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Empower RF Systems



RF Amplifier System

Configurable Features

Selectable Output Power Control

  • Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
  • Automatic Level Control (ALC)
  • Manual Gain Control (MGC)

Selectable Operating Modes

  • CW, FM, AM, CE
  • Digital Modulation
  • Multi-carrier / Multi-tone
  • Pulse Modulation
  • Gated Pulse, Blanking

Input Power Options

  • 220 Single Phase
  • Three Phase Delta or Y (208 or 380 VAC)
  • 48 VDC


  • Load VSWR 3:1 (6:1 at 1/2 Psat)
  • Input Overdrive Protection
  • Thermal Overload Protection
  • Over/Under AC Voltage Protection
  • Out of Band Drive Protection
  • Selectable "Graceful Output Power Degradation"
  • Electronic VSWR Protection

Empower RF Systems Intros an HF Communications & Jamming Transmitter - RF CafeJanuary 23, 2018 - Empower RF is announcing wide availability of their fielded Model 2203 high power HF amplifier operating from 1 to 30 MHz delivering a minimum of 1 kW CW.

Designed for enabling or disrupting HF signal transmissions, this compact and durable rack mount amplifier is the newest member of Empower's Next Generation product portfolio. Sharing the families common hardware and software architecture , the Next Generation family is now in use on mission critical applications covering 1 MHz to 6 GHz. The 2203 is capable of operating in Multi-Domain scenarios as a jamming and/or communications transmitter at optimal performance with any type of modulation (AM, FM, Multi-tone, Pulse, PSK, FSk and Complex Digital Modulation).

The 2203 is designed with the latest 50 V LDMOS device technology which lowers transistor count and reduces combining losses while increasing efficiency and reliability. In addition to the standard array of user configurable, multi-mission mode settings, this amplifier offers user selectable "Graceful Output Power Degradation," backing down power to a safe operating level in the event of component failure or excessive Load VSWR condition.

Download datasheet: http://www.empowerrf.com/datasheet/Empower_RF_Amplifier_2203.pdf

Complete Empower RF Amplifiers lineup: http://www.empowerrf.com/products/rf_power_amplifier.php


About Empower RF

Empower RF Systems is the technological leader in smart power amplifier solutions for EW, Threat Simulation, Radar, Communications, EMC and Product Test. Incorporating the latest semiconductor and power combining technologies with a patented architecture, we build the most sophisticated and flexible COTS system amplifiers in the world. Solutions range from tens of watts to multi-Kilowatt and include basic PA modules to intelligent scalable rack systems with AGC and ALC output modes. In addition to best-in-class SWaP, our Next Generation amplifiers have sophisticated RF detection to maximize efficiency for a variety of modulation schemes including QAM-xx, OFDM, Multi-tone, Pulse, AM, FM, and more.



Corporate Offices:

Empower RF Systems, Inc.

316 W. Florence Avenue

Inglewood, CA 90301

P: +1 (310) 412-8100

F: +1 (310) 412-9232





Posted January 25, 2018

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