Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early
electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby
Velocity modulation, aka deflection
modulation, of electronic images was evidently considered by some engineers to be
potentially disruptive technology when this article was published in the April 1951 issue
of Radio & Television News magazine. You can see from the pictures that the
result is an image that today's digital software would render with an "emboss" technique.
More vertical relief seems to be generated with the analog velocity modulation technique
compared to what my graphics program does when embossing the original photo. At
the bottom of the page is a velocity modulation video demonstration found on YouTube.
Fig. 1 - Live subject reproduced by (left) velocity modulation
and (top) by conventional intensity modulation.
By M. A. Honnell and M. D. Prince
Georgia Institute of Technology
By merely adding a single switch and a few wires any electrostatic deflection
type set can be converted.
Although the operating principles of television system are now well established,
in the early stages of the art a television system was developed which operated
quite differently from those in use today. Prior to the perfection of the modern
high-vacuum kinescope, the early gas-filled version of the cathode-ray tube was
incapable of adequate grid control. In view of this fundamental limitation, the
idea was conceived of operating the cathode-ray tube with constant beam current
and applying the video voltage to the horizontal deflection circuit so that the
picture information was supplied by changes in the horizontal scanning velocity
of the fluorescent spot on the screen of the cathode-ray tube.
This deflection-modulation principle was first proposed by Boris Rosing, a Russian
teacher, in 1911, and a satisfactory working system was demonstrated by the German
scientist, Von Ardenne, in 1931. Later, in 1933. the British workers Bedford and
Puckle perfected an ingenious system which utilized a combination of deflection-modulation
and intensity modulation.1 Following this period the field of deflection-modulation
lay dormant; beam-intensity modulation had proved more advantageous and was developed
to its present state of perfection. However, this field was recently reopened when
research by the authors revealed that standard television programs transmitted by
commercial stations could be reproduced with unusual results by use of deflection-modulation.
A description of this work and a basic analysis of the underlying principles was
presented to the 1950 National Convention of the Institute of Radio Engineers. In
this present article, the circuitry is described and receiver modifications are
shown so that the amateur experimenter can demonstrate this deflection-modulation
reproduction on his own television set.
This discussion is confined to the consideration of an electrostatic-deflection
receiver, although deflection-modulation has also been demonstrated in the laboratory
using magnetic deflection. However, since the high-voltage is usually obtained by
fly-back pulse rectification, the conversion of a magnetic-deflection receiver is
not recommended. In a receiver employing this type of power supply, any video signal
inserted in the deflection circuit interacts with the anode voltage and causes distortion
of the picture raster.
Fig. 2 - An example of printed material as reproduced by
(left) velocity modulation as described in the text and (right) conventional intensity
modulation techniques.
The conversion of a National type NC-TV7M electrostatic-deflection receiver will
now be considered in detail. The diagram shown in Fig. 3 illustrates the modifications
which provide deflection-modulation reproduction. When the two-position switch S1
is in position 1, the circuit operates in the usual manner, in which case the video
signal is coupled from the video amplifier V8 through coupling condenser
C34 to the cathode of the kinescope. It is to be noted that in this receiver
the kinescope is cathode-driven.
When the switch is in position 2, the receiver is converted to velocity modulation
reproduction. In this mode of operation, the video signal is removed from the kinescope
circuit by opening the video signal lead immediately to the right of C34,
and is then connected to the horizontal-deflection amplifier V14 through
a small condenser Ca. This adds the video signal to the saw-tooth sweep
voltage so that it is amplified along with the normal horizontal signal. Due to
the amplification provided by the sweep amplifier, a value of Ca on the
order of 3 μμfd. provides ample coupling between the video and deflection
circuits. This value is not critical and a capacitance of 1 to 10 μμfd. will
prove satisfactory. This capacitance may be provided by twisting together several
inches of insulated wire.
Since the kinescope beam current is no longer modulated by the video signal
some other reasons must be provided for blanking the kinescope spot during the time
required for retrace. During the vertical retrace period the spot is readily blanked
by coupling the vertical sweep signal from V12 through Cb
into the kinescope cathode circuit. A value of Cb = 1000 μμfd.
was found satisfactory although the optimum value depends upon the receiver and
can best be determined experimentally. The horizontal retrace lines were not objectionable
so blanking was not provided for them. If the capacitance Cb is omitted,
the velocity-modulated image will still be produced although the vertical retrace
lines will be visible.
It will now be instructive to consider the magnitude of video signal required
to produce a deflection-modulated picture. Let us assume that the 7JP4 kinescope
requires a peak-to-peak voltage of 800 volts for full horizontal deflection. Since
a velocity-modulated image is produced by spot excursions on the order of one spot
width, which corresponds to approximately 1/1000 of the raster width, a video signal
voltage on the order of (800) / (1/1000) = 0.8 volt on the deflection plates will
produce the desired image. If the deflection amplifier has a gain of 18, the desired
voltage on the deflection plates is supplied by a voltage of 0.8/18 = .044 volt
on the grid circuit of the deflection amplifier.
By following the suggestions in this article, the experimenter will find that
deflection modulation is capable of reproducing printed material and line drawings
with acceptable legibility, although it does not achieve the fine contrast gradation
produced by conventional television systems. A consideration of possible applications
indicates that deflection modulation may offer some advantages for specific industrial
and military applications due to its unique presentation of the subject matter.
Furthermore, the possibility of circuit economy should be considered, since the
numerical example worked out in a previous section indicates that the required video
signal is of such a small magnitude that it could easily be obtained directly from
the video detector, thus eliminating the video amplifier in the receiver.
Fig. 3 - Circuit diagram showing modifications of an electrostatic
deflection receiver required to provide deflection modulation reproduction. When
switch S1 is in position 1, the receiver operates in the normal manner.
When S1 is in position 2, receiver is converted to deflection modulation
reproduction. The only changes involved in converting the receiver are those connected
directly with the switch.
The preceding discussion naturally suggests the possibility of combining conventional
beam modulation with deflection modulation in a television receiver. This type of
presentation has been investigated in the laboratory and can easily be demonstrated
on a receiver of the type shown in Fig. 3. This is accomplished by leaving
the video signal lead connected to the kinescope circuit as in normal operation
and at the same time coupling the video signal through Ca to the horizontal
deflection amplifier to produce the velocity modulation. The images produced by
this modified circuit exhibit an outlining edge on one side of bright objects and
adds a crispness to the picture which seems to improve the apparent resolution.
Deflection modulation is of further importance from a standpoint of standard
receiver performance due to the fact that stray capacitances may exist in a conventional
television receiver and produce some degree of spurious deflection-modulation in
combination with the conventional presentation. In other words, due to faulty receiver
design or failure of component parts, an undesired deflection-modulation image may
be super-imposed on the regular television picture; thus causing some positional
distortion and loss of contrast. This type of distortion may result in a halo effect
similar to that caused by overshoot in the video section, or by ghost images caused
by reflections and may therefore be improperly diagnosed.
Research in the laboratories and by the experimenter may reveal additional points
of interest since the full implications of the combination of deflection modulation
with beam modulation are not completely apparent at this date.
The writers are grateful to the Engineering Experiment Station at Georgia Tech
for its financial support of the investigation of deflection-modulation television
Wilson" J. C.; "Television Engineering," Pitman and Sons, Ltd., London, p. 102,
Zworykin, V. K. and Morton, G. A.; "Television" Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
p. 238, 1940.
1 - Deflection-modulation is customarily referred to as "velocity modulation" since
the lateral velocity of the scanning spot is modulated in the horizontal direction.
Unfortunately, however, the term "velocity modulation" has also gained acceptance
in an entirely different sense, as the "velocity-modulated" klystron tube. When
used with this latter meaning, it applies to the change in velocity of the electrons
in the electron beam itself, such as would be produced by modulating the second-anode
voltage in a cathode-ray tube.
Velocity Modulation Demonstration (YouTube)
Posted September 29, 2023 (updated from original post on 4/1/2016)
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