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EMC Directory - The Largest Online Directory of EMC Testing Labs - RF CafeMay 27, 2020 - EMC Directory is the largest online directory of EMC / EMI Testing labs. The website makes it easy for users to find EMC labs based on their location and testing capabilities. Users can specify the application like Automotive, Radio Technology, Industrial, Medical etc. to find labs that can carry out the test in a specific region. They can also find labs based on the testing directive like CISPR 11, FCC Part 15 (Sub part b) or ISO 10605.

EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) testing is performed to ensure that the electronic devices:

  1. Have sufficient immunity to electromagnetic interference
  2. They do not create excessive electromagnetic radiation

EMC Testing is a very important area for most engineers and companies. Regulatory bodies around the world like FCC (USA), CE (Europe), have placed limits on the levels of emissions that electronic and electrical products can generate. And in order to help in this process of product development, accredited EMC Testing companies provide users with test services.

The EMC Directory website - www.emc-directory.com – has listed the leading EMC Testing labs from around the globe. Here are some popular filters that users can select:

  1. EMC Testing Labs in United States
  2. EMC Testing Labs in United Kingdom
  3. EMC Testing for Automotive Products
  4. EMC Testing for Medical Technology Products

Visit the website to learn more. We are constantly adding new labs and expect to have significantly more companies added over the next few weeks.



About EMC Directory

EMC Directory is the largest directory of EMC / EMI Testing companies on Internet. We have listed the leading EMC / EMI Companies from around the world and made them searchable by their location and capabilities - Emission Testing, Immunity Testing, CE/FCC Marking Certification etc.



Website: emc-directory.com



Posted May 28, 2020

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe
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