The very first
automobile vanity license plate issued in the state of Virginia for mobile radio was evidently to W4CVO per this
news item in the March 1953 edition of Radio & Television News magazine. I could not find
W4CVO in the FCC's
Universal Licensing System database, but did find Mr. Thomas Tyson, of Alexandria,
Virginia, listed as the assignee of the call sign per the
Winter 1973 Radio Amateur Callbook. If anyone out there knows (or knew) him and/or
recognizes this photo of him with his license plate, please send me an e-mail to confirm it. Am I correct
in thinking Mr. Tyson looks a bit like a chunky version of Tom Hanks?
Mobile Radio License in Virginia
Tom Hanks (unverified source)
* I changed color
photo to B&W and added noise to make it look old.
Mobile radio hams in Virginia have the benefit of the State's
first departure from its regular licensing system: special call-letter license plates. Amateurs with
fixed stations only were not accorded the privilege so there is incentive for more W4's to "get rolling."
Posted January 22, 2024 (updated from original post on 5/10/2017)