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RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

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RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe

RF Schematic & Block Diagram Symbol Stencils for Visio™ - v2

These stencils have been superseded by

RF & Electronics Symbols v2020™ for Visio™

NOTE: v2 is no longer being sold.

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RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio (r4)

RF Cafe - RF Stencils for Visio v2 example block diagramImportant: RF Stencils for Visio v2 will not work with Visio 5 or earlier versions. It has been verified to work in Visio 2000 through 2010. See the known issues info a the bottom of this page.

Of course if you have the non-colored version, you can always just add your own color. However, some of the newer symbols have been changed a bit, and entirely new symbols have been added. Most of the stencils are for RF, microwave, and wireless drawings, but a few are included for standard electronic schematics since often the two types are combined. Visio has a lot of built-in symbols for electronics.

The block diagram at the right is an example of what can be done with the new symbols. Connection points are provided on everything for exploiting Visio's built-in Connector lines that automatically follow a symbol if it is moved on the page (it's easy enough to add them yourself to the v1 version). Combined with the selection of objects supplied with the Visio software, everything you need to create presentation quality drawings is available.

Includes 2008

ARRL Handbook Symbols!

Visio Circuit Schematic Symbols from the 2008 ARRL Handbook

The EIA standard equipment rack and test equipment stencils now have text that scales with the stencil as it is varied. Doing so required modifying the ShapeSheets with an equation in the text size field. It was a lot of work, but definitely worth the effort. The v1 stencils required you to manually re-size the text if you resized the racks or TE. As with the other v2 components, color has been added to everything.

As with the v1 rack & TE stencils, they are built full-size at a 1:1 scale, so everything is directly measurable without scaling. Your page size is set to the real-life size and everything will fit exactly as it would if you printed it out full-size. Of course, you can tell Visio to print it to fit on a standard size piece of paper.

RF Cafe - RF Stencils for Visio v2 example rack & TE diagram

Example of the Racks and Test Equipment

To right and left are screen captures of the actual Stencil windows that show all the available components. RF Stencils for Visio v1 had two versions of most components - both horizontally and vertically oriented - in order to accommodate the grouped text fields for parameter specification.

RF Cafe - Equipment Rack / Test Equipment Visio Stencils

Equipment Rack / Test Equipment Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Coupler / Divider / Circulator / Isolator Visio Stencils

Coupler / Divider / Circulator / Isolator Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - RF Connector Visio Stencils

RF Connector Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Attenuator / Termination Visio Stencils

Attenuator / Termination Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Antenna Visio Stencils

Antenna Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - A2D / D2A Converter Visio Stencils

A2D / D2A Converter Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Amplifier Visio Stencils

Amplifier Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Tube Base Visio Stencils

Tube Base Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Switch Visio Stencils

Switch Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Transistor / Diode Visio Stencils

Transistor / Diode Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - AC / DC Power Supply Visio Stencils

AC / DC Power Supply Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Resistor / Capacitor / Inductor Visio Stencils

Resistor / Capacitor / Inductor Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Mixer / Modulator / Detector Visio Stencils

Mixer / Modulator / Detector Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Filter Visio Stencils

Filter Visio Stencils

RF Cafe - Substrate Stack Visio Stencils

Substrate Stack Visio Stencils

Rather than clutter the stencil selection with essentially redundant components, a single version is provided, and the specification text, where applicable, is provided as a separate component. You can of course add your own text objects to the drawing, just as you can add any other type of Visio built-in objects.

Handheld Digital Multimeter (DMM) for Visio, by Bob Stewart - RF CafeRF Cafe visitor Bob Stewart has generously made this fine handheld digital multimeter (DMM) Visio model available at no charge. Click on the image to download it.

Says Bob: "I needed a Handheld DMM stencil, so I created one loosely modeled on a Fluke 289.  Attached is a *.vsd file containing two versions -- the "Original" is grouped, but editable; the Metafile version is scalable (created by copying the original and doing a "Paste Special" in metafile format). "

How to open these stencils in Visio 2010?

** Make certain that the Color Themes are set to "None" **

RF Cafe - Opening stencils in Visiso 2010

In Visio 2013, you will probably need to change the File Block Settings that have been added in 2013 for security purposes. Please see the Microsoft support page for detailed instructions on File Block Settings (it's easy to do).

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe