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War Assets Administration Advertisement
February 1947 Radio News

February 1947 Radio News

February 1947 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Unlike today when resources of all types seem to be endlessly available, during World War II countries needed to collect and recycle much in the way of metal, rubber, cloth, and other basic materials for re-purposing into products used in fighting the enemy. Media coverage of bottle, metal, and tire drives showed children pulling Radio Flyer wagons loaded to overflowing with such items gathered from trash piles and soliciting neighborhood residents for anything that could be spared. Raw materials were not the only type of items needed, however. "Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do, or Do without" was the slogan. Finished goods like electronic components - vacuum tubes, transmissions cable, transmitters and receivers, tuning capacitors, d'Arsonval meter movements, and other parts - were sorely needed by manufacturers both for building new equipment and for servicing damaged gear. After the war was won, the War Assets Administration made good on the government's promise to reward citizens for performing their patriotic duty. This four-page spread in a 1947 edition of Radio News is an example of the effort to make surplus components available at low prices. Such programs are given a large part of the credit for America's post-war era of prosperity.

War Assets Administration Advertisement

War Assets Administration Advertisement (Vacuum Tubes), February 1947 Radio News - RF Cafe

War Assets Administration Advertisement (Radio Gear), February 1947 Radio News - RF Cafe

Putting Electronics to Work with Government Owned Surplus

To help you incorporate the many advantages of electronics in your business, the War Assets Administration is making available its enormous inventory of tubes and equipment now.

Qualified distributors all over the country have been appointed by WAA to represent it. In every field where electronic application has proved its worth, these distributors maintain inventories and have the technical "know-how" to service your needs.

Get in touch with your nearest distributor and see how government-owned war surplus can help you - electronically. Or - if it is more convenient - write to

Electronics Division

Office of Aircraft Disposal

War Assets Administration

425 Second St., N.W.

Washington 25, D. C.

Millions and millions of electronic tubes are at your disposal. Pictured are some of the types which are available to you.

"No Electronic Device is Better Than it's Tube"

Modern Communication and Production Depend on Electronics

Today - virtually all methods of high-speed communication use electronic tubes. In the industrial field, heating, welding and various methods of control are being done better and faster because of electronics. From big broadcasting stations to tiny hearing aids - from induction heating to voltage regulation - the science of electronics is playing a major role in industry.



Matching Stub and Antennae


Control Unit


these Authorized Distributors will serve you

Listed here are the names and locations of WAA ap-ointed distributors. Not all of them will have complete stocks but it will pay you to consult them on your electronic problems.

Automatic Radio Mfg. Co., Inc.

120 Brookline Avenue Boston 15, Massachusetts

Communication Measurements Laboratory

120 Greenwich Street

New York 6, New York

Tobe Deutschmann Corporation

Canton, Massachusetts

Electronic Corporation of America

353 West 18th Street

New York 19, New York

Electro-Voice, Inc.

Buchanan, Michigan

Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corporation

123 Duane Street

New York 7, New York

Essex Wire Corporation 1601 Wall Street

Ft. Wayne 6, Indiana

General Electric Company Building

267-1 River Road Schenectady 5, New York

Hammarlund Mfg. Company, Inc.

460 West 34th Street

New York 1, New York

Hoffman Radio Corporation

3741 South Hill Street

Los Angeles 7, California

Hytron Radio & Electronics Corporation

76 LaFayette Street

Salem, Massachusetts

E. F. Johnson Company

206 Second Avenue S. W.

Waseca, Minnesota

Newark Electric Co., Inc.

242 West 55th Street

New York 19, N. Y.

Majestic Radio & Television Corporation

125 West Ohio Street

Chicago 10, Illinois

Raytheon Manufacturing Company

60 East 42nd Street

New York 17, New York

Smith-Meeker Engineering Company

125 Barclay Street

New York 7, New York

Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.

Emporium, Pennsylvania

Technical Apparatus Company

165 Washington Street

Boston 8, Massachusetts

Tung-Sol Lamp Works, Inc.

95 Eighth Avenue

Newark 4, New Jersey

American Condenser Co.

4410 Ravenswood Avenue

Chicago 11, Illinois

War Assets Administration

A United States Government Agency for the Disposal of Surplus Property



Posted May 19, 2022
(updated from original post on 2/9/2016)

Tennode microwave devices - RF Cafe
Temwell Filters

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