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Copper Mountain Technologies & Pulse Larsen Antenna of Things Webinar - RF Cafe

Pluse Larson Antennas Antenna-of-Things Webinar - RF CafeIndianapolis, September 14, 2018 - Copper Mountain Technologies (based in Indianapolis) and PulseLARSEN Antennas released the IoTest™ kit, which helps designers of IoT devices select and test the right antenna for the project.

Pulse Larsen Antennas IoTest™ Antenna Testing Kit - RF CafeIn the IoT world, time to market is essential and developing a new product has enough hurdles as such. PulseLARSEN has therefore developed the IoTest™ kit (powered by Copper Mountain Technologies) to accelerate the process of embedding antennas in your product, to evaluate your antenna performance, to compare to existing PulseLARSEN antennas, and to consult experienced antenna professionals if any further assistance is required. This kit is extremely mobile, easy-to-carry, and becomes the ideal toolbox for technical sales or FAE on the field or engineers in tight spaces. Self installing software is included and its user-friendly GUI will guide you through the multiple possibilities this kit offers. View the webinar recording now!

In support of Central Indiana's focus on IoT, Copper Mountain Technologies provided one IoTest kit to Indiana IoT Lab in Fishers for use by its resident companies in IoT product design.

About Copper Mountain Technologies

Copper Mountain Technologies develops innovative RF test and measurement solutions for engineers all over the world. The company was created in 2011 and is based in Indianapolis, IN with sales offices in Singapore and Miami.

Copper Mountain Technologies provides a broad range of USB vector network analyzers, calibration kits, and accessories for 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm impedance. CMT VNAs are used for RF and Microwave applications from 9 kHz to 110 GHz by engineers in industries like defense, automotive, materials measurement, medical, broadcasting, and telecommunications. CMT customers range from government and defense agencies and contractors, like NASA, United States Armed Forces, Canadian DoD and law enforcement, to universities, mid-size manufacturers, like Reactel and PCTEL, and small companies with just a few employees.

Contact Info

Copper Mountain Technologies

631 East New York Street

Indianapolis, IN  46202 | USA

Phone: 1-317-222-5400

Web: www.coppermountaintech.com



Posted September 21, 2018

Innovative Power Products (IPP) 90 deg Hybrid Couplers
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