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Anaconda Copper
April 29, 1950 - The Saturday Evening Post

The Saturday Evening Post
April 29, 1950April 29, 1950 The Saturday Evening Post Cover - RF Cafe

[Table of Contents]

These articles are scanned and OCRed from old editions of the The Saturday Evening Post magazine. Here is a list of the The Saturday Evening Post articles I have already posted. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Anaconda Copper was a major mining company that operated in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was known for its extensive mining operations in Montana, particularly in the Butte-Anaconda mining district. Anaconda Copper was founded in 1881 in Anaconda, Montana, by Marcus Daly, a copper magnate (as opposed to a magnet, which copper isn't, unless an electric current is running through it). The company quickly grew to become one of the largest copper producers in the world. The Butte-Anaconda area was rich in copper, silver, and other minerals, and became known as "The Richest Hill on Earth" due to the enormous copper deposits found there. Anaconda Copper faced economic challenges over the years, including fluctuations in copper prices and increased environmental regulations. Anaconda provided defense and civilian companies with the majority of their copper. World War II was long over by 1950 when this advertisement appeared in The Saturday Evening Post magazine, but many raw materials companies continued promoting to the public through such efforts. In 1977, the company merged with the Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), becoming ARCO's mining division.

Anaconda Copper Ad

Anaconda Copper Advertisement in the April 29, 1950 Saturday Evening Post - RF CafeCopper ...

Time's friendly enemy

Time and copper get along well together - because of one simple reason: Copper chooses to ignore time completely.

For nature has given copper the great quality of almost eternal youth - the ability to resist the slow but steady ravages of the elements, for centuries if need be.

How fortunate it is that so permanent a metal meets so many vital needs in our modern way of life! For we depend on copper to bring us the benefits of electricity ... the conveniences of communication and transportation ... the comforts of ever-present water, warmth and refrigeration in millions of our homes.

American industry, too, counts on brass and bronze, two important alloys of copper, to provide it with highly "workable," and durable and attractive raw materials for manufacturing finished products.

Is it any wonder then, that Anaconda, first in copper; brass and bronze, takes such pride and satisfaction in these products of its mines and mills? For what other metal can give the world so much lasting service and satisfaction - as copper?


First in Copper, Brass and Bronze

Big Ben, the Great 13 ton bronze bell that strides the hours over London, is world-famous as the voice of time.  



Posted September 13, 2023

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