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EDI CON Online Announces Speaker Line Up and Platinum Sponsors

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EDI CON Online - RF Cafe

Online, interactive event taking place September 10-12 gives engineers free access to training sessions without leaving the office.

EDI CON Online Announces Speaker Line Up and Platinum Sponsors - RF CafeJuly 16, 2019 (Norwood, Mass.) - EDI CON Online, a new interactive event being held online September 10-12, 2019, has announced its line up of technical session speakers. The interactive technical sessions will occur at no cost to attendees, and sponsors have the opportunity to present workshops and keynote sessions as part of the daily schedule.

The sessions on September 10th will focus on 5G and IoT, September 11th on radar and antennas, and September 12th on signal integrity and power integrity. Attendees select the sessions for the online event in a single sign-on registration portal and can participate in as many sessions as they wish live (with question and answer sessions) or watch later on demand. Sessions are produced on a multimedia platform, including video, traditional webinar, and screen sharing formats.

EDI CON Online is pleased to announce that Rohde & Schwarz, Mini-Circuits, and Samtec will be the Platinum Sponsors of the event and will be producing each day's opening keynote, respectively. Here is a list of the speakers currently scheduled for technical sessions at EDI CON Online.

September 10, 2019: 5G/IoT (including EMC/EMI)

  • Design of a Fully Integrated, Surface Mount 3.5 GHz Doherty GaN PA for 5G Applications, Robert Smith, Plextek RFI
  • EMC Success Strategies for the Internet of Things, Mike Violette, Washington Laboratories & American Certification Body
  • 5G Phased Array Antenna Design, Anil Pandey, Keysight Technologies
  • mmWave Will Be the Critical 5G Link, Joe Madden, Mobile Experts Inc.
  • 5G and the Future of Low Latency Applications, Caroline Y. Chan, Intel Corporation

September 11, 2019: Radar/Antennas (including EMC/EMI)

  • A Three-Step Process for Radiated Emissions Troubleshooting Success, Ken Wyatt, Wyatt Technical Services, Inc.
  • Near-Field Antenna for RFID Tag Inspection, Scott Best, SiberSci, LLC
  • MIMO Radar for Vehicles, Eli Brookner
  • Metamaterials for Electronic Scanning, Wideband Antennas and Stealth/Cloaking, Eli Brookner
  • Latest Trends in Active Electronically Scanned Antennas (AESAs), Joseph R. Guerci, IEEE Fellow

September 12, 2019: Day 3: SI/PI

  • Characterizing the VRM, Steve Sandler, Picotest
  • Best Design Practices to Eliminate Ground Bounce in Your Next Product, Eric Bogatin, University of Colorado, Signal Integrity Journal, and Teledyne LeCroy

  • Test Fixture De-embedding for PCB Characterization and Material Extraction, James L. Drewniak, Missouri S&T
  • High-Speed Interconnect Design and Correlation at 112 Gbps PAM: How does this affect me?  Scott McMorrow, Samtec
DDR/LPDDR Board Design for Signal and Power Integrity, Shalom-Shlomi Zigdon, The College for Board Design and PCB Engineering at Israel

Workshop and Track Sponsorships are still available. Potential sponsors can contact their MWJ/SIJ sales representatives for more information or go to www.edicononline.com. Attendees who wish to be alerted when registration is available can indicate their interest here https://www.edicononline.com/register/.


EDI CON uniquely brings together RF, microwave, EMC/EMI, and high-speed digital design engineers and system integrators for networking, training, and learning opportunities. Attendees come to EDI CON to find solutions, products, and design ideas that they can put into immediate practice for today's communication, defense, consumer electronics, aerospace, and medical industries. Drawing attendees from both the analog and digital spheres, EDI CON enables designers to see techniques and technologies used in other applications that could be applied or adapted to solve their latest design challenges. At EDI CON CHINA, the exhibition hall features product displays, demonstrations, interactive sessions, speed trainings, networking opportunities, and educational talks that address all aspects of design, simulation, test, and verification. EDI CON Online brings this same type of learning directly to engineers' desktops. More information at www.edicononline.com.

About the Organizers

EDI CON is organized by Microwave Journal, the Signal Integrity Journal, and the event planning division of their parent company, Horizon House. Microwave Journal, Signal Integrity Journal, and Horizon House also team with Microwave Journal China and ACT International (Hong Kong) to organize and produce EDI CON China (May 12-13, 2020  in Beijing, China). An experienced and well-established organizer of targeted events, Horizon House additionally organizes European Microwave Week (EuMW) on behalf of the European Microwave Association (EuMA). To subscribe to Signal Integrity Journal, visit www.signalintegrityjournal.com. To subscribe to the Microwave Journal, visit http://www.mwjournal.com.


Contact Info

Carl Sheffres

Publisher & EDI CON Sales Director

Phone: +1-781-619-1949

E-Mail: csheffres@mwjournal.com

Web: http://www.mwjournal.com



Posted July 17, 2019

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