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Sylvania Electric Products
February 1951 Radio-Electronics

February 1951 Radio-Electronics

February 1951 Radio-Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Electronics, published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Sylvania Electric Products was born out of Hygrade Sylvania Corporation in 1942, and continued until 1959 when it merged with General Telephone to form General Telephone and Electronics (GTE). That puts this 1951 promotion in Radio-Electronics magazine smack dab in the middle of their existence. Sylvania, like most major electronics products companies of the era, made vacuum tubes, CRTs, incandescent lamps, radios, even proximity fuses for warheads during World War II. In the 1960s and 70s, Sylvania produced semiconductor components and computers. Brick-and-mortar stores, whose primary competitors were mail-order businesses back then, were typically replete with sales promotions like this one featured in Radio-Electronics. Sylvania is now part of the LEDVANCE brand, owned by Chinese lighting company MLS. Is there any real American anything left anymore? Here is the Archive.org page on Sylvania's history, and here is an interesting piece on founder Frank Poor (who wasn't so poor following the company's immense success).

Sylvania Electric Products

Sylvania Electric Products, February 1951 Radio-Electronics - RF CafeNever Before a Sales Boosting Campaign Like This - All for You!

This Sylvania star-studded program will keep your service business booming during 1951

Appealing Life-Like Window-Displays

Colorful Counter and Store Displays

Bright window streamers

Sales-getting postal cards

New giant mailers

Reminder stickers for every set you service

Radio spot announcements for every month

It's ready and waiting for you now ... the most colorful and appealing Service Dealer advertising campaign ever planned!

Featuring famous stars of screen, television and radio, it ties in with the national advertising your customers will see in The Saturday Evening Post, Life, Look, and Collier's Magazine, and with Sylvania's weekly CBS-TV Show, "Beat ,The Clock"!

So, win with Sylvania in '51. Send for this material NOW ... and display it prominently. It identifies you as the expert with the super-fine Sylvania tubes ... the tools and the know-how for the finest radio and TV service.

All of the display material, stickers and radio spots are FREE. You pay only 1¢ apiece for the four mailing pieces you send to your prospects. So, see your Sylvania Distributor or mail coupon NOW!

Radio Tubes; Television Picture Tubes; Electronic Products; Electronic Test Equipment; Fluorescent Tubes, Fixtures, Sign Tubing, Wiring Devices; Light Bulbs; Photolamps; Television Sets

Sylvania Electric Products Inc.

Dept. R·4202, Emporium, Pa.

Please send me full details about Sylvania's great 1951 Dealer Promotion Campaign.

Name __________________________________

Street __________________________________

City _____________________ Zone _______________ State _____________________




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