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Vector Network Analyzers - Get Started with the Fundamentals

Rohde & Schwarz Fundamentals of Network Analysis Primer - RF CafeNovember 19, 2018 - Rohde & Schwarz USA (R&S USA) has produced a primer titled, "Fundamentals of Modern Vector Network Analyzers - Primer."

One of the most common measuring tasks in RF engineering is the analysis of circuits, from simple filters and amplifiers to complex satellite communication modules. As an extremely versatile test instrument, a VNA is the ideal equipment for quickly and precisely uncovering signal integrity problems, such as reflections and crosstalk. This primer describes the fundamentals of vector network analysis, as well as practical instructions for improving accuracy, performing calibration, and making typical linear and time-domain measurements.

In this primer you will learn about:

  • Introduction to Network Analyzers
  • Scattering Parameters (S-Parameters)
  • Best Practices for VNA Accuracy
  • VNA Calibration Techniques
  • Linear VNA Measurements
  • Reflection Coefficient
  • Transmission Coefficient
  • Group Delay
  • Time-Domain Measurements

Vector Network Analyzer analyzer block diagram - RF Cafe

About Rohde & Schwarz USA

Founded more than 80 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz is one of the world's leading manufacturers of information and communications technology products for professional users. Initially focusing on RF engineering and RF applications in test and measurement, radiocommunications and broadcasting, the company has continually expanded its fields of activity over the past decades. In the meantime Rohde & Schwarz has also become one of Germany's largest manufacturers of IT security products.


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Posted November 20, 2018

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