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War Assets Administration Advertisement
April 1947 Radio News

April 1947 Radio News

April 1947 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

After World War II had been won, the War Assets Administration made good on the government's promise to reward citizens for performing their patriotic civil duty whereby they participated in the collection of recyclable material made of plastic, glass, rubber, metal, and cloth. Magazines and newspapers had frequent coverage of bottle, metal, and tire drives showing children pulling Radio Flyer wagons loaded to overflowing with such items gathered from trash piles and soliciting neighborhood residents for anything that could be spared. Waste of precious resources was a thing of shame. "Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do, or Do without" was the slogan de jour. Ham radio operators contributed mightily to the war effort by donating and/or selling meters, tubes, transformers, capacitor tuning banks, and other items for the repair of battleground radios.

War Assets Administration Advertisement

 - RF CafeManufacturers


Jobbers ...

to obtain this desirable material get in touch with your WAA approved Distributor!

Much of the huge inventory of electronic tubes and equipment, declared surplus by the armed forces, has been allocated to approved distributors for disposal.

The names and addresses of our distributors are listed here. They are equipped to serve your needs and will know what is immediately available.

These are the Approved Distributors Appointed by the War Assets Administration to Serve You:

American Condenser Co.

4410 Ravenswood Avenue

Chicago 11, Illinois

Automatic Radio Mfg. Co., Inc.

122 Brookline Avenue

Boston 15, Massachusetts

Belmont Radio Corporation

3633 So. Racine Avenue

Chicago 9, Illinois

Communication Measurements Laboratory

120 Greenwich Street

New York 6, New York

Cole Instrument Co.

1320 So. Grand Ave.

Los Angeles, California

E. F. Johnson Company   <-----  I worked there - Very smart people!

206 Second Avenue, S. W.

Waseca, Minnesota

Electronic Corporation of America

353 West 48th Street

New York 19, New York

Electro-Voice, Inc.

Carroll & Cecil Streets

Buchanan, Michigan

Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corporation

76 Ninth Avenue

New York 11, New York

Essex Wire Corporation

1601 Wall Street

Ft. Wayne 6, Indiana

General Electric Company

Building 267-1 River Road

Schenectady 5, New York

General Electronics Inc.

1819 Broadway

New York 23, New York

Hammarluna Mfg. Company, lnc.

460 West 34th Street

New York 1, New York

Hoffman Radio Corporation

3761 South Hill Street

Los Angeles 7, California

Hytron Radio & Electronics Corporation

76 LaFayette Street

Salem, Massachusetts

Majestic Radio & Television Corporation

125 West Ohio Street

Chicago 10, Illinois

National Union Radio Corporation

57 State Street

Newark 2, New Jersey

Navigation Instrument Co., Inc.

2007 Capitol Avenue

Houston 3, Texas

Newark Electric Co., Inc.

242 West 55th Street

New York 19, New York

Radio Parts Distributing Company

128 W. Olney Road

Norfolk 10, Virginia

Raytheon Manufacturing Company

60 East 42nd Street

New York 17, N. Y.

Smith-Meeker Engineering Company

125 Barclay Street

New York 7, New York

Southern Electronic Company

512 St. Charles Street

New Orleans 12, Louisiana

Standard Arcturus Corporation

99 Sussex Avenue

Newark, New Jersey

Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.

Emporium, Pennsylvania

Technical Apparatus Company

165 Washington Street

Boston 8, Massachusetts

Tobe Deutschmann Corporation

863 Washington Street

Canton, Massachusetts

Tung-Sol Lamp Works, Inc.

95 Eighth Avenue

Newark 4, New Jersey

Electronics Division

War Assets Administration

Offices located at: Atlanta Birmingham Boston Charlotte Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit Fort Worth Helena Houston Jacksonville Kansas City, Mo. Little Rock, Los Angeles Louisville Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York Omaha Philadelphia Portland, Ore. Richmond St, Louis Sail Lake City San Antonio San Francisco Seattle Spokane Tulsa



Posted July 11, 2024
(updated from original post on 10/28/2016)

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