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TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe

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LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe

Near-Field Communication (NFC) Resources

Near field communication, or NFC, is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4 cm or less. NFC operates at 13.56 MHz and at rates ranging from 106 kbit/s to 848 kbit/s. NFC always involves an initiator and a target; the initiator actively generates an RF field that can power a passive target. This enables NFC targets to take very simple form factors such as tags, stickers, key fobs, or cards that do not require batteries. NFC peer-to-peer communication is of course possible, where both devices are powered. According to the NFC Forum, the three main uses of NFC currently are “sharing, pairing, and transaction.” Global companies are interested in NFC’s ability to provide pervasive marketing, simplify processes, and facilitate contactless payment for goods." - Wikipedia


2011 NFC-Enabled Cellular Terminal Forecast Downgraded to 450 Million Units |
Article from ABI Research.

ECMA International |"near field communications"
+41 22 849 6000 / Switzerland
Near Field Communications technical basics, applications & information.

Four Factors Critical to Near Field Communications Markets in 2006 |
From ABI Research.

Get ready for Near Field Communication |
Article from Engadget by Peter Rojas.

How NFC Can Speed Bluetooth Transactions—Today |
From CommsDesign, by Taoufik Ghanname.

Is near-field communication close to success? |
Abstract from IEEE by Ortiz, S., Jr.

Magnetic Near-Field Distribution Measurements above a Patch Antenna by Using an Optical Waveguide Probe |
Article from IEICE-Transactions on Communications, Oxford University Press.

Motorola and MasterCard giving Near Field Communications payments a run for your money |
Article from Engadget by Joshua Fruhlinger.

Near Field Communication Chip Using PIM for Bio MEMS Sensors |
Abstract from IEEE.

Near Field Communication (NFC) Forum |
A non-profit industry association that promotes the use of NFC short-range wireless interaction in consumer electronics, mobile devices and PCs.

Near Field Communication: Secure Mobile Commerce |
Article by Paul Korzeniowski, Network World.

Near-Field Communications |
Article from Wi-Fi Planet, By Ed Sutherland.

Near Field Communications (NFC) |
Simplifying and Expanding Contactless Commerce, Connectivity and Content, report by ABI Research.

Near Field Communications Brings New Meaning To Short-Range Wireless |
Article from Electronic Design, by Louis E. Frenzel.

Near Field Communications Coming to a Handset Near You |
News item from

Near field Communications Gets Nearer |
Article from The Register, by Bill Ray.

Near-Field Communications Opens Vision |
Of E-Commerce
Article from Electronic Design, by Mark David.

Near Field Communication White paper |
From ECMA International.

Near-Field Sound-Source Localization Based on a Signed Binary Code |
Article from IEICE-Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications & Computer Sciences, Oxford University Press.

Near-field to Far-field Transition of Photonic Crystal Fibers: Symmetries and Interference Phenomena |
Abstract from Optics Express, by Niels Mortensen and Jacob Folkenberg.

Nokia, Philips and Sony establish the Near Field Communication (NFC) Forum |
News release from NXP.

LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe
RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

Temwell Filters

Cafe Press