Sometimes I post
advertisements such as this one for vintage test equipment from a 1938 issue of
Radio News magazine just so people can see how much things have
changed, and how good we have it with today's compact, highly functional products.
These Superior Instrument Company multimeters, signal generators and vacuum tube
testers were truly superior instruments considering the materials and methods available
at the time. Chassis were made from sturdy wood or metal (not much plastic then),
and the finishes were often of very attractive stain and varnish, fabric lamination,
paint, or a combination thereof. Price-wise, the Model 1110-S A.C. - D.C Volt
Ohm Milliammeter price tag of $7.95 in 1938 is the equivalent of
$147.77 in today's money, which is not unreasonable for a superior instrument.
Superior Instrument Company Ad
Superior Presents 5 Instruments
from its new 1100 series!!!!! Never before has Superior offered so much for so
little! Always the Best Buy in the Instrument Field, Superior in this new 1100 series
gives you even more value! We have incorporated many refinements, many new features
... all proven to be sound and practical. We urge you to read the descriptions below
carefully; see how these instruments fit your needs. Buy direct from manufacturer
and save 50%.
A really modern tube tester conforming to all standards of good engineering practice.
Utilizes a 3" d'Arsonval type meter with calibrated scale. Furnished in a sturdy
black case with sloping panel for easy operation. Removable cover and carrying handle
for either portable or counter use.
1. Tests all 4, 5, 6, 7, 7L, and octal base tubes, including diodes.
2. Tests by the well-established emission method for tube quality, directly read
on the GOOD-BAD scale of the meter.
3. Affords separate neon test for leakage and shorts between elements.
4. All services performed by the use of only five controls at maximum, and many
tests do not require working all the controls.
5. Supplied with instructions and reference table so that the filament voltage
and emission measuring controls may be properly set for the enumerated long list
of tubes, which includes all tubes commonly encountered in servicing.
6. Works on 90-120 volts A.C. 60 cycle.
Model 1140-S comes complete with instructions and tabular data for every known
receiving type of tube as well as many transmitting types.
Superior Instrument Co.
136 Liberty St., Dept. R. N. New York, N. Y.
Posted December 28, 2020