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Transient Specialists App Note 218: LV 124 & Other Test Solutions

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Transient Specialists - RF Cafe


Burr Ridge, IL – March 4, 2019 - Transient Specialists, a leader in electromagnetic compatibility rentals for over 40 years, is excited to bring forward EM Test Application Note 218 for the PA5840 and Autowave for OEM LV 124. This test solution allows for a cost-effective option requiring minimum equipment and can be utilized in conjunction with preexisting test equipment.

EM Test - Autowave

  • Arbitrary Waveform Generator
  • 5/10 VDC Signal Output
  • Software with Preexisting Waveforms

Teseq – PA5840

  • DC Programmable Power Supply
  • Both 100 Amp & 25 Amp available
  • 18 kW power simulate
  • Simulates 12, 24, & 42 V

Transient Specialists App Note 218: LV 124 & Other Test Solutions - RF CafeTransient Specialists conveniently located in the mid-west offers a variety of EMC test equipment rentals to accommodate your testing needs. Our rentals include technical support on the equipment, weekly and monthly rentals, and 2 days each way of transit time free with each rental. With the experience and equipment Transient Specialists is solution when testing needs to be completed and capital funds are limited.


About Transient Specialists

Since 1978, Transient Specialists has been at the forefront of EMC test equipment rentals. They offer flexible rental periods and a variety of products from different suppliers to meet testing needs. The relentless drive to exceed customers' expectations by quickly providing solutions and excellent service has helped distinguish themselves within the industry.

Transient Specialists Customers - RF Cafe

Contact Info

Transient Specialists

7704 S. Grant Street

Burr Ridge, IL 60527

Phone: 1+(866) 364-7368

E-Mail: info@transientspecialists.com

Web: transientspecialists.com



Posted March 7, 2019

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

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Temwell Filters