
Not surprisingly, some primitive cultures were strongly centered around the power
of lightning, usually in the keeping of their strongest god. Even the Greeks and
Romans had rather special views about atmospheric electricity.
In Rome, for example, there was a body of especially learned men known as the
College of Augurs whose sale purpose was to predict the will of the gods. To obtain
this extremely important information, the augurs observed the random action of birds,
meteorites and comets, and lightning. Lightning, it was believed, was controlled
by Jupiter, the most powerful of Roman deities. The direction from which lightning
struck, the quarter of the sky in which it was seen, its intensity and physical
character - all these had significance in determining the will of Jupiter.
Today, we have a far more scientific understanding of the causes and effects
of lightning, but the new confidence with which we regard it is only as old as the
experiments and observations of Benjamin Franklin. As one of a small number of educated
men using the scientific method in studying natural phenomena, Franklin described,
in 1750, an apparatus to determine whether the electrical charge held within a cloud
could be tapped off and carried harmlessly to the ground. The device was constructed
first in France, but Franklin proved to his own satisfaction - during the famous
kite experiment - that the charge could, indeed, be grounded. He later described
the construction and installation of lightning rods and grounding systems based
on these observations.
Scientific studies of lightning in its various forms have been pursued by a surprisingly
large body of scientists. In all parts of the world, visual, photographic and physical
observations have resulted in a massive written record. Practically every aspect
of the phenomenon is quite neatly cataloged.
Fire Balls
There is one significant exception, however. Like a thin wisp of smoke in a clear
sky, descriptions of a maverick variation generally called "ball lightning" are
found throughout the entire recorded history of lightning sightings. Refusing to
follow the well-known behavior patterns of its common relative, ball lightning may
roll along the ground, pop through an open window or down a chimney, ricochet off
the walls of a house, sit on a fence, hum, buzz, hover, fade away or explode. Somehow,
the first impression one gets in reading about the stuff is that everyone who claims
to have seen it has a different story to tell.
Following an extensive study of ball-lightning observations, scientist Donald
J. Ritchie concludes that there probably are two basic types. The first is a diffuse
red ball which fades slowly without doing any apparent damage. The second is bright,
bluish-white and decays rapidly with a loud explosion, charring and blasting nearby
objects. The balls apparently range in size from an inch or so to as much as 30
or 40 feet in diameter; the average seems to be about 1 foot. Their lifespan is
anywhere from a few seconds to 3 minutes on the average, yet Ritchie notes that
one very large ball was seen hanging below the base of a storm cloud for 15 minutes.
Fig. 1 - Graphical representation of the Uman/Helstrom theory of ball lightning
shows the limits of current density and current for balls of varying diameters.
Probably the most unusual aspect of these electrical enigmas is that they move
as if they had no appreciable weight, sometimes very quickly, sometimes just barely
creeping along, changing direction rapidly and at random. In one incident, reported
by eyewitness J. Durward (a one-time director of the British Meteorological Service),
a ball of fire entered the cockpit of an airliner flying through a heavy thunderstorm.
It passed in through an open window vent, singed the eyebrows of the captain, burned
holes in his safety harness and flight case, bounced through the passenger cabin
into the rear of the craft, where it burst in a loud explosion.
In spite of literally hundreds of reported sightings in recent years, photographs
of ball lightning are extremely rare. Those which do exist have been judged by some
investigators as frauds and by a few as due to other natural phenomena. Others,
of course, believe that the pictures represent actual images of ball lightning.
UFO's and Lightning
At this point you already may have formed the idea that many of the characteristics
of so-called ball lightning also may be ascribed to at least one kind of UFO's (unidentified
flying objects). In one famous case, investigated by John Fuller and reported in
his book Incident at Exeter, 60 people observed some kind of bright and highly mobile
object. It darted through the skies of Exeter, N. H., before disappearing. There
seems to be no doubt that observers actually saw something strange and captivating
that night in September 1965. Fuller's conclusion was that the shimmering glow which
visited Exeter was a spaceship from a planet in another solar system. Even though
such a visit is possible, Fuller's explanation doesn't seem too convincing. Exeter's
spaceship sounds like many descriptions of ball lightning.
Noted astronomer Harlow Shapley (fifth director of the Harvard Observatory) believes
that perhaps as many as 100,000 planets capable of supporting some form of intelligent
life may exist within our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Harrison Brown of Cal Tech
says a thousand or so. If either is correct, then at least one of these higher forms
of life may wish to visit what must seem to them to be our remote and insignificant
solar system. But, all "evidence" of such visits seems poorly observed, badly reported
and devoid of scientific basis or credibility. Visual evidence, as we all know,
can be extremely misleading.
Until recently the subject of ball lightning was a muddled morass of unsupported
observation. Like reports of flying saucers and other UFO's, it was regarded by
most of the scientific community as part of an interesting folklore, good for spirited
conjecture and little else. In May 1966, however, two scientists at the Westinghouse
Research Labs published a report that has added strong evidence that ball lightning
actually does exist. Its physical and electrical characteristics are described in
careful detail.
Drs. M. A. Uman and C. W. Helstrom, with the assistance of a high-speed computer,
have constructed a mathematical model that predicts the properties of ball lightning
in terms of known physical forces. The Uman-Helstrom model describes the ball in
terms of current density, temperature and diameter. The descriptions agree in surprising
detail with recorded observations of ball lightning.
As Fig. 1 shows, central temperatures in a lightning ball may range from 3,500°C
to 6,000°C, 58% to 100% of those found at the sun's surface. Current flowing
within the ball itself varies from a few tenths to several hundreds of amps. The
ball size is predicted as a function of temperature and of the current density that
exists in the air between the storm cloud and the ground.
The theory also predicts that a ball having an 8-inch diameter and a 5,000°C
central temperature would be as bright as a 1,000-watt light bulb.
Electric Gas
Fig. 2 - Weakly ionized gas has a high density of neutral molecules. Increasing
ionization decreases number of neutral molecules. Completely ionized gas has no
neutral molecules.
Uman and Helstrom based their work on a phenomenon that's been known only a short
time to physicists - the effect known as plasma. (Not to be confused with plasma
- the fluid part of blood.) When a gas becomes ionized to the point that it contains
a nearly equal quantity of electrons and positive ions, it's called plasma. How
does it differ from ordinary gas? For one thing, it's a good conductor of electricity.
Also, it's affected by magnetic fields.
We know that gas in its normal state is an electric insulator, and that application
of intense electrostatic or electromagnetic fields will release free electrons and
ions. Under these conditions, the gas becomes conductive and remains so as long
as the gas-discharge conditions are met. The ionized gas consists of electrons,
positive ions, and neutral molecules. The electrons and ions in a given volume of
ionized gas tend to balance in number, because any excess, either of ions or electrons,
creates an intense electrostatic field that tends immediately to restore the condition
of particle balance.
Complete equilibrium for the ionized gas depends additionally on the molecular
density of the gas, its temperature and the degree of ionization. This total equilibrium
normally exists for all degrees of ionization. In weakly ionized gases, the ratio
of positive ions and free electrons to neutral molecules is very low. In strongly
ionized gases, however, the ratio is high. And, in a completely ionized gas of specific
volume, the density of neutral molecules is zero. The resulting incandescent gas
cloud is called a plasma.
To put it another way: The ionized gas which generates the light in a fluorescent
tube is weakly ionized; the controlled-fusion reaction of the sun with its extraordinarily
powerful magnetic field is a hydrogen plasma.
Because large regions of the universe and many specific stellar and nebular bodies
now are assumed to be plasmas, the study of their characteristics is of basic interest
to astrophysicists and cosmologists. Nuclear explosions produce matter that is almost
completely ionized, as do the superconducting magnets used by physicists working
to control the fusion reaction of heavy hydrogen. The entire concept of radio astronomy
is based on the intense electromagnetic radiation of stellar bodies, particularly
the class of radio stars known as quasars - another form of galactic plasma.
Physicists often remark that plasmas constitute the fourth state of matter, being
neither liquid, gas nor solid. No matter how one views them, certainly their importance
in achieving a better understanding of basic physical forces is hard to exaggerate.
Plasma research undoubtedly will lead to controlled-fusion power, to pulsed-plasma
engines of low thrust and extremely high (near the speed of light) velocities for
interplanetary and interstellar space-craft, and to a more complete understanding
of how the entire universe was formed and developed.
Lightning and Plasma
How does the Uman-Helstrom theory of ball lightning relate to the conditions
of plasma generation? The electrostatic charge necessary for ionizing a small volume
of air lies between a highly charged cloud and the ground. The heating requirement
is met by a lightning stroke - usually far in excess of the temperature needed to
ionize the air completely. Still, there must be a missing ingredient. Otherwise,
every lightning stroke would create a plasma, and ball lightning would be bouncing
from wall to wall during every thunderstorm.
According to research conducted at the Illinois Institute of Technology in which
ball lightning was artificially generated, the volume of air from which the plasma
is formed must differ in some way from the air that surrounds it. This difference
may result from just the right distribution of dust particles, from random concentrations
of foreign gases (hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia. etc.) or from almost any form
of contamination that happens to be directly in the path of a lightning stroke and
in the presence of a strong magnetic field. The relative rarity of ball lightning
attests to the odds against all of these circumstances occurring simultaneously
and within the limits shown in the graph. But when they do occur - Fireworks!
Once the plasma has been formed, the fireball is free to move in response to
the constantly changing magnetic field surrounding it. When the cloud-to-ground
currents are symmetrical around the ball and flow symmetrically through it, the
net force is zero, and the ball hangs stationary in space. It has, after all, the
same weight as the surrounding air. Any change in the distribution of the magnetic
field will cause the ball to move. Further, any change in the symmetrical shape
of the ball also will impart motion, due to a resulting distortion of the field.
In particular, an elongated or cigar-shaped ball is very unstable and moves at high
When the magnetic field supporting the plasma collapses slowly, the degree of
ionization is reduced and the ball, like an old soldier, just fades away. If the
magnetic field collapses abruptly, or if the ball moves into an area shielded from
the field, all the latent energy held in the ball is released at once. The result
is an explosion, the severity of which depends on the size of the ball, the temperature
inside it, the molecular current density and the strength of the field at the time
of collapse.
Well-documented accounts of this phenomenon have described massive damage to
buildings, multiple deaths from blast and burns, and other examples of high-energy
release. One of the most serious of these occurred during a tornado that struck
a small village in Dartmoor, England, on a Sunday in October 1638. After being assaulted
by high winds and lightning, a church (in which services had just begun) was bombarded
by a fireball which moved through the main hall, severely burned several parishioners,
then exploded. More than 60 persons were killed in the resulting blast and collapse
of the damaged building.
It's apparent that ball lightning, especially now that its formation and existence
have been verified by mathematical computation and by the IIT experiments, may hold
the answer to a variety of previously unexplained occurrences. Foremost among these,
of course, are the reports of UFO's that glow in night skies, move erratically at
high speed with a buzzing sound, then disappear - either silently or with a loud
This possible explanation for several types of UFO's is strengthened when we
learn that a plasma may be formed in the vicinity of high-voltage power lines, even
in particularly dry weather. What's more, operators of NASA's rocket-tracking radars,
who follow the paths of satellite-launch vehicles, know that the plasma trail formed
by a massive rocket is easier to obtain an echo from than the craft itself.
Since the Air Force now has authorized a serious study of UFO's - interestingly
enough, under the direction of the research and development branch rather than the
intelligence agency as before - this new interest in plasmas and ball lightning
surely will not go unnoticed. At this time, of course, we have no way of knowing
whether further investigation will show that ball lightning and other plasmas account
for most UFO reports.
If it does - and this seems likely - I'll be among those who will feel a little
let down. I've been interested in some of the serious efforts in books and magazine
articles that attempt to show that earth has been visited by visitors from outer
space. Theories have been proposed describing members of some higher life form,
whose home probably lies far beyond the comfortable confines of our own solar system.
Frankly, I like the idea that the extraordinary interstellar and intergalactic distances
can somehow be spanned despite the contradictions of our brief lifespans and the
apparent limitation of the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) as our greatest
attainable spaceship velocity.
I'd like to believe the theories. But the evidence - scientific evidence - so
far isn't convincing. Right now, I'll place my bets on the balls of fire.
Posted March 25, 2024