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National Union Radio Corporation Batteries
February 1946 Radio News

February 1946 Radio News
February 1946 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Many of the types and packaging styles of batteries of yesterday are nothing like those of today. Back then, a lot of battery packages had square corners, whereas nowadays they tend to be round. The individual cells inside the "square" batteries were usually round, however, because rather than using heat shrinkable tubing to hold the entire parallel and/or series groupings together, they were inserted into rectangular cardboard boxes. Being free to shift around in the box made inter-cell connections vulnerable to vibration and shock, so failure rates were higher than experienced now in tightly restrained cells in shrink tubing. Inter-cell connection failure was a big problem with model airplanes when batteries contained in boxes were subject to sometimes violent vibration coming from rough-running engines - often augmented by a poorly balanced propeller. To make matters worse, in the very early days of model aviation, "wet" cells of the lead-acid types were used to provide high power needed for vacuum tube receivers. In a crash or hard landing (often indistinguishable from one another), the battery cases would break allowing acid to get on electronics and wood.

National Union Batteries

National Union Batteries, February 1946 Radio News - RF CafeN. U. Batteries

By the Carload!

Get Immediate Deliveries of All Types for Standard Radio and Other Replacements

Now you can bring many thousands of good, serviceable battery - powered radio sets back to life. Portables - Farm Radios - "carryabout" sets! Here are the batteries you need to bring in this flood of profitable service and parts business. Order now and tell your customers to come on the run for the batteries they need.

In batteries as in other products, N. U. quality helps you build for the future. The patented construction of N. U. Batteries permits more active materials - more service hours per dollar. Every N. U. Battery is engineered to the highest initial equipment standards and is designed for universal replacement.

Place Your Battery Order Today - with Your N. U. Distributor

Renew with N. U. ... the quality line that brings repeat sales at full profit to radio service men !

National Union Radio Corporation, Newark 2, New Jersey

National Union Radio Tubes and Parts

Transmitting, Cathode Ray, Receiving, Special Purpose Tubes, Condensers, Volume Control, Photo Electric Cells, Panel Lamps, Flashlight Bulbs



Posted August 10, 2022

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