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Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation

Equalizers - Amplitude, Phase, & Group Delay
Manufacturers & Services

Equalizers are generally associated with devices designed to reduce or remove group delay and/or amplitude and/or phase variations across a filter band. However, some equalizers are meant to flatten gain across the operational band of an amplifier, filter, or complete system.

Higher order filters, with corresponding greater out-of-band attenuation, exhibit higher levels of group delay variations at the band edges. Group delay variation distorts signals by varying the time that the spectral components to move from the input to the output of the filter. Square waves, for instance, contain their highest frequency components at the band edges, so on a filter with a lot of group delay, the square wave will exit with rounded and otherwise distorted edges. Such distortion can (and will) negatively affect the bit error rate (BER) of digital communications.

KR Electronics (RF filters) - RF Cafe

Aeroflex-Inmet (now API Technologies) | 888-244-6638 | Ann Arbor, MI

Adapters, amplifiers, attenuators, bias tees, DC blocks, gain equalizers, power dividers, terminations.

Akon | 408-432-8039 | San Jose, CA

Microwave amplifiers 0.5 to 20.0 GHz, power dividers and gain (slope) equalizers 1.0 to 18.0 GHz, converter assemblies 2.0-20.0 GHz, filter banks and switch filter banks 2.0-18.0 GHz, discriminators.

Blueline Engineering Corp | 203-838-8296 | Norwalk, CT

RF/Microwave Components, 100 MHz-40 GHz including amplifiers, equalizers, DLVA's, SDLVA's, Log IF, integrated subassemblies, switched filters, switched multipliers, upconverters, and downconverters.

Custom Microwave Components | 510-651-3434 | Fremont, CA

RF & microwave PIN diode & GaAs FET switches, switch matrices, switch/filter matrices, analog & digital attenuators and phase shifters, limiters, power dividers/combiners, couplers, fixed & variable equalizers.

Eclipse Microwave | 408-526-1100 | San Jose, CA

Designs and manufactures a wide selection of microwave products including microwave mixers, frequency doublers, detectors, equalizers, pin diode limiters, broadband couplers, broadband power dividers.

Inmet (now API Technologies) | 888-244-6638 | Ann Arbor, MI

Fixed, 2.4mm, 2.92mm, 3.5mm, 7mm, 7/16, SMA, N, F, BNC, TNC, GPO connectors, from dc to 2, 4, 6, 12.4, 18, 26.5, 40 & 50 GHz, values 0 to 60 dB, power to 300 W.

KR Electronics | 732-636-1900 | Avenel, NJ

All standard filter types - lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop, equalizers, diplexers, duplexers, notch - and individually synthesized filters for special applications. State of the art computer synthesis, analysis and test methods are used to meet the most challenging specifications for military, commercial, medical, communication, radar, positive train control (PTC), and navigation.

Mica Microwave (now Mercury Systems) | 209-825-3977 | Manteca, CA

Circulators, isolators, mixers, equalizers, phase shifters.

Microwave Circuits | 434-455-2800 | Lynchburg, VA

High performance RF/Microwave filters, diplexers and duplexers from DC - 20 GHz, tunable filters and cavities, ceramic filters, surface mount filters, notch filters.

Midwest Microwave (now Emerson Network Power) |734-429-4773 | Saline, MI

Attenuators,  terminations, DC blocks, couplers, power dividers, equalizers, phase shifters, adapters, cable assemblies, connectors - SMA, BMA, N Type, 7 mm, 3.5mm, QPL/DSCC approved products, tools, gauges, guides.

NeoPhotonics Corp | 408-232-9200 | San Jose, CA

Provider of photonic integrated circuit-based modules, components and subsystems for use in optical communications networks including the Dynamic Channel Equalizer product line which is used to configure ROADMs and Optical Nodes to equalize or block individual optical channels and enables dynamic provisioning in the network.

R.A. Wood Associates | www.315-735-4217 | Utica, NY

Engineering consulting services, computer automated test design & development, engineering prototypes & low rate manufacturing, RF/Microwave system design & analysis, subcontract specifications, wireless system design, custom software program development, LabVIEW software development, lectures & training classes, computer consulting services. Software: SpurFinder®, TunerHelper®, RFSpecTest®, PathLossSolver®, Painless Extraction®. Equalizers on Demand - amplitude flatteners.

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation
Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

PCB Directory (Manufacturers)