I have one of these sets ($15). It comes in handy at times.
Clutch head screws were one of the original "security" or "tamper-proof" type
fasteners. United Screw and Bolt Corporation undoubtedly hoped their patented design
would become the new standard in screw heads and drivers. Clutch head screws are
still available today, but many do not include the round shape in the middle of
the "bowtie" shape. Fortunately for
Mr. Henry
Phillips, his eponymous screw head design, first introduced a decade earlier
than when this advertisement appeared in Radio News magazine, won out in
the battle to replace the straight slot screw type. Any kind of screw head that
captures the driver to prevent it from slipping off the head and stabbing into and/or
scratching the work piece is a welcome improvement.
United Screw and Bolt Corporation Ad
Seven Major Features have established Clutch
Head as the most modern screw on the market ... for safer, speedier production and
lower final cost.
I The wide roomy Clutch, an easy-to-hit target, inviting operator confidence
and speed.
II Center Pivot entry to prevent canting; deep positive engagement for protection
against slippage ... safeguarding manpower and materials.
III No end pressure. The straight-walled Clutch matched by straight-sided driver
disposes of "ride-out" tendency as set up by "tapered" drive home.
IV Clutch Head's exclusive Lock-On unites screw and bit as a unit ... substituting
easy one-handed reaching for fumbling with mechanical fingers.
V The rugged Type "A" Bit delivers a longer uninterrupted spell of service ...
and may be repeatedly reconditioned to original efficiency by a 60-second application
of the end surface to a grinding wheel.
VI Simplified field service ... because Clutch Head is the only modern screw
operative with the ordinary type screwdriver, or any flat blade, of proper width.
VII Here again the Clutch Head Lock-On saves the day. With the Type "A" Bit,
rusted-in and frozen-in screws may be withdrawn undamaged and held secure against
dropping for re-use.
Because Clutch Head is "The Screw That Sells Itself," we invite you to personally
examine and test these features. Your request will bring you, by mail, a package
assortment of Clutch Head Screws and sample Type "A" Bit; also fully illustrated
United Screw and Bolt Corporation
Cleveland 2 Chicago 8 New York 7
Posted September 20, 2022 (updated from original post
on 3/26/2015)