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All Channel Antenna Corporation Ad
April 1954 Radio & Television News

April 1954 Radio & TV News
April 1954 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Phased vertical stacks of two or more antennas were fairly common in the television realm - especially once color broadcasts became more dominant in the 1950s. Up to 3 dB per additional antenna is possible, but due to various non-ideal physical parameters (summed phase angle across the band, imperfect antenna geometry, etc.), realized gain is typically in the 2.5 to 2.8 dB range. Higher signal to noise ratios were needed to guarantee good color separation with the National Television System Committee (NTSC) and stereo channel audio separation with the advent of Multichannel Television Sound (MTS). As you might expect, companies appeared claiming to have invented physics-defying antennas that "outperform all present antennas." This particular "Super 60" model from All Channel Antenna Corporation further claims to outperform antennas that use a mechanical rotator (see my Alliance U-100 Tenna-Rotor) by virtue of its 9-position electronic phase switching device that remotely configures the cross-shaped elements in a manner that provides selective directivity gain. It is not hard to legally make a claim of being "up to" 10x more powerful than conventional antennas since that wording allows even being no more powerful, provided it can be shown that in certain configurations is actually is 10x more powerful, such as when compared to a fixed direction antenna of poor design and/or poor installation. Lawyers love crafting statements like that.

See "How to Stack TV Antennas to Increase Signal Strength and to Reduce Ghosts" in the November 1965 issue of Popular Electronics magazine.

All Channel Antenna Corporation Advertisement

All Channel Antenna Corp., April 1954 Radio & Televsion News - RF CafeNew Invention Outmodes All Present Antennas!

53 Claims Granted in 5 U.S. Patents on New Revolutionary Antenna Invention!

#2,585,670 #2,609,503 #2,625,655 #2,644,091 #2,661,423 others pending

* Guaranteed to Positively Outperform All Other Antennas (with or without rotor motors) on All UHF, and All VHF stations 2 thru 83 from All directions.

* Guaranteed to positively give you the Clearest, Sharpest, most Perfect Ghost-Free pictures possible in both Color and Black-White.

New! Super 60

Electronic Orientation Switch

The 9-position selector switch electronically rotates the antenna in a stationary position.

This is all you need! The price includes the complete antenna and the 9-position electronic orientation switch. The Air Dielectric Polymicalene Transmission Line is purchased as required for the individual installation.

New Polymicalene

4 Conductor Transmission Line

• Low Loss External Air Dielectric

• Matched Impedance

• Eliminates End Sealing

• Eliminates Condensation

• Up to 50% Less Loss Than Tubular When Wet

• Easily Spiraled

• No Breaking or Shorting

• Patents Pending - T. M. Reg

If your Distributor or Dealer can't supply you ...

Contact us for the name of one you can

Money Back Guaranteed to Receive All Channels 2-83 from All Directions and Positively Outperform All Other Antennas With or Without a Rotomotor 1

Up to 10 Times More Powerful than All Present Conventional Antennas!

New, revolutionary antenna, while being up to 10 times more powerful than conventional antennas, is still able to receive all television and FM stations from all directions without a rotor motor of any kind. The electronic orientation switch used with a new type transmission line developed specifically for this extra powerful antenna now makes it possible to clearly receive stations heretofore considered out of range. It is now possible to put up just one antenna, use just one transmission line, pay for just one installation and receive the finest possible reception from the stations in and coming to your area regardless of their direction.

Now!! Solve Your Antenna Problem Once And For All.

All Channel Antenna Corp.

70-07 Queens Blvd., Woodside 77, N.Y. Hickory 6-2304



Posted May 6, 2020

RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)
