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Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

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LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe

VNA Master Class: Effective Use of VNA "Channels" for Efficient Measurement and Analysis

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Copper Mountain Technologies logo - RF Cafe


Senior RF Design Engineer Brian Walker will be your host.

VNA Master Class: Effective Use of VNA "Channels" for Efficient Measurement and Analysis - RF Cafe

VNA Master Class: Effective Use of VNA "Channels" for Efficient Measurement and Analysis

Indianapolis, Indiana, December 9, 2020 - Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT), a leading developer of innovative RF test and measurement solutions for engineers all over the world, will present a free webinar entitled "Effective Use of VNA 'Channels' for Efficient Measurement and Analysis." Tune in on Tuesday, December 15th, at 11:00 AM EST. The webinar is free, and you can dial in for interactive participation. CMT Senior RF Design Engineer Brian Walker will be your host as he describes how "Channels" on a VNA are a very effective way of making a series of complex measurements simultaneously. Often it is important to visualize a number of different operational parameters of a circuit while performing tuning or during production test. In this short webinar Brian demonstrates how one might effectively use two or more channels to make useful measurements. The full agenda includes allocating traces vs. allocating channels, setting up multiple channels, calibration, and demonstration of simultaneous frequency and power sweep. A Q&A session is planned at the end.

Dial-in Number: 1 (312) 248-9348

Dial-in ID Number: 194963#

Dial-in Passcode: 9548#


About Copper Mountain Technologies

Copper Mountain Technologies develops innovative RF test and measurement solutions for engineers all over the world. It is based in Indianapolis with sales offices in Singapore, London, and Miami. The company pioneered metrology-grade USB VNAs in 2011 and continues to push for innovation and change in the industry, offering a broad range of USB vector network analyzers, calibration kits, and accessories for 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm impedance from 9 kHz to 110 GHz. The VNAs use software for Windows® or Linux® operating system on an external computer, PC, or tablet. CMT VNAs are used by engineers in defense, automotive, materials measurement, medical, broadcasting, telecommunications and other industries. All CMT VNAs include application and automation support, and years of our engineering expertise at your disposal.


Contact Info

Copper Mountain Technologies

631 East New York Street

Indianapolis, IN  46202 | USA

Phone: 1-317-222-5400




Posted December 11, 2020

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