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Linx Technologies Launches White Bronze N Connectors

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Linx Technologies - RF Cafe


Linx Is Adding Two 5G Antennas

Linx Technologies Launches White Bronze N Connectors - RF CafeDecember 8, 2020 - Linx Technologies, a Merlin, OR, based developer and manufacturer of antennas and connectors, is pleased to introduce a series of white bronze N-type RF connectors. Linx N connectors excel in a wide range of applications including Internet of Things (IoT), cellular IoT (LTE-M/Cat-M1 and NB-IoT), cellular LTE, LPWA, industrial, automotive, aerospace, and military applications.

The new Linx N connectors are available in a variety of styles, including surface mount, PCB mount, and cable-crimp mount. Linx is also offering N to N and SMA to N adapters, providing flexibility in design and integration through a range of solution options.

The N connector series from Linx Technologies uses white bronze plating, offering superior performance over gold and nickel products, to reduce distortion caused by passive intermodulation (PIM) and to provide for greater corrosion resistance. The N connectors also offer low insertion loss and VSWR to 11 GHz.

Linx N connectors are available today via Linx Technologies' distributor and manufacturer representative networks. For larger quotes, please contact Linx Technologies at For more information about the N connectors, please visit


About Linx Technologies

Linx Technologies strives to make every engineer a hero in record time™ by minimizing the risk, delays, and technical challenges for design engineers to make their products wireless and connect to the Internet of Things (IoT). Linx manufactures wireless components including antennas, modules, remote controls and RF connectors. If you choose to incorporate our components in your design, we relentlessly focus on ensuring your successful product launch. Our tag line is Wireless Made Simple™, meaning that we specialize in making the complex world of radio frequency easy for engineers of all skill levels to use. Unlike other wireless suppliers, every aspect of our products, documentation, support, and design experience are specifically crafted to achieve Wireless Made Simple.

Contact Info:

Jackie VanZelst

Marketing Manager

Linx Technologies


Phone: 1-541-472-3771




Posted December 9, 2020

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