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Rohde & Schwarz EMC Control Room - RF Cafe

Explore an EMC Control Room & Chamber without leaving your desk. Use mouse scroll to zoom in/out, left mouse button to rotate, right mouse button to pan.

Explore an EMC Control Room & Chamber without leaving your desk. Our new Interactive EMC Solutions online tool allows you to discover our exceptional range of Rohde & Schwarz EMC and field test equipment, as well as a custom chamber. Decades of experience in the field of EMS measurements has made us the world market leader. By clicking one of the two images, you'll enter a 3D world you control.

Rohde & Schwarz EMC Anechoic Chamber - RF Cafe

EMC Anechoic Chamber - Use mouse scroll to zoom in/out, left mouse button to rotate, right mouse button to pan.



Comparison of Time Domain Scans & Stepped Frequency Scans in EMI Test Receivers - RF CafeWhitepaper: Comparison of Time Domain Scans & Stepped Frequency Scans in EMI Test Receivers

SPR 16-1-1-compliant test instrument with time domain scanning capabilities. The paper compares the measurement speed and level measurement accuracy of a conventional stepped frequency scan versus an advanced FFT-based time domain scan. It also contains guidance on making optimum use of time domain scans.

Download Whitepaper


R&S®ESW EMI Test Receiver - RF CafeR&S®ESW EMI Test Receiver

The R&S®ESW is an EMI test receiver with outstanding RF characteristics, including high dynamic range und measurement accuracy. It meets the most stringent requirements for certification measurements in line with CISPR, EN, MIL STD-461, DO 160 and FCC.

Key Facts

  • EMI Standard-compliant
  • Meets exacting demands
  • Preselection filters & preamplifier
  • FFT-based time domain scan
  • Ultrafast measurements


About Rohde & Schwarz

Founded more than 80 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz is one of the world's leading manufacturers of information and communications technology products for professional users. Initially focusing on RF engineering and RF applications in test and measurement, radiocommunications and broadcasting, the company has continually expanded its fields of activity over the past decades . In the meantime Rohde & Schwarz has also become one of Germany's largest manufacturers of IT security products.



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Posted August 30, 2019

Windfreak Technologies SynthHD PRO - RF Cafe

RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe