Before the days of cheap stuff
from China (now including exotic viruses that cause politicians to shut down entire
economies), the supply of most common items- particularly high technology - were
the domain of relatively few companies. In some ways it was not entirely a bad thing
because, at least theoretically, the economy of scale enabled larger producers to
leverage bulk buying, well-equipped development labs and manufacturing equipment,
and pooling of talent resources to sell quality products at a lower price. Of course
it required that the company had serious competitors or monopolistic tendencies
resulted in gouging - it's human nature, unfortunately. Hewlett Packed, as much
as I appreciate what the company did for electronics test equipment, had gotten
out of hand with its prices until Tektronix, Rohde & Schwarz, Fluke, Berkeley
Nucleonics, Simpson, Boonton, Triplet, EICO, Bird, and even RCA began introducing
similar equipment at lower prices. This 1954 advertisement shows the range of instrument
types offered by Simpson Electric company.
Simpson Electric Company Ad
servicemen dream about the ultimate in fine testing equipment - the kind of instruments
engineered by Simpson that make the dream of perfect servicing a reality.
Recommended by well-known service manages of 17 leading television manufacturers,
the 480 Genescope has effectively conquered the problem of checking both UHF and
VHF signals.
For proven accuracy and proven profits, sell your customers Simpson instruments
for your UHF-VHF TV servicing needs.
Available to servicemen are two complimentary booklets. One tells how to use
Simpson Models 479 and 480 in UHF areas. The other describes "A 1001 Uses For the
Simpson Model 260" ... 50 pages.
These booklets are typical for one of the many Simpson services for Simpson distributors.
Simpson Electric Company
5200 W. Kinzie St., Chicago 44, Illinois
Phone: EStebrook 0-1121
In Canada: Bach-Simpson, Ltd. London, Ontario
Model 1000 Plate Conductance Tube Tester
Features fast testing in convenient ohms reading for leakage and shorts
Model 476 Mirroscope A fine 5" oscilloscope that will save you up to 60% bench
Model 485 Synchronized Crosshatch Pattern Generator
For adjusting deflection circuits in TV receivers.
Model 276 Oscilloscope Calibrator
To determine the voltage in an oscilloscope waveform.
Model 303 Vacuum Tube Volt-Ohmmeter
Low current consumption ... wide resistance ranges.
Model 488 Field Strength Meter
Town or Country Use ... ideal in fringe areas.
Model 269 Volt-Ohm Microammeter
100,000 Ohms per volt. 7 inch dial - 7 inch case
Model 260
Outsells all other high-sensitivity volt-ohm-milliameters combined.
Model 262 Volt-Ohm Microammeter
Model 479 TV-FM Signal Generator
For aligning all of today's UHF-VHF TV-FM Receivers
Model 480 TV-FM Genescope
Ideal signal generator and oscilloscope combination for servicing ultra sensitive
UHF-VHF TV receivers.
Posted April 27, 2020