May 1967 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
SpaceX and
Blue Origin have been in the news for
the last decade for their efforts (some successful, some not) to autonomously
land a spacecraft vertically under its own power. Love (which I still do, in
spite of its crippling "wokeness") it or hate it, NASA has been doing that for
nearly six decades. Granted, it was on celestial bodies with lower gravitational
acceleration than on Earth, but the earliest craft (Surveyor 1, 1966) had
relatively crude electronics aboard, including a Doppler radar, flight computer,
and video camera. The now legendary
Apollo Guidance
Computer has been written about extensively, and is a testimony to the
brilliance of the scientists, engineers, managers, operators, and technicians
who built and flew it. Articles like this one in the May 1967 issue of
Radio-Electronics magazine are a very valuable part of the historical
record for America's manned space flight programs. It reports on the remote
control portion of the flights rather than the autonomous parts. Here is the
Surveyor 1 Flight Performance Report.
World's Toughest R/C Job - Guidance in Outer Space

Containing over 1,500 components, this IRU device guided the
Lunar Orbiter.
By Allen B. Smith
NASA's spectacular success in soft-landing Surveyor I on the moon, and in obtaining
high-resolution photographs of the lunar surface from Lunar Orbiter, has generated
a tremendous surge of interest in America's plans to explore outer space. Project
Apollo, though struck by the tragic fire that took the lives of astronauts Grissom,
White and Chaffee, continues to captivate the interest of the world public. By the
end of 1968 or early in 1969, three American astronauts will embark on an historic
8-day trip to the moon and return to earth. Two of the three-man Apollo crew will
explore the moon's surface during a projected 35-hour encampment.
Virtually every system in NASA's diversified collection of spacecraft de-pends
heavily on electronic instrumentation. Of all the electronics, the guidance and
navigation package in all missiles and spacecraft is particularly interesting.
In NASA's space-exploration program there is a bewildering array of spacecraft.
They fall roughly into three major categories: missiles, unmanned probes, and manned
spaceships and capsules. Each is designed for a specific purpose, and each has a
unique physical configuration, Yet in the center of all those vehicles nestles a
group of gyroscopes and accelerometers, a computer and other precision components.
These comprise the nucleus of the remarkable inertial guidance and navigation unit.
Ballistics missiles like Redstone, Jupiter, Atlas and Titan, originally conceived
as force-deterrent weapons, have been developed into highly dependable vehicles
for thrusting American satellites and spacecraft into space. This family of rocket-engined
craft uses the most direct form of inertial guidance. The system's computer is preprogramed
to control the vehicle during its flight without reference to external signals.
Unmanned, instrumented space-craft are far more varied than missiles. Explorer,
Pioneer, Nimbus, Tiros, Early Bird and other orbital craft employ an inertial-guidance
system, but only to maintain or correct the attitude of the satellite relative to
the earth. Lunar probes of the Ranger and Lunar Orbiter series are equipped with
restartable rocket engines and may be required to make midcourse corrections. They
must, therefore, be able to receive commands from ground-based stations so that
their computers can develop course-change commands to the attitude-control system
and the main propulsion engine. Surveyor-series craft can do that also.
Inertial guidance and navigation equipment in manned spacecraft is much more
complex. It has a variety of subsystems that augment the basic inertial system and
insure absolute control and pinpoint accuracy.

Fig. 1 - Heart of inertial-guidance system is gimballed platform
with three gyros.

Fig. 2 - The man-and-systems-augmented inertial-guidance package
designed for the Apollo spacecraft is a brilliantly versatile and fantastically
accurate vehicle control system.

Fig. 3 - During the voyage of Lunar Orbiter, many critical maneuvers
were fed into the craft's computer sequencer from the ground-based control center.
Orbiter then received the sequencer commands and followed them throughout the indicated
In simplest terms, an inertial-guidance system is a self-contained instrument
package requiring no external reference signals or commands once it has been programed
to guide a vehicle to its destination. It must have three basic elements: (1) a
directional reference provided by gyroscopes, (2) a memory device - usually a compact
computer, and (3) velocity-sensitive accelerometers to detect external forces that
alter the vehicle's course in any direction. The computer integrates information
obtained from the gyros and accelerometers to produce electrical error signals that
command the attitude-control system and main rocket engine.
The heart of the inertial system consists of the stable platform, also known
as the inertial reference unit (IRU), or the inertial measuring unit (IMU). The
platform is a three-axis gyro system. It establishes a stable element to which the
accelerometers are mounted. Fig. 1 shows how the three gyros (G) and three accelerometers
(A) are suspended by the innermost member of a gimballed support framework. Gimbals
permit the gyro assembly to tilt freely in any direction. Axes of the gyros and
accelerometers coincide to make a kind of artificial horizontal/vertical frame of
reference against which spacecraft motion is measured and computed.
The gyro platform "wants" to remain fixed as the vehicle tips and pitches around
it. When the gyros are disturbed in any axis or combination of axes, output signals
are obtained. These signals are applied to small torque motors which reposition
the stable platform. This action compensates for the axial disturbance and restores
the correct frame of reference. Gyro output information also is fed into the computer
to record the history of the flight for reference in future computations. As long
as the computer knows where it is going and where it has been (in the form of integrated
data from the stable platform), it can compute flight-path corrections to arrive
exactly at the destination.
A gyro used in inertial systems is so sensitive that the weight of an oily fingerprint
on its balance wheel would cause the entire gyro to drift enough to cause a serious
aiming error and throw the spacecraft completely off course. The accelerometers,
too, have startling capabilities. A typical unit is capable of measuring velocity
changes as great as 10 G's (equivalent to accelerating a body from 0 to 60 mph in
1/4 sec) or as slight as 0.0008 G (from 0 to 6 mph in 3 hours).
These elements are necessary to any inertial system. While such basic packages
have been used in orbiting spacecraft and in missile and booster rockets, most of
the state-of-the-art inertial systems (Lunar Orbiter and Apollo particularly) have
complementary subsystems to increase the effectiveness of the guidance and navigation
equipment. The Apollo, for example. uses a scheme like the one diagramed in Fig.
The most spectacular performances of inertial guidance and navigation equipment
to date have occurred in the Mariner, Lunar Orbiter and Surveyor spacecraft.
Launched on November 28, 1964, Mariner IV was lofted into an initial parking
orbit around the earth by an Atlas booster. Reaching the optimum point on this orbital
path from which it would begin its trajectory to Mars, the restartable Agena second
stage thrust the craft into its interplanetary path. Separated from the booster,
Mariner then was free to follow the commands programed into its computer sequencer
or to receive commands from the control center on earth.
In flight for more than 7,375 hours before passing beyond the range of the Deep
Space Network, Mariner performed literally thousands of attitude corrections and
major orientation changes. Data, both from the scientific instruments carried on
board and from the spacecraft support telemetry system, were fed back to earth continuously.
The final signals, received far beyond the orbit of Mars, were at a level of 1018
(a billion-billionth) watt!
The first operation required of Mariner after separating itself from the Agena
booster was to position itself to receive light from the sun. The craft's sun sensor
locked on the sun, positioning the solar-cell power panels that generated electrical
power for all systems. This maneuver assured a continuing supply of power for the
duration of the flight.
With Mariner locked onto the sun along its roll axis, the CC&S (central computer
and sequencer) activated a second optical unit, this time to identify the bright
star Canopus. Lying about 15° from the spacecraft's south rotational pole, perpendicular
to the sun-lock roll axis, Canopus was used to position the craft's antenna systems.
This maneuver enabled Mariner to receive ground-control commands required for midcourse
correction. It also aimed the two 10-watt transmitters used to relay scientific
data back to the earth-based stations.
Midcourse commands were the only signals Mariner had to receive from ground control;
the CC&S was capable of handling all other en-route computations and commands.
Still, Mariner's computer could respond to 28 additional ground-based commands,
if an unplanned series of operations had to be performed during the voyage.
Midcourse trajectory was corrected December 5, 1964. Commands received by Mariner
resulted in a change in attitude of 39° in pitch, 156° in roll.
A burn of 20 seconds by the rocket propulsion system changed the craft's course
0.25° and increased its speed 37 mph. Mariner IV was now on a trajectory that
intercepted Mars on the 228th day of its voyage. At the time of the Mars encounter,
Mariner was 134 million miles from earth. The CC&S then triggered the television
tape-recording system which transmitted pictures back to the ground-control stations.
Twenty-two complete electronic photographs were recorded by Mariner's camera
system, and data on tape were transmitted to earth at 8 1/3 bits per sec, requiring
8 2/3 hr for each of the 22 pictures. The tape was played back twice to make sure
a complete set of video data had been sent down. Signals required slightly more
than 12 minutes to make the trip from Mars.
The inertial guidance system had to do two things during this epic solar- system
exploration: It had first to position the craft by the sun and Canopus sensors.
Second, it had to function in harmony with the ground-control commands to
execute the midcourse maneuver and assure an accurate trajectory. Because gyros
do drift and because magnetic, gravitational and light-pressure forces tend to change
the attitude of spacecraft, the inertial system had constantly to detect minute
variations in attitude and correct them to maintain the craft's position in space.
No other kind of system could do the job.
Lunar Orbiter
A more recent unmanned flight, the highly productive photoreconnaissance mission
of Lunar Orbiter, also had an eventful space history. As you'll note in Fig. 3,
several complex maneuvers were executed successfully during the 90-hr trip to the
moon. Launched from Cape Kennedy at 19 hr 26 min GMT on August 10, 1966, the 850-lb
photographic spacecraft was boosted into its initial parking orbit by the reliable
Atlas/Agena rocket launch system. After 38 min and 3 sec in this preliminary orbit,
during which the inertial system positioned the craft correctly for injection into
the translunar trajectory, the Agena was restarted. The vehicle reached its escape
velocity of approximately 25,000 mph, and the Agena parted from the spacecraft.
Within 3 minutes, the high-gain and omnidirectional antennas and the four solar-power
panels were deployed. The Woomera, Australia, station of the Deep Space Net picked
up the craft at 20 hr 13 min 38 sec GMT. From that moment on, the spacecraft was
under the control of NASA and Boeing Co. scientists and engineers from the Langley
Research Center.
The success of these early operations was due to the 13.2-lb inertial reference
unit (IRU) shown in the photo. Designed and built by Sperry Gyroscope, the IRU supplied
continuous attitude- and rate-error signals for the computer sequencer to use in
executing commands from its programmer and from ground-based stations.
Like Mariner IV, Lunar Orbiter carried sun and Canopus sensors for positional
references during the lunar voyage. Sun-lock was achieved without trouble at 20
hr 32 min; but when the Canopus sensor was activated, it saw a visual light level
of nearly 3 volts rather than the expected dark level of 0.56 Volt, as shown by
an examination of the telemetric data tapes. The 3-volt level was more than enough
to blind the Canopus sensor, preventing it from locking on the star to position
the craft before midcourse maneuver. Scientists eventually determined that the sensor
was seeing light reflected from some part of the spacecraft itself, probably from
the omnidirectional antenna.
For several hours it seemed that the mission might be doomed by this unforeseen
development. By analyzing the telemetric data received from Orbiter, however, and
by rolling the craft around its sun-locked axis, scientists in the control center
discovered that the sensor could be locked onto the moon itself. Appearing to the
sensor as a thin crescent, the angular dimension of the moon was small enough to
provide an accurate position referenced to the IRU. This was possible only because
a 1-day delay in launching put Orbiter in the only translunar flight path on which
it would be able to see the moon within the narrow angle of recognition of the Canopus
sensor! So coincidence, telemetric data analysis and remote-control capability all
contributed together to the mission's success.
Once locked to the moon and the sun, the spacecraft was commanded to realign
itself at midnight GMT on August 11. The needed thrust computed from data received
from the IRU and from the ground-control center was supplied by the craft's 100-lb-thrust
reaction engine, which burned for 32 sec. This maneuver changed the craft's course
from a lunar-miss distance of 5,200 miles to an aiming point 3,950 miles behind
the moon's trailing edge. Attaining the planned trajectory got the mission over
one major obstacle, but for the critical retro-firing that would place the craft
into an orbit around the moon, the Canopus sensor had somehow to be locked onto
its star. Locked onto the moon, positional accuracy was rather crude - about 2°;
an error signal accurate to 0.1° was required for the de-boost engine to start.
By rotating the spacecraft so the Canopus sensor's viewing angle began to include
the sun. a protective bright-object sensor was triggered into closing a shutter
over the Canopus sensor's eye, and a normal background level of 0.56 volt was obtained.
This confirmed that the electronics in the star tracker was operating as designed.
A specialist on the system was flown to the control center from Boeing's Seattle
plant, and he suggested that the sensor might lock on Canopus despite the high background
that reappeared when the craft was once again stabilized in its sun-lock axis, if
the spacecraft could be pointed directly at the star before the lock circuits were
energized. Orbiter was then stepped in small rotational increments around its sun-lock
axis across the area in which Canopus was expected to be found. After several attempts,
the star was located, and the system locked on at 13 hr 49 min GMT on August 13.
Rather than place the sensor in its automatic-track mode, however, the loop was
kept open to include corrections fed from ground-control equipment. This removed
the possibility that the sensor might lose the star momentarily and begin a searching-mode
roll that could not be stopped by the attitude-control system.
The retro-fire maneuver was executed at 15 hr 34 min GMT August 14, and the spacecraft
was injected into its intended lunar orbit. The craft's rocket engine fired for
9 min 49 sec, the IRU accelerometer cutting off the engine when the velocity reached
790 meters/sec. The planned orbit was inclined at an angle of 12.04° to the
lunar equator and had an apolune (high point) of 1,150 miles and a perilune (low
point) of 124 miles. So great was the accuracy of the inertial system that the actual
orbit was inclined at 12.18° with an apolune of 1,158.7 miles and a perilune
of 117.4 miles. The orbital period was 3 hr 37 min 45 sec.
On August 18, Orbiter began taking the first pictures of the moon from a lunar
orbit, and the IRU once again correctly positioned the spacecraft to point the cameras
to the desired sectors of the lunar surface. On August 21, a second retro-fire burn
of 24 sec was calculated by the inertial system, lowering the craft to within 30
miles of the surface. Velocity data supplied by the PIP accelerometers provided
the cutoff signal at the calculated de-boost speed. Picture-taking continued through
August 29, at which time the IRU locked onto earth to permit transmission of the
video information. Everyone is aware by now of the spectacular quality of Orbiter's
Thanks to the remarkable capability of the Deep Space Network, and to the analytical
ability of the scientists at the control center, Lunar Orbiter was an outstanding
success. It furnished us new scientific data about the moon.
We're on Our Way
Inertial systems like those in Mariner and Lunar Orbiter have enabled NASA's
space scientists to expand tremendously the range of man's exploration in our solar
system and of what lies far beyond. Within 2 or 3 years, the mighty Apollo moonship
- 364 feet high on its launching pad - will soar to the moon carrying three astronauts,
two of whom will step out of their lunar module onto the moon's surface. Guided
by inertial systems and a full range of complementary systems, men will take their
first steps toward the stars.
Posted August 22, 2024