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Sweathog Clinic for the Cure of Smoking

RF Cafe: Welcome Back Kotter: Sweathog Clinic for the Cure of SmokingI probably watched more television than I should have as a teenager. Studying for better grades would have been a much better use of my time. However, having had a bent toward things scientific from my early days, even now there are certain episodes of the TV shows that stick out in my mind. A while back I wrote about an episode of the 1970s television sitcom "Barney Miller," where Detective Sargent Arthur Dietrich, the show's subtle and wryly humorous braniac, encounters a college student's working model of an atomic bomb.

Welcome Back, Kotter DVD Series - RF CafeWhile working at RF Micro Devices (now known as Qorvo) on a project to improve the ESD ruggedness of our RFICs, I had to do a number of presentations on progress over a span of about two years. I desperately searched online for this episode of Welcome Back Kotter titled "Sweathog Clinic for the Cure of Smoking." It was not available at the time, but did show up for a short time sometime around 2008. Then, it disappeared and was not available again anywhere until a few months ago when a DVD set for the Welcome Back, Kotter television series went on sale at Amazon.com. I quickly snatched a copy (~$85) and produced this clip. It's hilarious!

The clip below shows just the pertinent portion of the "Sweathog Clinic for the Cure of Smoking," which originally aired on December 16, 1976.

Sweathog Clinic for the Cure of Smoking

Season 2, Episode 11    Aired December 16, 1976

For more Sweathog electronics, see AM Transmitter Schematic on Welcome Back Kotter.



Posted February 4, 2015

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