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Walsco Electronics Corporation Antenna Advertisement
July 1954 Radio & Television News

July 1954 Radio & Television News
July 1954 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

This is another example of one of those advertisements you likely would not see in a modern electronics magazine. There is nothing fundamentally problematic about its content or message, but current politically correct standards would condemn any depiction of a woman expressing such obviously excessive appreciation for a man's efforts. It might, after all, convey the idea that all television antenna servicemen should expect such treatment from all women. It may also implies that only men can be TV antenna servicemen / servicepersons. For that matter, maybe Walsco Electronics' advertising team meant to badger women into heaping such affection upon TV servicemen if they expect good service. If that sounds nutty, well, what can I say. It's the world we live in as evidenced by news items of late. Keep firmly in mind that what is accepted as a social norm today might be considered to be a crime in a few decades, so exercise caution in all you do in the presence of witnesses be it written, videoed, spoken, or acted out. That goes for actual or implied actions, intentional or unintentional. In your old age, you just might find yourself being judged according to future expectations for things you did when worldwide standards were different. You have been admonished.

Walsco Electronics Corporation Antenna Ad

Walsco Electronics Corporation Antenna, April 1954 Radio & Televsion News - RF Cafe" ... and all I did was install a Walsco antenna"

Buyers are getting wiser. The quality of their TV reception is your responsibility ... and they'll hold you to it! For your protection, sell and install Walsco, the finest antennas ever built for VHF and UHF.

Walsco Imperial Conical (all-channel VHF)

Featuring the new, exclusive "Barrier Disc" Insulator to prevent shorts and maintain lasting high gain performance anywhere. Designed for color as well as black and white.

Not affected by dirt, moisture, salt ... will not rust. Stainless steel hardware prevents corrosion losses permanently. Pre-assembled ... guaranteed 3 years!

Single Bay ... only $9.95 List. Also available in Dual and 4 Bay Stacks.

Walsco Corner Reflector (UHF)

No other UHF antenna so effectively combines all three. ... (1) extra high gain; (2) all-channel reception; (3) sharp vertical and horizontal directivity. Features: the hollow, unbreakable X-77 Insulator ... silicone treated to shed dirt and moisture ... not affected by extreme heat, cold or wind.

Single Bay ... $10.95 List. Also available in 2 and 4 Bay Stacks.

Walsco Electronics Corporation

3602 Crenshaw Boulevard, Los Angeles 36, California

Branch: 315 West Walton, Chicago, Illin6is

Overseas Distributor: Ad Auriema, Inc., 89 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. 

Canadian Factory Distributor: Atlas Radio Corp., Ltd., 560 King St. West. Toronto 2-B.



Posted June 15, 2020

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)
Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe