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Cool Video / Audio Archive - 2

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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Medieval Help Desk - on YouTubeMedieval Help Desk - vengeance for all the poor IT souls who have to put up with the rest of us. This is hilarious.



Ray Bethell - Multiple Kite World Champion videoMultiple Kite World Champion world record holder Ray Bethell manipulates 3 aerobatic kites at a time - amazing!



Supersonic projectile - RF CafeA high speed camera follows a canon projectile through supersonic flight and manages to capture the shock waves. Imagine the level of technology that can track a bullet in flight!


Stephen Hawking experiences weightlessness in Zero G Vomit Comet - RF CafeStephen Hawking experiences weightlessness in Zero Gravity Corporation's parabolic-arc-flying jet. April 26, 2007. Only $3,500 US.



Tesla Coil tutorial video - this is absolutely worth watching!If you have any interest at all in Tesla Coils, then you will want to watch this video. The guy (RogerInOhio) goes through the schematic and physical construction, and then lets the lightning fly. Extremely cool!


Semiconductor Insights Tears Down the Nintendo Wii - RF CafeHere is a video of a technician at Semiconductor Insights performing a teardown of the Nintendo Wii game box.



The annual piano drop from the Baker House Dormitory rooftop at MIT - RF Cafe2007 MIT Piano Drop - When an Egg Just Won't Do




The Great Pyramid of Giza - a new theory of how it was built (without aliens)Here is an animated description of a new theory for the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza. A very well-done presentation by Dassalt Systems.



Exploding capacitor on YouTube - turn your sound down.Here's what happens when 200 V is placed across a 10 µF, 16 V electrolytic capacitor




Star Wars - It's Working! - RF CafeStar Wars - It's Working! Two Targets, Two Hits in Pacific Missile Test




Basic Electricity CourseIf you think just because you graduated from engineering or technical school that you understand electricity, this video may surprise you with "facts" you never knew.



"Check Designs for EMI Early," by T&M Magazine's Martin Rowe"Check Designs for EMI Early"

An ode to EMI engineers, by Test & Measurement Magazine's Senior Technical Editor, Martin Rowe. See also "The Lab in the Corner."

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe