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Lampes et Tubes (Lamps & Tubes) Online Museum
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Lampen & Röhren (Lamps & Tubes) Online Museum - RF CafeIf you like pictures of très cool-looking devices involving vacuum-filled (an oxymoron?) glass enclosures, i.e., lamps and tubes, then you will want to spend a few minutes perusing the personal collection of Giorgio Basile, of Nivelles, Belgium. Per the homepage of his Lamps & Tubes website:

"My collection consists of more than 4,000 lamps and vacuum tubes. This is a wide area! In addition to well known incandescent lamps, radio tubes and cathode ray tubes, it includes, among others: arc lamps, light sources for the laboratory, transmitting tubes, camera tubes, flash lamps, microwave tubes, photocells, photomultipliers, radiation detectors, rectifiers, relays, thyratrons, vacuum gauges, X-ray tubes..."

The quality of the photos is excellent, with multiple views of each specimen. Most of the lamps and tubes in Giorgio's collection appear to be commercially produced, as opposed to the vast array of prototype and limited production tubes owned by the National Electronics Museum.

You are invited to present items for sale or donation to the museum. If you happen to be in Nivelles, personal tours can be arranged by contacting Giorgio.


Mazda B.T.H. gas-filled cinema projector lamp - RF Cafe

Mazda B.T.H. 15V 30A gas-filled cinema projector lamp

TVS-15 hydrogen spectral lamp - RF Cafe

TVS-15 hydrogen spectral lamp

Cathodeon opto-galvanic hollow cathode lamp - RF Cafe

Cathodeon opto-galvanic (see through) hollow cathode lamp

Westinghouse WL-5736 Power Amplifier Triode - RF Cafe

Westinghouse WL-5736 power amplifier triode

Raytheon QK-62 magnetron - RF Cafe

Raytheon QK-62 magnetron

Russian military projection display - RF Cafe

Russian military projection display

This is a tiny example of the massive array of lamps and tubes for view . All photos courtesy of the Lamps & Tubes website.



Posted December 17, 2020
(updated from original post on 5/9/2016)

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