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The Letter "Xi" Stricken from Greek Alphabet
Smorgasbord / Kirt's Cogitations™ #334

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The Letter "Xi" Stricken from Greek Alphabet  - RF Cafe SmorgasbordThis gives a whole new meaning to "Political Science." Vaccinated people have been generating and shedding variants of COVID-19. WHO (World Health Organization) designates each new variant with progressive letters in the Greek alphabet, beginning with Alpha. Until a few days ago they were up to the Nu variant. Next came the Omicron variant. "What happened to Xi?" you might reasonably ask. It so happens that Xi (Jinping) is the name of China's dictator, so "the Science" we are admonished to listen to decided to removed it. Anything which might reminding people that the virus originated in a gain of function experiment in Wuhan, China would be, inconvenient.

Xi (Jinping) Deleted from Greek Alphabet - RF CafeA dilemma is created though because now we need the Ministry of Truth to replace all former references to Xi (Ξ, ξ) with some other symbol. Let me be the first to suggest a spiked virus icon Coronavirus Icon - RF Cafe.

Damping ratio henceforth is written as Coronavirus Icon - RF Cafe = 2.5 rather than the traditional ξ=2.5. Similarly there is the Coronavirus Icon - RF Cafe baryon (rather than the Xi baryon), the Riemann Coronavirus Icon - RF Cafe function, potential difference is Coronavirus Icon - RF Cafe volts, the Scientific Research Honor Society is now Sigma Coronavirus Icon - RF Cafe. Furthermore, the symbol for the value of 60 in Greek numerals is hereafter Coronavirus Icon - RF Cafe. It also denotes "no change" in Z-notation, a universal set in set theory, the initial mass function in astronomy, the Killing vector in general relativity, a small displacement in MHD plasma stability. You get the idea.

In these insane days when you are admonished to "believe the science," do so at your own risk; there is clearly an agenda in play.

The RF Cafe Engineering Theme crossword puzzle for November 28, 2021, was created in order to restore Xi to its rightful place as the 14th letter in the Greek alphabet.



Posted November 28, 2021

Windfreak Technologies SynthHD PRO - RF Cafe
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