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Rider Service Manuals
April 1948 Radio News

April 1948 Radio News

April 1948 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Sams Photofact, by the Howard W. Sams Company, was undeniably the big name in electronics equipment service manuals in the 1947 timeframe, but they were not the only game in town. Rider Perpetual Troubleshooters Manuals were probably the next biggest when this promotion appeared in Radio News magazine. Rider had a very different approach to page layout and content compared to Sams Photofact publications. No instances of any of the manuals showed up on eBay when just checked, but the World Radio website has many of them posted for viewing.

Rider Service Manuals

Rider Service ManualsRider Manuals Mean Successful Servicing

Manchester-Chandler Has All16

(And Vol. XVII On Order)

"No Shop Can Give Efficient Service Without ... These Volumes"

"Rider Manuals give us the authentic data we need to locate quickly trouble in sets brought us for repair. This speed means time and money saved, means Rider Manuals have been a profitable investment for us. We feel no shop can give efficient service without the information contained in these volumes," says G. B. Manchester of the Manchester-Chandler Co., Portland, Ore.

So say successful servicemen everywhere, over whose benches you will find well-used copies of all 16 Rider Manuals. For, during the past seventeen years, money-making shops have depended upon "The World's Greatest Compilation of Radio Servicing Data" for authentic presentations of manufacturers' original servicing data on American-made receivers issued since 1920. This is vital information. Rider Manuals keep pace with the manufacturers' releases. Volume XVII, just out, contains both FM and AM sets, record changers and wire recorders. The separate "How It Works" book explains theory and complexities of new receivers. Hundreds of Rider-exclusive "Clarified-schematics," time-saving breakdowns of multi-band jobs, are also in Volume XVII.

Nowhere else but in Rider Manuals will you find such coverage!

You Need All 17 - Order Today

Volume XVII .... $15.00

Volume XVI .... 8.40

Volume XV .... 18.00

Volumes XIV to VII (ea. vol.) .... 15.00

Volume VI .... 11.00

Abridged Manuals I to V (one vol. .... 17.50

Record Changers and Recorders $ 9.00

Master Index, (covering Manuals, Vols. I to XV) .... 1.50

Note: Individual Volume. VI, VII and VIII will be replaced after this year by a single Abridged Manual Vol. VI to VIII.

John F. Rider, Publisher, Inc., 404 Fourth Avenue, N. Y. 16

Export Agent: Rocke International Corp., 13 E. 40th St., N.Y.C. Cable ARLAB

Give Your Shop the Sign of Successful Servicing



Posted September 10, 2021

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