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VidaRF Broadband Power Dividers for 698 MHz to 2.70 GHz - RF CafeHuntersville, North Carolina - April 22, 2019 - VidaRF, a manufacturer of high performance RF and microwave high performance circulators, isolators, couplers, power dividers, and other passive components, is proud to introduce a series of broadband Power Dividers covering 698 MHz through 2.70 GHz for all wireless applications from cellular through UMTS. Available in 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8-way with SMA, N, QMA or alternative connector configurations. VidaRF is focused on being a solution provider by building to customer specs and offering zero days lead time for custom parts through stock and ship program.

Custom Design

At VidaRF, your custom component needs are standard. We say that because not only will we be happy to build your needed components to whatever your specs are calling for – we will do so in record time and within your budget. VidaRF is in a unique position to meet both your target price and your deadline. If you are in the design stage – let our experienced team of RF engineers assist you in deciding on what components will best fit your needs. If you are further along and know what you are looking for, just fill out the Request A Quote form and tell us what you need.


About VidaRF

VidaRF serves the Microwave and RF industry with high performance Isolators, Circulators, Power Dividers, Couplers, RF Connectors, Adapters, Cable Assemblies, Attenuators, and Terminations. VidaRF was founded on a simple premise – service. Sure, we offer reliable, high quality RF components that are cost effective and custom built to fit each customer's application. But at VidaRF, we are about customer service; what we call the VidaRF difference. From the beginning, our goal has been to make VidaRF different by way of an overwhelming commitment to our customers RF component needs.


Contact Info:


11330 Vanstory Drive

Huntersville, North Carolina 28078   USA

Phone: 877-777-8432

Website: https://www.vidarf.com

E-Mail: sales@vidarf.com



Posted April 23, 2019

DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe
Temwell Filters

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