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U.S. Congressman on the Capsizing of Guam
Videos for Engineers

This video certainly helps explain why the U.S. Congress can't manage the country. This freaking moron, Hank Johnson, who is on the House Armed Services Committee, is actually lecturing Admiral Robert Willard, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, about overloading the island of Guam with Navy personnel and materiel to the point that it "will become so overly populated that the whole island might tip over and capsize." You can see that the good admiral can barely contain his incredulity. "We don't anticipate that," he responds.

That's right, Rep. Johnson actually thinks islands are floating in the oceans and can tip over. He rambles like an idiot trying to describe the dimensions of the island. You can see the great restraint it takes the Admiral to keep from laughing. It's akin Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee asking a JPL scientist whether the Mars Pathfinder had photographed the flag Neil Armstrong left there.

God help us all!

  Bugs Bunny stamp

"What a maroon. What an ignoranimus" - Bugs Bunny

Genius Congressman Hank Johnson warns Admiral Robert Willard that Guam

could tip over if too many U.S. troops and equipment are stationed there.

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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