October 1961 Radio-Electronics
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Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Prior to studying for my
amateur radio license back in 2010, I was not
overly familiar with the specific way
various layers of the Earth's atmosphere affected radio signals (electromagnetic
waves). Terms like maximum usable frequency (MUF) and the various ionospheric
(D, E, F1, F2) occur regularly in discussions of long distance communications. However,
sporadic-E (Es) was new to me. As the term implies, it refers to the
irregular conductivity properties of the E-layer (aka the
layer) of the ionosphere, which is defined as the region between 90 and 150 km
(56 to 93 mi). Sporadic-E conditions exist when solar activity, usually coinciding
with the summer and winter solstices, causes excess ionization that reflects radio
waves into the VHF spectrum (30-300 MHz), beyond the normal MUF of around 15 MHz.
Lots of Hams exploit Es in order to make long-distance (DX) contacts
not usually possible otherwise. BTW, there is also a C region that interact with
cosmic rays, but I cannot find anything about A or B regions (anybody know?).
Sporadic-E Opens New Horizons
New technique may provide many more high-frequency radio channels.
Radio Free Europe tests are pointing the way.
By Stanley Leinwoll*
During the past several months Radio Free Europe schedules have included frequency
assignments specifically selected to make use of sporadic-E propagation to reach
RFE targets behind the Iron Curtain. These transmissions, initially undertaken on
an experimental basis, are expected to have a significant impact on high-frequency
communications for the next 5 to 10 years.
Although sporadic-E (Es) propagation has been known for many years,
this is the first time any international broadcast operation has used it in a regular
schedule, with antennas specifically suited to exploit this mode of propagation.
This technique has made it possible to schedule frequencies well beyond those
ordinarily considered the normal operating range. This effectively expands available
spectrum space, and provides a valuable tool in RFE's continuing effort to combat
Late last May, Radio Free Europe included a 15-mc frequency in its schedule of
Hungarian broadcasts from Biblis, Germany. This was during daylight hours, when
the normal maximum usable frequency over this path is of the order of 9 mc.
The maximum usable frequency (MUF) is the highest frequency that is reflected
by the regular F-layers of the ionosphere at any given time over a particular circuit.
It is generally the highest frequency assigned to a circuit over which some degree
of reliability is required. Scheduling a frequency 75% above the MUF as we did in
the Biblis tests would result in extremely poor effectiveness figures with satisfactory
reception unlikely more than 5% of the time.
Fig. 1 - Curve showing maximum usable frequency over the Biblis,
Germany, to Hungary circuit for August, 1961. Radio Free Europe Es frequency
is shown by dashed line.
Fig. 2 - Ionosphere layers on typical summer day. Most long-distance
high-frequency communication takes place via F-layers, most ionospheric absorption
in the D-layer.
Fig. 3 - Sunspot cycle from 1954 to now (solid line). Values
to expected sunspot minimum in 1965 (dashed line).
Fig. 4 - How antenna designed to cover Rumania-Bulgaria via F2-layer
propagation was used to transmit signals to Hungary via reflection off the E-layer.
Radio Free Europe operates this transmitting station in Biblis,
Fig. 1 is an MUF curve for August, 1961. It shows how maximum usable frequency
normally varies with time over the Biblis/Hungary path. The 15-mc signals from Biblis
were propagated off the E-layer of the ionosphere, making use of a summertime anomaly
occurring in the E-layer which is referred to as sporadic-E. While this anomaly
has been known for some time, it is not well understood.
Fig. 2 shows the layers of the ionosphere on a typical summer day. These layers,
made up of ionized gases of differing densities, can return obliquely incident radio
waves to earth, thus making long-distance high-frequency radio communication possible.
Sporadic-E occurs as clouds or patches of high ionization density which form
for no apparent reason, exist for up to several hours at a time, then disappear
just as mysteriously. Sporadic-E clouds reflect radio waves of considerably higher
frequency than those reflected by the normal F-layers of the ionosphere.
In mid-latitudes, Es is most prevalent during the summer months, occurring
over 50% of the time at mid-day. Many scientists have agreed that sporadic-E is
a very important effect, but up to now methods for taking its effects into account
have been poor.
Sporadic-E is most evident during years of low sunspot activity. Since
MUF's vary with sunspot number, Es activity is most in evidence when
MUF's are low. During years of high solar activity, MUF's are high, normally approaching
the upper limit of the short-wave spectrum over many paths. At such times Es
effects are scarcely noticeable in the high-frequency bands.
Fig. 3 shows sunspot activity during the past 7 years. You can see that sunspot
numbers have been declining steadily since 1958. The broken line is a projection
of the sunspot cycle and indicates that, if the present trend continues, the cycle
minimum will occur sometime in 1965. The decrease in sunspot number and the accompanying
decrease in MUF will result in a corresponding decrease in the amount of propagationally
useful high-frequency radio spectrum. In addition, world-wide demands for additional
spectrum space in the high-frequency broadcast bands are expected to double in the
coming decade.
The combination of decreasing spectrum space brought about by a decline in sunspot
activity and increased demands for spectrum space resulting from an increase in
short-wave broadcasts throughout the world has been of great concern to broadcasters,
who anticipate that the amount of useful spectrum space will fall far short of what
is needed.
About RFE Tests
As part of an extensive program to determine what countermeasures can be taken
to deal with the problem of the dwindling spectrum, RFE has undertaken a series
of tests to find out whether consistent broadcast operation above the MUF is possible
and practical. Fig. 4 shows how these tests are being conducted.
Since the E-layer of the ionosphere is considerably lower than the F-layers,
an antenna with a relatively low radiation angle is required to bounce a signal
off the E-layer.
RFE antennas are designed for normal F-layer propagation. Consequently, radiation
angles for normal F-layer operation to targets in nearby Central Europe are relatively
high. The problem of choosing a proper antenna was solved by scheduling broadcasts
to Hungary on an antenna designed for beaming broadcasts to Rumania.
Fig. 4 shows that the vertical radiation angle of the Rumanian antenna is optimum
for E-layer propagation of programs beamed to Hungary.
Results thus far have been excellent, with reception comparable to that observed
on lower frequencies via normal F-layer propagation. At present, plans for incorporating
regular E, transmissions into our schedules are under way.
Although the E-layer of the ionosphere exists principally during daylight hours,
Es activity is observed around the clock during the summer. Tests are
under way to determine whether nighttime Es transmissions above the F-layer
MUF are practical.
Irrespective of the results of these nighttime tests, the success of the daytime
Es tests is a significant step toward solving a serious problem for broadcasters.
In effect, it expands the available spectrum space at a time when additional channels
are a valuable commodity.
Although Es is observed about 50% of the days during the summer months,
the RFE transmissions on 15-mc indicate that the signal is propagated considerably
more than 50% of the time leading to the conclusion that, in addition to Es,
some other E-layer propagation mode is also a factor. It has been suggested that
the phenomenon be referred to as anomalous E-layer propagation, rather than the
misleading Es.
In addition, using frequencies above the MUF has proved valuable in countering
the effects of jamming.
Jamming is defined as the creation and transmission of various kinds of radio
interference for the purpose of preventing normal reception of radio broadcasts.
The Communists have been jamming Radio Free Europe broadcasts since 1951.
Since most of the jamming transmitters in Central Europe are designed for relatively
high-angle operation, we have found that jamming from the satellites during the
Es tests has been relatively ineffective, and that it has been necessary
for jammers at more distant locations, principally the Soviet Union, to be called
into operation.
In addition to putting an additional strain on the Communist jamming system,
the strength of the delivered jamming signal is weaker than it would be were the
transmitter located closer to the target areas.
* Radio-frequency and propagation manager, Radio Free Europe.
Posted July 29, 2024