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Vintage Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Kit
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Vintage Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Kit Christmas 1982 Catalog - RF Cafe Cool Product

Vintage Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer in the Heathkit Christmas 1982 catalog (p20).

This vintage Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer kit is one the latest unbuilt Heathkit kits which appeared on eBay. I have been saving the images in order to preserve the history. The constantly growing list is at the lower right.

The first instance I could find for SA-5010 being offered for sale was in the Christmas 1982 Heathkit catalog, at a cost of $99.95 ($250.40 in 2021 money per the BLS). It went to model number SA-5010A sometime around 1985. Zenith bought Heathkit in 1979 (and kept the Heathkit name), so that explains whey their name appears on the errata sheet in the photo. Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyers can still be found on eBay fairly often, both in unassembled kit form and completed units.

From the catalog page: "The SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer - best buy of its type in ham radio - has features that will improve the way you handle CW!

  • Brings more fun and results to your CW activity
  • Includes removable capacitive-touch iambic paddles
  • Up to 10 buffers are available for the storage of text or "command strings" so you can sequence alterations
  • Highly flexible speed range o 1 to 99 words per minute
  • Four-level random practice mode allows 6,400 different and repeatable 3000-character training sessions
  • Rear panel jack lets you connect to your favorite keyer

The latest generation of Heathkit ham gear includes the most useful and feature-intensive CW aid our hams could imagineer - the μMatic Memory Keyer. Ask anybody that uses one. It can revolutionize your practices, ease your hand fatigue, multiply QSOs - and incoming QSLs.

The compact, modern styling is made possible by our use of a custom microprocessor. It provides up to 10 variable-length buffers for storing up to 240 characters of text or commands, thus eliminating wasted memory space."

Kit SA-5010, Shpg. wt. 3 lbs. .............99.95 

Here is the SA-5010 owner's Manual with building and operating instructions.

Heathkit SA−5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Kit Parts - RF Cafe

Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Kit Parts

(eBay photo)

eathkit SA−5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Assembled - RF Cafe 

Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Assembled

 (eBay photo)

Heathkit SA−5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Rear Panel - RF Cafe 

 Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Rear Panel

(eBay photo) 

Heathkit SA−5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Kit Components - RF Cafe

 Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Documentation

(eBay photo) 

Heathkit 1982 Christmas Catalog Cover - RF Cafe

Heathkit Christmas 1982 Catalog Cover

Heathkit SA−5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Schematic - RF Cafe 

  Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Schematic

(eBay photo) 

Heathkit Heathkit SA−5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Kit Parts - RF Cafe

 Heathkit SA-5010 μMatic Memory Keyer Kit Parts

(eBay photo)

Heathkit products were well known for the completeness of its instruction manuals, with clearly illustrated instructions. During the writing and editing process, Heathkit employees were given pre-production kits to take home and build, while annotating any difficulties or errors encountered. Doing so helped minimize the situation where the writer inadvertently assumes his own familiarity with the process is shared by the customer. Having built a few Heathkit products myself in the 1970s when I did not have a lot of experience with electronics assembly, I can attest to the user friendliness of the instructions. Heathkit still sells many of its vintage manuals for around $15, which is what you would pay on eBay.


Contact Info

Heath Company (Heathkit)

Operations: PO Box 15, Ottsville, PA 18942

R&D/Mfg: PO Box 3115, Santa Cruz CA 95063

Phone: +1 (831) 480-4368

E-Mail: info.2015@2015.heath.company



Posted July 20, 2021

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