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Cool Pic Archive #9

Cool Pic Archive Pages

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These images have been chosen for their uniqueness. Subject matter ranges from historic events, to really cool phenomena in science and engineering, to relevant place, to ingenious contraptions, to interesting products (which now has its own dedicated Featured Product category).

The Chevrolet Malibou car belonging to Mrs. Michelle Knapp of Wells Street in Peekskill, NY, that was hit by a meteorite on October 9, 1992. It has been on a worldwide tour.The Chevrolet Malibou car belonging to Mrs. Michelle Knapp of Wells Street in Peekskill, NY, that was hit by a meteorite on October 9, 1992. It has been on a worldwide tour.

In-flight hail damage to a Boeing 737 - worse has happenedIn-flight hail damage to a Boeing 737 - worse has happened.

Southern San Andreas fault waiting to explode - Yikes!Southern San Andreas fault waiting to explode - Yikes!

Solar transit of the International Space Station and the Atlantis Space Shuttle - Thierry LegaultSolar transit of the International Space Station and the Atlantis Space Shuttle, 50 minutes after undocking - taken by amateur astronomer Thierry Legault, in Normandie, France. Amazing!

Sarah Dacre claims to be sensitive to certain frequencies of EM wavesSarah Dacre believes that her metal mesh headgear can save her from the pervasive electrosmog. She claims to be experiencing extreme, incapacitating sensitivity to certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves, particularly Wi-Fi.

The irony in this graphic at the top of the TEG Design website just strikes me as clever and funny.The irony in this graphic at the top of the TEG Design website just strikes me as clever and funny.

Begun in 2001, the Palm Islands are a 12-square-mile group of man-made peninsulas off the shores of Dubai.Begun in 2001, the Palm Islands are a 12-square-mile group of man-made peninsulas off the shores of Dubai.

 This Lego pinball machine is built from over 20,000 blocks, and except for the electronics, is 99.9% Legos.This Lego pinball machine is built from over 20,000 blocks, and except for the electronics, is 99.9% Legos.

"A Smith Chart quilt, by Cynthia Furse, Professor, Electromagnetics Director, Center of Excellence for Smart Sensors, University of Utah""A Smith Chart quilt, by Cynthia Furse, Professor, Electromagnetics Director, Center of Excellence for Smart Sensors, University of Utah"

A Bluetooth-controlled Lego car (see the video)A Bluetooth-controlled Lego car (see the video).

This is a point data set for the location of over 4,300 MMS administered platform structures used for oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico.This is a point data set for the location of over 4,300 MMS administered platform structures used for oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico.

Beijing Smog - NASA photoAs recently as 6 months ago, predictions Beijing Pollution - Timehad China overtaking the U.S. as the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter by 2010 - now it is by the end of 2007.

Periodic Table erected in St. PetersburgPeriodic Table erected in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1934. Russian mathematician Dmitri Mendeleev is often regarded as the father of the Periodic Table. He called his table, or matrix, the Periodic System.

These statues of famous scientists & engineers are hitch hiking all across the U.S. See Lee de Forest, Gordon Moore, Bill Hewlett, and others.These statues of famous scientists & engineers are hitch hiking all across the U.S. See Lee de Forest, Gordon Moore, Bill Hewlett, and others. 

These are Genuine Coins that have been electromagnetically shrunk! Pretty cool. No, I don't earn any commission.These are Genuine Coins that have been electromagnetically shrunk! Pretty cool. No, I don't earn any commission.

After a lifetime of being accused by my detractors of either not having a brain or not having a spine, I offer proof positive that they are wrong! Here is an MRI of my cervical region, taken to investigate the cause of an intermittent semi-paralysis in my right arm and hand. Kind of gross and cool at the same time, eh?!?!After a lifetime of being accused by my detractors of either not having a brain or not having a spine, I offer proof positive that they are wrong! Here is an MRI of my cervical region, taken to investigate the cause of an intermittent semi-paralysis in my right arm and hand. Kind of gross and cool at the same time, eh?!?!

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