October 1967 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Usually when posting
one of the Popular Electronics magazine
quizzes that includes vacuum tubes, I suggest the reader mentally replace
them with an enhancement mode FET. That is because like the tube, all
configurations of FETs have a very high input impedance, which is why vacuum
tube voltmeters (VTVMs) were used when it was important to not let the meter
load down the circuit under test. Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), by
comparison, have relatively low input impedance, but are still useful as input
buffers to mechanical meter movements. In 1967 when this article appeared in
Radio-Electronics magazine, the MOSFET - or MOS FET as written at the time
- was relatively new to the marketplace. A single 2N3608, made by the
Microelectronics Division of Philco-Ford, cost $8.05 in 1967, which is
equivalent to
$72.65 as of this writing (per the BLS Inflation Calculator). Vacuum tubes
were $1 to $2 apiece at the time.
What's a MOS FET? - Newest type of transistor simplified
By Gene L. Jackson*
If the conventional junction-type transistor weren't already established, the
MOS FET (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) would have been developed
instead. That's the opinion of many top scientists and engineers who have spent
years experimenting with both kinds. Such comments suggest how dramatically versatile
this new semiconductor is.
The principle of the MOS FET† has been known for many years, but only
recently has the state of the semiconductor art reached the point where practical
MOS FET's could be manufactured on a production basis. Early MOS FET's were unstable
and permanently affected by high temperatures.

Fig. 1 - Depletion-type MOS FET has a solid-state conductance channel between
drain and source regions for operation in either the depletion or enhancement modes.

Fig. 2 - Enhancement type requires a voltage on the gates to form a conductance
channel between source and drain and operates only in the enhancement mode.
Some of the advantages of the MOS FET over other types of transistors:
1. A much higher input impedance
2. Lower noise
3. Lower stray capacitance
4. Better thermal stability
5. Wider frequency response
6. More uniformity from unit to unit.
There are two types of MOS FET's: the depletion and the enhancement type. Fig.
1 is a simplified cross-section of the depletion type. Notice that the drain and
source regions are connected by a very thin channel of n-type crystal. The gate
lead is connected to a metal electrode which in turn is separated from the n-type
semiconductor channel by a layer of silicon dioxide. This layer of silicon dioxide
is extremely thin and is the secret to successful MOS FET operation.
As is the case with the junction FET, appropriate bias voltages applied between
gate and source electrodes can deplete the channel of its active current carriers.
This is accomplished by the electric field in the gate region, very much like the
action of a tube's grid. The conductivity of this MOS FET conduction channel can
be "enhanced," or increased, as well as "depleted."
Because the gate is well insulated and is nonrectifying (that is, no current
can flow into or from the gate electrode) , the input resistance remains high with
either type of operation and the power of the transistor is not affected. What's
significant is that while current can flow through the MOS FET (from source to drain)
with zero bias between the gate and the source, this current can be increased or
decreased by applying the proper bias or signal voltage between these two electrodes.
These two modes of operation, called the enhancement mode and depletion mode respectively,
are both applicable to the depletion type.
The current in the MOS FET does not cross a pn junction as in a conventional
transistor. That eliminates minority-carrier problems and consequently many disadvantages
inherent in the conventional transistor.
Enhancement Type
A simplified cross-section diagram of the enhancement type MOS FET is shown in
Fig. 2. This type is identical to the depletion type except that the physical channel
between the source and the drain does not exist. Because current cannot flow without
some type of channel in a field-effect transistor, the enhancement-type MOS FET
can be operated only in the enhancement mode. A bias must be applied between the
gate and the source to "create" a channel.
In Fig. 2, when a bias voltage is applied so that the gate is positive with respect
to the source, electrons are drawn into the region beneath the gate electrode. With
enough bias voltage, the p-type crystal immediately next to the gate and between
the source and drain regions gains enough electrons so that it begins to act like
an n-type crystal. Thus the necessary "channel" is formed. The width and conductivity
of this channel are proportional to the voltage applied. Again the current can be
controlled through the device without drawing any current from or into the gate
electrode, leaving the input impedance very high at all times.
While only n-channel devices have been mentioned so far, p-channel MOS FET's
are also commercially available. The n- and the p-regions, and the polarities of
the applied voltages, are reversed (as in pnp and npn transistors).

Fig. 3 - Unfortunately, MOS FET symbols appear to vary as the number of manufacturers.
Here are just a few you will find in schematics.
Unfortunately, symbols for MOS FET's are not yet standardized. Fig. 3 shows some
of the symbols now used. All examples are n-channel type. The p-channel symbol is
identical, except that the direction of the arrowheads is reversed. The substrate
connection can be brought out of the case as a separate lead, or connected internally
to the source electrode.
Beware of Electrostatics
The MOS FET isn't perfect - it has a disadvantage inherent to insulated-gate
devices. It can easily become permanently damaged by a relatively low volt-age across
its leads. The insulating layer of silicon dioxide to which the gate electrode is
connected is made very thin to allow good control over the conducting channel with
a low gate-to-source bias voltage. That same thinness allows this layer to be easily
punctured. Because any current through this silicon dioxide layer results in permanent
damage, a static charge on your body or clothes can ruin a MOS FET. A large electrostatic
charge can accumulate on the electrodes if the MOS FET slides around in its packing
material or if its leads are rubbed or brushed against clothing or other fabrics
during handling. For this reason, MOS FET's (like meter movements) are usually shipped
and stored with the leads tied together electrically with conductive foil or by
some other means.
Fig. 4 - Schematic diagram of the basic p-channel MOS FET preamplifier used to
plot curves in Fig. 5. The PET can operate in a manner similar to a pentode vacuum
Fig. 5 - As the voltage across the drain and source increases, drain current
increases. Operating point is the intersection of the load line and the line representing
equal voltage across the gate and the drain, both with respect to the source. Load
resistance RL is 12,000 ohms.
Some precautions to prevent damage to MOS FET's (and all FET's) during handling
and in circuits:
1. Always keep the leads connected together electrically until they are
connected into a circuit.
2. Get the habit of watching for accumulation of potentially harmful static
charges. Ground yourself and your equipment before handling FET's.
3. Use only soldering irons with grounded tips when working with MOS FET
4. Be sure the MOS FET and the circuit it is to be connected to are at the
same potential before touching the two together.
5. Be sure that power supplies used with FET's do not produce excessive voltage
transients, especially when they are turned on or off. These precautions shouldn't
frighten you from taking advantage of these new devices. With proper handling, damage
to MOS FET's should be extremely rare. After installation in the circuit, there
is very little chance of damage because the circuit impedances should be low enough
to prevent buildup of voltages high enough to cause damage.
The MOS FET is especially good for preamplifiers, oscillators and other low-level
circuits where high impedance and good frequency response are important. In many
respects, it combines the advantages of both transistors and tubes, without their
Resembles Pentode Tube
A basic preamplifier circuit using an enhancement-type MOS FET is shown in Fig.
4. It can be used with a microphone, a phonograph or guitar pickup or for any other
low-level signal application. The RF value isn't critical - it could be as high
as several hundred megohms - because no gate current is drawn by the bias circuit.
A nominal value would be 22 megs, which is large enough to present a high enough
input impedance for most applications. If you want an extremely high input impedance, RF may be increased in value.
The MOS FET shown in Fig. 4 is a 2N3608, made by the Microelectronics Division
of Philco-Ford. Single-quantity price is $8.05.
The resistance of RL is selected to match the characteristics of the
MOS FET and other circuit values. Generally, as the resistance of RL
is increased, voltage gain and output impedance in-crease, and input impedance decreases.
The input impedance is approximately the RF value divided by the voltage gain.
As an example of the process of selecting circuit values, refer to Fig. 5, a
series of drain curves for the preamplifier. The dashed line represents the points
where VGS equals VDS The load line is drawn for a supply of
18 volts with RL equal to 12k. The point of intersection of the load
line and the dashed line represents the quiescent or self-bias point.
Small-value coupling capacitors will work well with this preamp, because of the
high impedances involved.
Many possible applications for MOS FET's are only now coming into view. As cost
drops, MOS FET's will show up more and more in commercial equipment.
* General Dynamics Corp.
† The MOS FET is sometimes referred to as an insulated-gate field-effect transistor
Posted June 28, 2023