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Windfreak Technologies SynthHD PRO - RF Cafe

Technical Entrepreneurial Resources

Here is a list of resources for people looking for resources for entrepreneurial endeavors in the technical realm. Statistics have shown that something like 80% of all new business efforts fail, so doing some up-front research could save you some grief. Maybe your idea is not likely to produce the interest you envision; better to decide that before investing lots of time and money. Of course, you might be the exception - there have been many. Maybe you are already in business and are looking for help. Hopefully, you can find it from one of these companies.


Building on a Culture of Entrepreneurship |
Article from Georgia Tech.

Can a Good Engineer Become a Successful Entrepreneur? |
By Praise Paul.

Center for Innovation in Engineering Education |
Blog - Princeton Entrepreneurs Network.

Collegiate Entrepreneurship Resource Center |
Resources from the Kauffman Campuses Resource Library.

Engineering Entrepreneur’s Program |
College of Engineering wide program whose focus is to educate and train NC State University College of Engineering undergraduates as the vanguard of both leaders and entrepreneurs of the technology industry, and to improve the attraction and retention of students into the engineering and science disciplines, from North Carolina State University.

Engineering Entrepreneurship |
One academic’s look at entrepreneurial activities in engineering-based industries — from the standpoint of practice, teaching and research.

Engineering Entrepreneurship |
Guide from the Lippincott Library / Engineering Library, University of Pennsylvania.

How Failure Breeds Success |
Article from Business Week Online.

IEEE USA's Entrepreneurs Village |
IEEE-USA believes that the development of small business is critical to the economic and career vitality of the U.S. The Village is a gathering place that will allow you to become a mentor or to seek the guidance of other mentors.

Innosight |
Innosight’s consulting and customized training sessions help companies improve their ability to create innovation-driven growth.

Living in the “Unreal World:” A Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs |
Article from Wisconsin Technology Network LLC.

MIT Entrepreneurship Center |
Provides content, context, and contacts that enable entrepreneurs to design and launch successful new ventures based on innovative technologies.

National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) |
Leading organization advancing business incubation and entrepreneurship. It provides thousands of professionals with the information, education, advocacy and networking resources to bring excellence to the process of assisting early-stage companies worldwide.

Of Engineers and Entrepreneurs |
Can a university turn an engineer into an entrepreneur? - by Lay Leng TAN, in INNOVATION magazine.

Psychologist - Technology Entrepreneurs Frequently Experience Hypomania |
Article from Wisconsin Technology Network LLC.

Sales Strategies for the High-Tech Entrepreneur |
Article from Wisconsin Technology Network LLC.

Silicon Insider. So you want to be a Tech Entrepreneur? |
Commentary by Michael S. Malone, from Montana Associated Technology Roundtables.

Stanford Technology Ventures Program |
STVP is the entrepreneurship center at Stanford University's School of Engineering, by the department of Management Science and Engineering, and is dedicated to accelerating high-technology entrepreneurship education and creating scholarly research on technology-based firms that, in turn, provides new insights for students, scholars, and business leaders.

StartupNation, LLC |
Expert advice on all aspects of starting a business, and is also an entrepreneurial resource for you to learn from peers.

Tech Entrepreneurs See Profit in Connecting Next Billion Internet Users |
Article from USA Today.

Technology Entrepreneur Center (TEC) | | 217-244-3124 / Urbana, IL
Enhances the existing engineering curriculum, produces publishable research, and engages the College's vast pool of faculty, students, and alumni supportive of entrepreneurship, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Technology Innovation Management Entrepreneurship Information Service | | India
Aims at assisting techno-preneurs to find technologies, projects, funding options and information about policy environment, incentive schemes and industrial infrastructure available in the country covering both the central and state governments.

TEC: Technology Entrepreneur Center | | 314-436-3500 / St. Louis, MO
Assists technology start-up companies in St. Louis to increase their likelihood of success through access to highly qualified mentors, assistance with business planning & strategies, & office services.

b | | 303-666-4133 / Louisville, CO
A non-profit futurist think tank. We are both a global community of thinkers and doers, and a service organization that graduates competent entrepreneurs and powerful entrepreneurial businesses.

The Entrepreneur Center @ NVTC |
A resource center for emerging technology companies and individual entrepreneurs.

Windfreak Technologies SynthHD PRO - RF Cafe
RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe