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H2O - A Radio That Runs on Shower Power
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RF Ccafe Cool Product - Ecodigital's H20 Shower Power RadioWhat do vintage grain mills, your lawn sprinkler, and Hoover Dam have in common with Ecodigital's new H20 FM radio? They all run on water power. According to their website, the H2O is the world's first water pressure powered shower radio. It is installed inline between the shower supply pipe and the shower head. The water flow powers a patented, integrated turbine generator which creates energy to power the radio. The H2O Shower Power Radio is a patented innovative product which uses the latest technology of miniature water turbines to create energy. A built-in rechargeable battery allows you to take the radio with you for listening elsewhere - maybe in a good rain downpour!




Posted  3/11/2011

Cafe Press
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