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Heath Company
July 1955 Radio & Television News

July 1955 Radio & TV News
July 1955 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Heathkit IM-17 Multimeter - RF Cafe

Heathkit IM-17 Multimeter

Heathkit -3100B Design Experimenter - RF Cafe

Heathkit ET-3100B Design Experimenter

Heathkit's claim to fame was that it was able to offer user-assembled kits of high quality electronic products at a price lower than what equivalent factory assembled equivalents would cost. While that is probably generally the case, it is difficult to gauge what the relative quality really is. Some of the kits were easy to assemble for even people with little experience, but a good portion of them required familiarity with soldering and how electronics were put together. The instructions provided were very thorough, complete with photos and drawings of how each step should look. In fact, according to a 1972 installment of Mac's Service Shop entitled "Philosophy of a Kit Manufacturer," every Heathkit kit instruction booklet goes through a rigorous cycle of writing, testing, and rewriting before being released for production. Something like a simple passive multimeter was pretty much foolproof, but change that to a vacuum tube voltmeter (VTVM) with high voltages and circuits with gain and filter stages and the likelihood of success is reduced. The oscilloscopes in this advertisement could be a great challenge to the uninitiated.

I once built a dual-channel, 10 MHz oscilloscope from a kit and amazingly enough, it worked! DC calibration instructions for builders without certified signal sources included adjusting a potentiometer while attaching the o-scope lead to a 9 V transistor battery and making the display match a multimeter reading. AC calibration was accomplished by connecting through a capacitor to a wall outlet and adjusting for 60 Hz (seriously). Of course more accurate calibration could be accomplished with better reference sources. I don't remember which o-scope model I had, but the multimeter was an IM-17. I also had the ET-3100B Design Experimenter as part of a home instruction course.

Heathkit is now working to make a comeback into the kit realm with new designs.

Heath Company Advertisement

Heath Company Heathkit, July 1955 Radio & Television News - RF CafeHeathkit Printed Circuit 5" Color TV Oscilloscope Kit

Model 0-10


Shpg. Wt. 27 lbs.

The technical specifications for this fine instrument speak for themselves. Vertical channel sensitivity is 0.025 volts RMS/inch at 1 Kc. Vertical frequency response is essentially flat to 5 Mc, and down only 1.5 db at 3.58 Mc. Ideal for Color TV work!

Extended sweep generator range is from 20 cps to 500 Kc in five steps, far beyond the range normally encountered at this price level.

Other features are: plastic-molded capacitors for coupling and by-pass - preformed and cabled wiring harness - Z axis input for intensity modulation - peak-to-peak voltage calibrating source built-in - retrace blanking amplifier - regulated power supply - high insulation printed circuit boards - step attenuated and frequency compensated vertical input circuit - push-pull horizontal and vertical amplifiers - excellent sync. characteristics - sharp, hairline focusing - uses 5UP1 CRT - extremely attractive physical appearance.

An essential instrument for professional Laboratory, or for servicing monochrome or color TV.

Heathkit Printed Circuit 3" Oscilloscope Kit

This light, Portable 3" oscilloscope is just the ticket for the ham, for service calls,  or as an "extra" scope in the shop, or lab. Measures only 9 1/2" H x 6 1/2" W x 11 3/4 D, and weighs only 11 lbs.

 Employs printed circuit board for improved circuit performance. Vertical amplifiers flat within +3' db from 2 cps to 200 Kc. Vertical sensitivity 0.25 volts/RMS/inch peak-to-peak, and sweep generator operates from 20 cps to 100,000 cps. R.F. connection to deflection plates.


Heathkit Printed Circuit 5" Oscilloscope Kit

This full-size 5" Oscilloscope incorporates many outstanding features.

Vertical channel flat within +3 db. 2 cps to 200 Kc, with 0.09 volts RMS/in peak-to-peak sensitivity at 1 Kc. Sweep operation from 10 cps to 100 000 cps. Built-in peak-to-peak voltage calibration - 3 step frequency compensated input attenuator - phasing control - push-pull deflection amplifiers. Printed circuits for reliable performance and reduced construction time.

Model OM-1


Shpg. Wt.

26 lbs.


Heathkit Printed Circuit Vacuum Tube Voltmeter Kit

Model V-7


Shpg. Wt. 7 lbs.

This VTVM has set a new standard for accuracy and reliability in kit-form electronic instruments. Features modern, time-saving printed circuits, and functional arrangement of controls and scales. Includes new peak-to-peak scale for FM and TV work.

Measures AC (RMS) and DC voltage at 0-1.5, 5, 15, 50, 150, 500, and 1500; peak-to-peak AC voltage at 0-4, 14, 40, 140, 400, 1400, and 4000; center-scale resistance readings of 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100 K, 1 meg., and 10 meg. DB scale provided also. Zero-center operation within range of front panel controls Polarity reversal switch-200 μa 4 1/2 meter-transformer power supply - 11 megohm input impedance - 1 % precision resistors - high quality components used throughout.


Heathkit Voltage Calibrator Kit

Once calibrated, this instrument provides a known peak-to-peak voltage standard for comparison with unknown voltage values on an oscilloscope. Panel calibrated directly - no involved calculations required. Operates within a voltage range of 0.01 to 100 volts peak-to-peak.

Model VC-2


Shpg. Wt. 4 lbs


Heathkit 20,000 ohms/volt Multimeter Kit

Model MM-1


Shpg. Wt.


Features comprehensive range coverage. 20,000 Ω/V D.C. and 5000 Ω/V A.C. Ranges: 0-1.5, 5, 50, 150, 500, 1500, and 5000 V. direct current from 0 to 150 μa., 15 a. in 5 steps. Center-scale resistance of 15, 1500 and 150,000 ohms, and db from -10 to +65.

Uses 1% precision resistors - 50 μa. meter - molded bakelite case.


Heathkit Direct-Reading Capacity Meter Kit

Extremely valuable where speed and convenience are essential. Quality control work, production line checking, etc. Reads capacity directly on meter scale, from 0-100 mmfd, 1000 mmfd, 0.01 mfd, and 0.1 mfd. Residual capacity less than 1 mm-fd. Not susceptible to hand capacity.

Model CM-1

Shpg. Wt. 7 Ibs.


Heathkit A. C. Vacuum Tube Voltmeter Kit

Measures AC voltage only, from 10 cps to 50 Kc. Covers the range from 1 millivolt to 300 volts in 10 steps at high impedance input. Incorporates full 10 ranges of db scale from -52 db to +52 db. Essential in the audio laboratory or for audio enthusiasts and experimenters. Provides sensitivity essential for low level audio measurements.

Model AV-2


Shpg. Wt. 5 lbs.


Heathkit Electronic Switch Kit

This device will electronically switch between 2 input signals to produce both signals alternately at the output. Used in conjunction with an oscilloscope, it will permit the observation of 2 signals simultaneously. Provides switching rates from 10 cps to 200 cps.

Model S-2


Shpg. Wt. 11 lbs.


Heath Company

A Subsidiary of Daystrom Inc.

Benton Harbor 15, Michigan



Posted August 13, 2020

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs